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Study Questions for Chapter 19

1.  Which of the following arteries is one of the 4.  Which of the following muscles will the lat-
first branches to form from the axis artery? eral cord of the brachial plexus innervate?
(A) Radial artery (A) Triceps
(B) Ulnar artery (B) Supinator
(C) Axillary artery (C) Extensor carpi ulnaris
(D) Median artery (D) Extensor digitorum
(E) Brachial artery (E) Biceps brachii

2.  The humerus develops from which of the 5.  During weeks 6–8, the upper limb will rotate
following? (A) Medially 90°
(A) Somite mesoderm (B) Laterally 90°
(B) Lateral plate mesoderm (C) Medially 180°
(C) Intermediate mesoderm (D) Laterally 180°
(D) Extraembryonic mesoderm (E) No rotation occurs
(E) Sclerotome mesoderm

3.  The long head of the triceps muscle develops

from which of the following?
(A) Posterior condensation
(B) Anterior condensation
(C) Lateral plate mesoderm
(D) Extraembryonic mesoderm
(E) Sclerotome mesoderm


# 151596   Cust: LWW   Au: Dudek  Pg. No. 231 C/M/Y/K
Answers and Explanations

1. D.  The median artery is one of the first branches to form from the axis artery. In the adult, the
median artery does not persist and is probably reduced to a small unnamed vessel. This is why
the median nerve does not have an accompanying artery in the adult like the ulnar nerve (ulnar
artery) and radial nerve (radial artery).
2. B.  All bones of the upper limb form from lateral plate mesoderm that condenses alone the
­central axis of the upper limb bud.
3. A.  Somite mesoderm migrates into the limb bud and forms two condensations. The posterior
condensation of the upper limb gives rise to the extensors of the upper limb, which attain a
­posterior location in the adult because of the lateral rotation of 90°.
4. E.  One of the nerves that form from the lateral cord of the brachial plexus is the musculocuta-
neous nerve. The musculocutaneous nerve will innervate muscles derived from the anterior
condensation (flexors). The biceps brachii muscle is a flexor at the elbow joint. Note that the
biceps brachii muscle and the musculocutaneous nerve are related embryologically to the
anterior condensation and anterior divisions (which form the lateral cord) and in the adult are
located anterior. This occurs because of the lateral rotation of 90°.
5. B.  The upper limb rotates laterally 90° so that the elbows point posteriorly.


# 151596   Cust: LWW   Au: Dudek  Pg. No. 232 C/M/Y/K

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