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Renee Sieveri

Social Media 4 Social Change:

1.) Connecting

a.) Social media allows others to reach an audience and build a platform. You can

connect to others through other forms of communication like print, broadcasting,

radio, and so many other outlets. Social media is a new window for others to

communicate with the entire world. No matter what, social media brings together

people with the same interests and causes conversation! Through my experience

with my SM4SC project, I noticed I had the most interaction on Twitter and

Instagram and the least interaction on Facebook and LinkedIn. I loved talking

about dance for my project and other people that had a strong interest in it as well.

2.) Creativity

a.) I noticed that everyone designs the look of their platforms on social media

differently, each picture viewed has some connection to the person running it.
Personally, I love sunflowers and including them in my bio on Instagram made it

feel more fun and added a bit of uniqueness. A picture says a thousand words but

what truly matters is how you interpret it the most. Aesthetic is also a huge factor

when creating your accounts, I found it most pleasing to make my Twitter theme

pink instead of blue so I would stand out. Social media allows you to express

yourself in so many different ways!

3.) Relationships

a.) Social networking is about relationships. This is possible by sharing, interacting,

and building human emotion online to your audience. For my SM4SC project, I

interacted with other students by re-tweeting their tweets and creating Instagram

stories. When making my playlist I asked my audience for songs they wanted to

listen to on it and a few people answered! Engaging with consumers is super

important for brands trying to build themselves up.

4.) Delivering

a.) Delivering good content is crucial in social media because you want to please

your audience but, also you have to broaden your strategies. Listening and

knowing how to attract people to your content is the most beneficial way to

succeed. For example, for my SM4SC project I created a playlist for people to

broaden their music taste and get creative with different ways to move to the

words and beats. I felt that it was the most effective way to be a part of that

audience because most of the songs, I danced to. The playlist got amazing

feedback as well!

5.) Subscriptions

a.) At one point for this class, we had to subscribe to Google Alerts that helped us

blog about events in the world that are related to our SM4SC project. I never

knew what an RRS was before this class and it made me realize how fast you can
get news delivered to yourself personally. For myself, I used words: dance, music,

soul, movement in dance, and choreography; it helped me get so much news on

those topics in a short amount of time. I used those to help write my blogs and it

definitely made my life a lot easier than searching the internet for hours for the

perfect article to write about. RRS subscriptions seem like they are very essential

to a successful blog.

6.) Followers

a.) Since my platforms were public, anyone could follow them and that somewhat

bothered me because I was never sure if random people I don’t know are actually

interested in what I’m doing or if they were spam. The ratio of followers and

following is important which is why I only followed dancers, other SHU students,

my professor, and some celebrities in the music industry. There will be situations

where you might have to block someone but thankfully, I did not need to do that.

It’s important for other businesses to be aware of spam and “ghost followers”
because if they do not interact with you then they’re simply just a number. Your

main focus as a business person should be those that interact with you daily and

support you. It would also be very unprofessional to purchase your followers as

well because then, again, they would only be a number and less people to interact


7.) #

a.) Hashtags are very prominent in social media, they help you find pictures quicker

that relate to a certain topic. The cool thing about them is that anyone can create

one and use them. They also help conversations open up easier because it’s

obvious that the person searching for that specific topic is interested and will

stumble upon your post. For this class, we had to use #SHUSocialMedia and

when you view it you see all tweets, Instagram posts, and much more from other

students at SHU. I love the fact that we have our own hashtag and it’s a great way

for SHU students to interact with each other, not just from this course.
8.) Goals

a.) It’s important as a business to create specific goals and achieve them, especially

when you announce them. I set the goal to give tips about freely moving in dance

and create a playlist that would accommodate everyone. Thankfully, I achieved

those goals and enjoyed the process of doing so. You must also think before you

speak because if you promise something to your audience and do not deliver

whatever it was, then you disappointed those looking forward to it and it could

cause your followers number to decrease. Brand awareness, loyalty, and

engagement is everything in the social media marketing business.

9.) Never Say Never

a.) The great thing about social media is that it is never too late to start it! Social

media is only growing larger and stronger which means it’s open to all levels.

Yes, there are some age restrictions on some platforms but it’s an open space for

everyone to get creative and do whatever they want with their profile. I didn’t

think I would have the 46 followers I gained on my Instagram account for my

SM4SC project after creating it less than a month ago. It’s amazing how there are

so many different people posting whatever their heart desires and having fun with

it, that’s what it’s all about.

10.) Change

a.) People in this industry are changing society rapidly. Social media has enhanced

the way companies sell products, the way people participate in conversations on

different platforms, the way families stay in touch, and have helped people fall in

love. Through my SM4SC project, I hope I changed the way people think about

dance when listening to music because I was at a workshop this semester and I
learned that dance comes from the heart and the way you move paints a picture,

the song only supports it. Social media is an incredible thing that will continue to

touch and change peoples lives forever. Taking this class has definitely changed

my perspective on social media for the better.

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