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Proceedings of the 3 p IEEE

Conferenceon Dedsion and Control

Sydney, Australia December, 2000

Adaptive Emergency Braking Control Using a Dynamic

Tire/Road Friction *Model*
Jingang Yis, Luis Alvarezj, Roberto Horowitzt and Carlos Canudas de Wit7
+lf Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-1740, USA
Instituto de Ingenienb Universidad Nacional Autdnoma de Mixico, 04510 Coyoachn DF, M&iw
(I Laboratoire d'Automatique de Grenoble, UMR CNRS 5528, ENSIEG-INPG, ST. Martin d'Ht'es, Ftvlnce

Abstract the tire/road friction characteristics and the gain of the

braking system allows vehicles to adjust their spacing for
A controller for emergency braking of vehicles in Auto- safety and to broadcast this information to the road-side
mated Highway Systems (AHS) is designed. The scheme infrastructure that can modify overall traffic conditions,
is based on the estimation of both the LuGre tire/road if necessary.
friction dynamic model and the braking system gain.
The controller estimates the tire/road relative velocity Literature for tire/road friction estimation is abundant.
which achieves maximum braking force based on a quasi- Bakker et al. [2] and Burckhardt [3] describe two ana-
static solution of the LuGre friction model and sets the lytical models for tire/road behavior that are intensively
master cylinder pressure to track that relative velocity. used by researchers in the field. Kiencke [SI presents a
This control system is designed t o work in conjunction procedure for real-time estimation of p. The hypothesis
with antilock-braking-systems (ABS) providing two ad- in [7] postulates that by combining the slip and the initial
vantages: less chattering during braking and a source of slope of the p versus X curve it is possible to distinguish
a priori information regarding safe spacing. between different road surfaces. In [5] and [12], braking
and traction control are carried out without knowledge
1 Introduction of the optimal point of maximum friction force by use of
sliding mode controllers. Alvarez et al. [l]gives an on-
The concept of Automated Highway Systems (AHS) is line estimation of the road/tire friction coefficient and an
expected to significantly increase current highways safety emergency braking controller based on that estimation
and capacity. A .+'e fault handling in AHS can involve with underestimation of the peak slip and peak friction
emergency braking maneuvers [9]. Safety during this values. Most of above work are based on the pseudo-
emergency braking is closely related to the braking ca- static model for the road/tire friction estimations. A
pacity of vehicles that changes with the degradation in dynamic model for the road/tire characteristics and a
system performance due to adverse environmental con- traction controller are presented by [4]. In this paper
ditions, gradual wear of AHS components and highway we use such dynamical model to derive a pseudo-static
topology. From the perspective of emergency braking, formula with proper boundary conditions of contacting
the braking capacity is mainly determined by two factors: patches between tire and road and then use it for emer-
tire/road friction and available braking torque. These gency braking control.
factors are not easy to determine precisely since their
behavior is complex and the associated variables diffi- The paper is divided in five sections. In section 2, the
cult to measure. LuGre tire/road friction model and a vehicle dynamic
model are developed. In section 3 a stabilizing con-
The goal of this paper is to design an on-line scheme for troller for emergency braking is designed, assuming that
vehicles to estimate their own tire/road friction charac- all state variables are measurable. Simulation work is
teristics and the overall gain of the braking system. The illustrated in section 4 and section 5 contains concluding
wheel relative velocity that achieves maximum braking remarks and directions for future work.
effort in a quasi-static LuGre friction model solution is 2 Tire/road Friction and Vehicle Models
estimated on line, assuming that the tire/road friction
model dynamics is much faster than the vehicle braking In this paper we utilize the so called LuGre dynamic
dynamics. This information is used to design a controller friction model [4] given as
that achieves near-maximum braking effort. Knowing
*Research supported by UCB-ITS PATH grants MOU-373.
t Corresponding author; Email:

0-7803-663&7/00$10.00 0 2000 IEEE 456

where 8 is an unknown parameter of the tirelroad con- then for constant velocity v we have
ditions, = TW - v is the relative velocity, h(v,) =
p c ( p a - pc)e-l-
, a0 is the rubber longitudinal
stiffness, a1 is the rubber longitudinal damping, a2 is
the viscous relative damping, p 8 is the normalized static -Fn02 vr
friction coefficient, p c is the-normalized Coulomb fric- where
tion, and v8 is the Stribeck relative velocity.
Vr X y=1-- 0 1 1771
77 = ;=-nx) rwh(v,) '
and X = 1 - r w f v is the longitudinal slip ratio. This
formula is similar to the traction case derived in [4] that
considers the angular velocity w to be constant. X E
[0, 11 is used in [4] while q E (-CO, 01 here.

Remark 1 In the pseudo-static curve in Eq. (5) derived

here we assume constant velocity. If velocity changes,
the curve changes as well. However, by taking a look
Figure 1: A schematic of one vehicle wheel with distributed at the dynamic equation for the internal state z we find
force that it changes much faster than the vehicle dynamics.

Therefore, we can make the assumption that, for each
time step, this formula can be used to calculate the ap-
The dynamic model in Eq. (1) is a lumped parameter proximated maximum peak value for the braking force
model with only one internal state z. As discussed in [4] produced by the tire f road friction.
it is also possible to obtain a distributed friction dynamic
model by assuming the existence of a contact patch be- Remark 2 The static curve in Eq. ( 5 ) is a function of
tween the tire and the road (see Fig. l.) Following the longitudinal slip ratio A. In the braking case it has been
same procedures as those given in [4] for the traction defined as X := . When the vehicle's velocity be-
case, we can develop a quasi-static curve magic curve for comes very small, the relationship does not have real
the braking case. Construct a distributed model as physical sense. However, since we are interested in find-
ing a controller strategy for braking the car at fairly high
{ x(C,t)=vr-#bz
Fdsr= s , " ( ~ o d+~ 0162 + ~2vr)GFndC (2) speeds, we can use this approach for large velocities and
establish a lower bound vmin 40 obtain good braking;
with boundary conditions as i.e. putting an upper bound X for the maximum slip
ratio A,, E [0, x]
in Eq. ( 5 ) . In this paper we put
bz(0,t ) = Bz(L,t)= 0, Vt 2 0, (3) x
= 0.4, which corresponds to v = 2.4m/s given the
where bFn = F, f L and L is the length of the patch dynamic model parameters in Table 1.
which is assumed to be constant. Assume that v and w
are constant and %(C, t ) = 0 within an small enough Remark 3 The distributed model given by Eq. (2) is
interval of time, namely a quasi-static condition, then we consistent with the lumped model given by Eq. (1) in
have the following sense: assuming that the patch region does
not change with time and defining
%(C) = - W 5
{ d(0) = S(L) = 0,
d z C E (0, L )

Defining q = v,. frw and solving the above equation for

c5z(C) with initial condition &(I;) = C = 0, we obtain we have

Calculating the friction force term by term using Eq. (2)
we obtain we know that


“0 01 02 05 01 05 06 01 OB 00 1

Figure 2: Comparison between the dynamical model and

the magic formula for a tested tire in braking case
with v = 30mph and 8 = 1 in the model.

Table 1: Parameters used for the static curve by Eq.(5).

Similarly, we can find the friction force given by Eq. (2)
using the state Z as Parameters Values Units

F =~ +
: ( U O ~ Z~ 1 6-
i CT2V,)6Fnd(
0.011 s/m
Ds 0.5 -
VS 10.0 mls
note that L 0.25 m

klLdidC =
To model the longitudinal dynamics of the vehicle we
consider the LuGre model [4]together with vehicle dy-
namics as:
+E [6z(L,t ) - 6z(O,t ) ]
L i= -

h(v7 1
JW = -rFx - u,w - ur (10)
mQ= 4Fx- Fa,
where CT, is the coefficient of the viscous resistance mo-
therefore ments, Fav = C,v2is the aerodynamic force, U, is the
traction/braking torque, and Fx is the traction/braking
force given by the tire/road contacting. The braking
force Fz is given by
Remark 4 Comparing the lumped LuGre dynamic
model in Eqs. (8) and (9) with the lumped model Fx = F,(UOZ+ ~ l + i~ 2 ~ 7 ) (11)
in Eq. (l),we found that the lumped model for the
Define the state variables as
tire/road dynamics can be obtained by using the trans-
formation in Eq. (6) and converting the PDE in Eq. (2) x 1 := z, x2 := U , ,x3 := U , = rw -v
into the ODE in Eq. (8).
and rewrite the system dynamics in Eq. (10) as
We compare the pseudo-static curve in Eq. (5) obtained
from the dynamical model, against the magic formula for
one of the tested tires in [ll].Fig. 2 shows the results
using the formula in Eq. (5). From the figure we can see
that the dynamical model can fit the tested data very
well. The parameters for the dynamical model are listed
in Table 1.

g is the gravity constant and Caw = Calm. We assume step At, we assume that, for the vehicle braking control
all four wheels of the vehicle applying the same braking system, the internal state of the friction dynamic model
force. For simplicity, we assume no road slope at this converges to its steady-state. Thus, the maximum decel-
moment, and that weight of the vehicle is distributed eration can be approximated well by Eq. (16). When w
evenly on the four wheels. We can relax these assump- is small, we just bound w by Wmin.
tions later. For the state variable 2 3 we have
Arrange the system dynamics (12), (13) and (14) as
X3 = -(g + J ) [CO21 + g l ( Z 3 - 6f(z3).1)] 21 = 2 3 - fi(x)6
- g o 2 2 3 + cavxs - -(22
+x3) X2 = f2(x) - [gmf1(x)I 6 (18)
k3 = f 3 ( x ) - [(Yoifi(X)] 6 - 5Kbpb
- !-KbPb
J (14)
In the above equation we use the formula U , = KbPb,
where Kb is the brake coefficient gain and Pb the brake
pressure which is the controlled variable.

When emergency braking control is to be achieved, the

estimation of the braking system gain Kb is important.
This gain is uncertain and changes with temperature, --
J (z2 + 23)
vehicle velocity, physical wear and other parameters. If
Kb is properly estimated, braking control can be realized Define
using the pressure in the master cylinder as the control
input. For this purpose consider the relationship pro-
posed in [6, 101 between the brake pressure Pb and wheel
braking torque U , where XmaX(6) is the peak value of the longitudinal slip
X under current conditions based on the estimated pa-
rameter 6 given by Eq. (17). Differentiate 5 to obtain

Adaptation of Kb is important because its value can drop k = X3 + X 2 ~ m a z+ ~ 2 A m a z

down to 60% of its normal value in some circumstances. r
= --K& - [QOifi(X) 4-g ~ i f i ( X ) X m a z ]8
In the following section the adaptation of Kb is realized J
in the context of the design of the emergency braking + [fs(x) + x 2 i m a x + ~ m a z f 2 ( ~ ) ]
= d&Pb -k B1 (x)6 + p2(X) (19)
3 Controller Design where

Our control goal is to achieve 2 2 -+ 0 and 2 3 -+ 2 3 d , d = - TJ, Bi(X) = - [a.ifi(X) +g ' l f l ( x ) ~ ~ Q X ]

where 2 3 d is the unknown maximum relative velocity.
We now try to approximate X3d by using the results of ~ 2 ( x ) = [f3(x) + x 2 i m a i + ~ m a z f i ( x ) ].
the previous section for the dynamic model. We define
Let Ma := &
be the adaptation variable and define the
23d(6) := - X m a z ( 6 ) 2 2 (16) error variables
X := -w,/w is the longitudinal slip ratio for the braking
case and
Let the control input Pb as

where 7 > 0 is a control gain. Then the dynamics for 5

Note that from section 2 we can produce a static curve for
an infinitesimal time; i.e. constant velocity holds. Thus,
in Eq. (19) can be arranged as
we use the calculation from the static formula given by
Eq. (5) as an approximation for Amax when w is large
enough, because the internal friction model dynamics is
much faster than the vehicle dynamics. During each time

s2/m2, J = 2.603 Kg ' m2, R = 0.323m and take the
road characteristic parameter to be 8 = 1 , the brake
coefficient gain Kb = 0.9,therefore M = 1/Kb = 1.11.
We simulate a vehicle starting an emergency braking ma-
neuver at the initial velocity v = 30m/s, by applying the
designed controller without an observer. Fig. 3 shows the
vehicle's velocity change as well as the internal state z
and the relative velocity vp = TW - v.

; : ,10

05 1 15 2 25 3 35
x 104 n
I"! stsb z

"0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 35

we obtain

v = --?I82 5 0, - 0 05 1 15 2 25 3 35

By Lyapunov's theorem, (ii = %,e= 0, = 0) is a

Time (sac )
stable equilibrium point and 8, 8 and Mb are bounded. Figure 3: Vehicle velocity v (mls),internal state z and rel-
Notice that ative velocity vr (mls).
v = -277Ii The controlled brake pressure and the sliding surface er-
rors are illustrated in Fig. 4. The adaptations of param-
is bounded. Thus, by Barbalat's Lemma, 5 + 0 as t + eters 8 and Kb are plotted in Fig. 5. From the simulation
00, and
results we find that the vehicle stopped quickly with an
23 + -&"(e)52. almost constant deceleration (around 8m/s2)and both of
the parameters Kb and 8 converge to the true values re-
Remark 5 In our controller design we assume that all spectively 0.9 and 1.0. Using this control, we can achieve
state variables are measurable. However, in reality, we braking around its peak value at each transient time, and
can only measure the angular velocity; i.e. w. Therefore, this can be seen from the Fig. 6, which shows the friction
we need to implement a state observer. The synthesis coefficient and slip during the emergency braking. Note
of combined controller and observer design can be found that the slip ratio converges to the value estimated by
in [13]. the dynamic model.

Remark 6 Even if we can calculate the dynamic sur- 5 Conclusion

face by Eq. ( 5 ) , we still need to compute its time
derivative. We approach this by numerical differentia- In this paper we discussed emergency braking control un-
tion which can be easily implemented. A low-pass filter der unknown tire/road conditions and brake conditions,
is used to smooth the control input due to numerical based on the dynamical friction model. We explored con-
noise. trol design for brake pressure by assuming that vehicle
velocity and the internal state are measurable. We used
the static maximum slip as an approximation for the
4 Simulation Results maximum deceleration when vehicle has fairly high lon-
gitudinal speed. The simulation results show that the
In the simulation we take the parameters from the vehicle can be stopped as quickly as possible by appli-
LeSabre cars used in the California PATH program. cation of this controller. Compared with previous static
These parameters are: M = 1701.0 K g , C a = 0.3693 N . approaches [l]and the experimental tire data, we found


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