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It was an beautiful Tuesday morning. Unlike a typical Tuesday, it is the public

holiday. My dad and mum was promised us to bringing us to the newly-opened mall in the

town. When we arrive our destination, have lots of cars. To my observation, throngs of

avid shoppers had arrived the shopping mall. It took us 15 minutes to find a parking lot.

Although it was really tiring, the excitement and happiness were still flowing in the air.

The shopping mall had crowded. There were seas of people. It was a mammoth

shopping mall with endless rows of shops. Shopaholic would definitely loves the mall. It

was truly a shopper’s paradise. After some shopping, we caught a movie at the cinema.

The movie was fantastic. After watching the movie, we decided to having a lunch at the

famous eateries at the basement.

When we reached the restaurant of our choice, I saw a girl stand alone in front

of the restaurant. She looked lost and she crying. My mother and I smelled some fishy

and approaching the girl to check her out. We asked her about her parents but all we

could hear is her sobs get louder. Her tear-stained face so helpless. We knew that she

did not know where her parents were. We comforted her to stop her from cry. Finally,

she shook her head fearfully telling us she was lost.

Without second thought, we brought the little girl whose name is Falin to the centre

management. The lady working there made an announcement about Falin by using

announcement system. She kind and beautiful, she even gave Falin a sweets. After a few

minutes, a woman came in a fast pace. She lookinf very worry. When she saw Falin, she ran

towards and hugged her tightly with a cry of joy. Falin was happy and she was hugged her

back. Mother and daughter reunited at last.

The mother is grateful and thanked us sincerely. She explained that she was too

engrossed in a conversation with her old friend and she does not realise the missing of her

daughter. She felt really bad for being so careless. She then thanked us again and went away.

Watch them walk away, a sense of contentment and fulfilment was filled my heart. I was

happy that j had done a good deed. However, I have learn some lesson from this incident. In

order to avoid losing a young child at the shopping mall. Parents should always hold their

child’s hand. They should also make sure that their children are with them all the time. My

mother and I went back to the restaurant and had a big feast as we had done a good deed.

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