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Puncak bertindak sebagai kanta cembung

The crest acts as convex lens

Puncak menumpukan sinar cahaya untuk menghasilkan garis cerah
The crest converge the light rays to form the bright line.
Lembangan bertindak sebagai kanta cekung
The trough acts as concave lens
Lembangan mencapah sinar cahaya untuk membentuk garis gelap.
The trough diverge the light rays to form the dark line.
Panjang gelombang sebelum dan selepas
melalui celah adalah sama.
The wavelength does not change before
and after passing through the gap
Sebelum melalui celah, muka gelombang
Before the gaps, the wave fronts are
Muka gelombang bengkok bila melalui celah.
The wave fronts bend when passed through the gaps
Muka gelombang membulat apabila melalui celah kecil.
The wave front is circular when the gap is smaller.
Pembelauan lebih jelas apabila saiz celah kecil.
Diffraction is more obvious when the size of the
gap is small.
• Bina benteng bercerun • Build a slanting barrier
• Mengurangkan laju / tenaga gelombang• Reduce speed / energy of the wave
apabila kedalaman air berkurang when the depth of water decreases
• Permukaan benteng kasar / poros / • The surface of the barrier is made
tidak rata rough / porous / uneven
• Untuk mengurangkan kesan pantulan • To reduce reflection of the wave
• Bina banteng tinggi. • Build the new jetty at the bay
• Air tidak melimpah ke jeti • Water is calm in the bay.
• Bina jeti baru di teluk • Water is spread according to the
• Air di teluk lebih tenang. shape of the bay
• Bina banteng dengan celah kecil di
• Build a barrier with small opening
sekeliling teluk.
surround the bay.
• Pembelauan boleh berlaku di celah
• Diffraction happens at the opening
supaya gelombang disebarkan. Tenaga
so can spread the energy or reduce
dan amplitude berkurang.
amplitude of the wave
Pembelauan ialah penyebaran atau pembengkokan
gelombang apabila melalui celah atau halangan
Diffraction is the spreading or bending of waves as
it enter a gap or an obstacle.
Pembelauan kurang jelas. Tenaga atau
amplitud gelombang bertambah.
Less diffraction. Wave energy or amplitude

Lebih banyak kerosakan pada pelabuhan.

More damage on the harbour.
Sumber yang hasilkan gelombang dengan
sama frekuensi dan beza fasa yang sama
Source that produce waves with same
frecuency and same phase different

• The ship moves up and down with

• Kapal terumbang ambing di A higher amplitude at A
• Inteferens membina berlaku di A • Constructive interference occurs at A
• Kapal kekal pegun di B • The ship remain calm at B.
• Inteferens memusnah berlaku di B • Destructive interference occurs at B
• Terletak di teluk • Located at the bay
• Air tenang • Water is calmer
• Tembok penahan bercerun • Sloping retaining wall
• Kurangkan laju bila kedalaman • Slow down the speed as depth
berkurang decreases
• Permukaan yang tidak rata • Uneven surface
• Menyerap tenaga dan kurangkan • Absorb energy and reduce
amplitud gelombang amplitude of the wave
• Tembok penahan tinggi • High retaining wall
• Melindungi dari ombak tinggi / • Protect from high wave / prevent
elakkan air melimpah. water from overflowing
• Pilih W • Chose W
• Terletak di teluk, tembok penahan • Located at the bay, sloping retainin
bercerun, permukaan tidak rata dan wall, uneven surface and high
tembok penahan tinggi retaining wall
Frekuensi / panjang gelombang
Frequency / wavelength
• High pitch, high frequency / pitching
is directly proportional to frequency
• Frequency is inversely proportional to
wavelength / high frequency shorter
• Short wavelength will diffract less, so
• Kelangsingan tinggi, frekuensi tinggi. only student C can hear
• Frekuensi tinggi, panjang gelombang • Sound easily diffracted during low
pendek. pitch sound which has low f, long λ so
• Pembelauan kurang jelas jika panjang students at A, B, C can hear.
gelombang pendek. Hanya pelajar C boleh
• Bunyi dengan kelangsingan rendah,
mempunyai frekuensi rendah.
• Maka λ panjang supaya bunyi lebih mudah
dibelaukan. ketiga2 pelajar boleh dengar.
Criteria Reason
1 Diameter besar 2 Menerima banyak isyarat
3 Sama dengan panjang 4 Isyarat difokuskan /ditumpukan ke
fokus penerima // sinar selari

5 Microwave 6 Frekuensi tinggi // tenaga tinggi

7. Tinggi 8. Isyarat tidak dihalang
9. Pilih K
10. Kerana ia mempunyai diameter besar, sama dengan f, guna
mikrowave dan lokasi di tempat tinggi.
Criteria Reason
1 Large diameter 2 Receive ( more) signal

3 Same as focal length 4 Signal focused/ converge (to the

receivers // give out parallel beam

5 Microwave 6 Has high frequency // high energy //

7. High 8. The signal is not blocked

9. Choose K
10. Because it has large diameter, Same as focal length, use
microwave and locate at high position.
v = fλ
λ = 1500
s = vt/2
v = 2s = 2 x 90 = 1500 ms-1
= 0.03 m // 3 cm
t 0.12
Panjang gelombang ialah jarak
antara dua puncak / lembangan
Wavelength is the distance
between two successive
crest / trough
1st : Panjang gelombang merah
lebih panjang.
2nd : jarak antara pinggir merah
dan hijau adalah sama.
3rd : Jarak antara dua pinggir
berturutan cahaya merah
lebih besar daripada cahaya
4th : jarak antara pinggir-pinggir
bertambah bila panjang
gelombang bertambah
5th : Interferens
1st : wavelength of red is larger
2nd : distance is equally space in
red fringe or green fringes
3rd : Distance between two
successive fringe of red is greater
than green.
4th : The fringes separation
increases with the wavelength
5th : Interference
1st : Pada waktu malam, darat lebih
cepat sejuk
2nd : bunyi bergerak daripada udara
sejuk ke udara panas
3rd : laju bunyi bertambah.
4th : Gelombang bunyi dibias
menjauhi garis normal @
bengkok ke arah pemerhati.
1st : At night, the ground cools
2nd : sound travels from cool air to
hot air
3rd : speed of sound increases
4th : Sound waves refract away
from normal line (bend
towards the observer )
Modification Reason
Pemantul parabolic Haba ditumpukan.
Parabolic reflector Heat will be focused
Permukaan berkilat / licin Pantulan lebih berkesan
Shining / smooth surface Reflection will be effective
Diameter besar Lebih banyak haba dapat
Larger diameter dikumpulkan
More heat will be collected
Diletakkan pada titik fokus. Haba ditumpukan ke cerek
Placed at the focal point Heat converge to kettle
Mengadap matahari Boleh kutip lebih banyak tenaga
Facing the sun solar.
Can collect/capture more solar
1. Gendang bergetar
2. Molekul2 udara bergetar
3. Hasilkan kawasan mampatan
dan regangan.
4. Arah getaran molekul udara
selari dengan arah perambatan
5. Tenaga dipindahkah.
Gelombang membujur 6. Gegendang telinga bergetar.
1. Drum vibrate
2. Air molecules vibrates
3. Produce compression and
rarefaction region
4. The direction of vibration of air
molecule is parallel to
the direction of propagation of
Transverse wave 5. Energy is transferred
6. Eardrum vibrates
Sudut di kawasan panas lebih besar
Angle in warm region is bigger

Lebih panjang panjang gelembung,

lebih tinggi laju gelombang.
The longer the wavelength, the higher
the speed
Panjang gelombang kawasan panas
lebih panjang.
Wavelength at warm region is longer
Terbias menjauhi garis normal.
Refracted away from normal line.

Pancarkan gelombang Mempunyai tenaga tinggi
microwave Higher energy
Transmit microwave
Frekuensi lebih tinggi Tenaga tinggi supaya menembusi atmosfera
Higher frequency Higher energy so can penetrate atmosphera
Diameter penerima yang Untuk menangkap / memantulkan banyak
besar isyarat
Large diameter of the receiver To capture / reflect more signal
Menggunakan stesyen geganti Untuk mengatasi pelembapan
/ satelit To overcome damping
Use relay station / satelite
Terletak di tempat tinggi. Tiada halangan / liputan lebih luas
Located on the higher position No blocking / wide coverage
1. Kelawar pancarkan gelombang ultrasonic.
The bat emits ultrasonic wave
2. Gelombang itu dipantulkan semula
oleh halangan.
The wave are then reflected back by the
3. Masa antara pancaran dan penerimaan
gelombang dipantulkan di kesan.
The time between the emission and
Gelombang ultrasonic ialah gelombang
reception of the reflected is detected
bunyi yang mempunyai frequency lebih 4. Semakin lama masa, semakin jauh
dari 20 000 Hz. halangan. S = vt/2
Ultrasonic wave is sound wave which has The longer the time, the further the
frequency more than 20 000 Hz obstacle s = vt/2
1. 100 ms = 0.1 s
2. D = 1450 x 0.1 /2
3. = 72.5 m

1. λ = 1450 / 40 000
2. = 0.03625 m
1. Pembesar suara diletakkan di tempat tinggi.
2. Untuk mengelakkan halangan
3. Jarak antara dua pembesar suara adalah besar.
4. Jarak antara dua bunyi berturutan / antinode, x kecil
5. Bahan digunakan untuk tutup dinding daripada papan lembut
6. Mengelakkan gema
7. Microphone diletakkan di belakang pembesar suara.
8. Untuk mengelakkan bunyi bising
9. Pilih Y
10. Tempat tinggi, jarak a besar, papan lembut, dan mikrofon
diletakkan di belakang pembesar suara.
1. The loud speakers is put at high place
2. To prevent blocking
3. The distance between two loud speakers is large
4. The distance between two loud sound is small
5. Soft board material
6. Avoid echo
7. Microphone is Behind the speaker
8. To avoid noise / humming
9. Choose Y
10. High place, large distance, soft board and
microphone behind the speakers

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