Ceiling Fan

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Performance Evaluation of Permanent Split-

Capacitor Single-Phase Induction Motor for
Ceiling Fan Application
D. Ishak*, T. L. Tiang, S. K. Choy
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia.

Abstract — The parameters of a permanent split-capacitor stator flux will induce current in the rotor bars, hence producing
single-phase induction motor can be estimated by conducting the rotor pulsating flux acting along the same axis as the stator flux.
DC test, blocked rotor test and no-load test which later can be used According to Lenz’s law, these two fluxes will oppose each
to facilitate the prediction of motor torque-speed characteristics. other. Therefore, no starting torque is developed as the angle
To improve further its performance, an exact motor model is between these fluxes is zero. Double revolving field theory
simulated and investigated in 2D finite element analysis under
states that stator magnetic field can be decomposed into two
influence of different capacitor values, winding turn ratio and
impedance ratio. A prototype is built and tested. Experimental rotating magnetic fields, each of equal magnitude but rotating in
results are compared with those obtained in 2D finite element opposite directions. Forward field rotates in the direction of
analysis. mechanical movement, whereas backward field rotates in the
opposite direction [4-5].
I. INTRODUCTION As stated in [6], torque is only developed when the motor is in
running condition, which can be done by spinning the motor
Due to its simplicity in construction and easy availability of
manually or using auxiliary circuit. Let the mmf along rotor
single-phase power supply in almost every household, single-
angular position ߠ for sinusoidally distributed stator winding be
phase induction motors (SPIM) have been used for a long time
‫ܨ‬ሺߠሻ ൌ ܰ݅ …‘• ߠ (1)
for trivial and repetitive chores. They are also often used in where N = the effective number of turns of the stator winding
light-duty industrial applications where three-phase supply is and the stator current i is given by
not readily available. They are robust, almost free of ݅ ൌ ‫ܫ‬௠௔௫ …‘• ߱‫ݐ‬ (2)
maintenance, relatively cheap and have reasonable efficiency Therefore, the MMF is given by
and operating torque [1]. Compared with a three-phase ‫ܨ‬ሺߠǡ ‫ݐ‬ሻ ൌ ܰ‫ܫ‬௠௔௫ …‘• ߠ …‘• ߱‫ݐ‬
induction motor, SPIM is simpler in construction but it is more ேூ ேூ
ൌ  ೘ೌೣ …‘•ሺ߱‫ ݐ‬െ ߠሻ ൅ ೘ೌೣ …‘•ሺ߱‫ ݐ‬൅ ߠሻ
complicated to be analyzed and modelled through an equivalent ଶ ଶ

circuit [2]. SPIM is not self-starting machine since its torque due ൌ ‫ܨ‬௙ ൅  ‫ܨ‬௕ (3)
to single-phase winding alone would only cause the motor to Although rotating in different directions, the forward rotating
vibrate instead of rotating. mmf Ff (rotating in the direction of ߠ) and the backward rotating
In order to create a starting torque for SPIM, a phase-shifted mmf Fb (rotating in the opposite direction of ߠ) produce a useful
net torque except when the rotor is at standstill. This is because
magnetic field has to be generated. This is normally
during standstill, the forward and backward torques are equal in
accomplished by having main and auxiliary windings in
magnitude, therefore, they cancel each other. Whereas at other
quadrature to ensure that the auxiliary winding current from the speed, the unequal torque produced will keep the rotor rotating
main supply is phase shifted [3]. There are several types of in direction of rotation. The slip with respect to forward field
SPIM which use the concept of main and auxiliary windings to can be represented as
start the motors such as split-phase, capacitor-start, capacitor- ௡ ି௡
‫ݏ‬௙ ൌ  ೞ ೘ (4)
run and capacitor-start capacitor-run. A rotating magnetic field ௡ೞ

can be produced if two-phase symmetrical ac voltages excite the The slip with respect to backward field can be represented as
main and auxiliary windings that are wound 90° elect. apart ݊௦ െ ሺെ݊௠ ሻ
‫ݏ‬௕ ൌ 
around the stator air gap. However, in reality, a common single- ݊௦
݊௦ ൅ ݊௠
phase source feeds both windings. Therefore, a capacitor is ൌ
normally connected in series with the auxiliary winding to ݊௦
generate leading phase current in order for the SPIM to self-start ʹ݊௦ െ ݊௦ ൅ ݊௠
by producing sufficiently high starting torque. ݊௦
ൌʹെ‫ݏ‬ (5)
II. DOUBLE REVOLVING FIELD THEORY Again, double-revolving field theory is used to analyse the
qualitative and quantitative performance of the single-phase
When the rotor is at standstill and the stator winding is induction motor. It is also used to obtain the equivalent circuit
connected to single-phase ac supply, the generated pulsating of single phase induction motor including the effects of forward


field and backward field. To estimate equivalent circuit ோ ᇱ

˃݆ͲǤͷܺଶᇱ ൅ ͲǤͷ మ for any s except s=1). It also implies that
parameters, both no-load and locked-rotor tests are performed.
forward impedance Zf is always larger than the backward
Magnetizing reactance can be obtained using the no-load test
impedance Zb , hence, the forward voltage Ef is always bigger
results. Stator and rotor leakage reactance and stator referred
than the backward voltage Eb.
rotor winding resistance can be computed using locked-rotor
Traditional method to obtain single-phase induction motor
test data [7].
parameters can be carried out using no-load test and blocked
rotor test with the auxiliary winding opens. However, in our
III. MATHEMATICAL MODELING case, auxiliary winding parameters is also included when
SPIM is equivalent to a secondary short-circuited transformer obtaining equivalent circuit for permanent split-capacitor
when the rotor is at standstill and the stator winding is excited motor, even though the rest of the procedure in obtaining main
with single-phase supply. Using double revolving field theory and auxiliary parameters is the same as normal single-phase
as discussed earlier, qualitative and quantitative performance of induction motor. That is why the equivalent circuit for
SPIM can be analysed. Due to the effect of forward and permanent-split capacitor motor is slightly different from the
backward fields, the equivalent circuit is split into two halves. equivalent circuit of other single-phase induction motor such as
If the SPIM is running at some speed and certain slip s in the split-phase induction motor [8,10]. The equivalent circuit
direction of forward field, the forward field induces rotor considering the auxiliary winding effect is shown in Fig. 2.
current at frequency of sf (slip, s multiplies with the stator It is noted that in permanent split-capacitor SPIM, the main
supply frequency, f ). The rotor mmf rotates at the slip speed winding flux can be resolved into main forward flux and main
with respect to the rotor but at synchronous speed with respect backward flux. The auxiliary winding flux can also be resolved
to the stator. Forward air gap flux that induces the voltage Ef is into auxiliary forward flux and auxiliary backward flux.
produced by the resultant of the forward stator mmf and the Voltages are induced in both main and auxiliary windings due
rotor mmf. The equivalent circuit of forward rotor part reflected to the forward and backward revolving fluxes in main and
ோ ᇱ
to the stator side has impedance of ݆ͲǤͷܺଶᇱ ൅ ͲǤͷ మ as shown auxiliary windings.

in Fig. 1. From Fig. 2, the main winding equivalent circuit includes Efm
I1 R1 X1 and Ebm which are the voltages induced by its own forward flux,
Øfm and backward flux, Øbm respectively. The fluxes from the
auxiliary winding, Øfa and Øba also induce voltage -jEfa/a and
jEba/a in the main winding, which can be represented as internal
0.5 X2' voltages, and a is the turn ratio of auxiliary winding Na to the
main winding Nm. The –j in the induced voltage represents a
0.5 Xmag phase lag of 90o since Øfa induces voltage in the main winding
that peaks 90o later. On the other hand, a voltage of jEba/a
0.5 R2'/s
induced in the main winding means that the voltage peaks 90o
earlier. From Fig. 2, the auxiliary winding equivalent circuit

V1 includes Efa and Eba which are the voltages induced by its own
forward flux Øfa and backward flux Øba respectively. The fluxes
from main winding Øfm and Øbm also induce voltage jaEfm and -
0.5 X2' jaEbm in the auxiliary winding, which can be represented as
internal voltages.
0.5 Xmag
R1m X1m Xc R1m X1m

0.5 R2'/(2-s) .. ..

Xf (a^2)Xf

.. ..

Rf (a^2)Rf
Fig. 1. Equivalent circuit of SPIM with rotor rotating at slip s.

-jEf,aux/a jaEfm
On the other hand, rotor circuit current at frequency of (2-s)f

Vm Va
is induced by the backward rotating field. The corresponding
Xb (a^2)Xb
rotor mmf rotates in the air gap at synchronous speed in
backward direction. A voltage Eb is produced by the resultant of Rb (a^2)Rb
the backward stator mmf and the rotor mmf. The equivalent
circuit of backward rotor circuit reflected to the stator side has

ோ ᇱ j Eb,aux/a -jaEbm
impedance of ݆ͲǤͷܺଶᇱ ൅ ͲǤͷ మ as shown in Fig. 1.
It can be noted that the forward flux is always greater than
ோ ᇱ (a) (b)
backward flux at slip other than s=1 (since ݆ͲǤͷܺଶᇱ ൅ ͲǤͷ మ
௦ Fig. 2. Equivalent circuits of permanent split-capacitor SPIM (a) main
winding. (b) auxiliary winding.


Consequently, Xmag can be determined. Therefore, it is obvious

For testing SPIM, [9] is referred. DC test, blocked rotor test that from dc test, blocked rotor test and no-load test, R1m, R1a,
and no-load test are carried out in order to obtain motor R2’, X1m, X2’, Xmag can be computed. The auxiliary stator
parameters. leakage reactance is obtained from the equation:
X1a = a2X1m (18)
After removing the capacitor in the auxiliary winding, dc ଵ
Zc = (19)
voltage is applied across the stator winding and the dc current is ௝ଶ௽௙஼
then measured. Stator winding dc resistance R1m thus can be
computed. To obtain the auxiliary winding dc resistance R1a, To simplify the calculations of obtaining SPIM parameters,
main winding is made open and dc voltage is applied across the Zf = Rf + jXf
ೃ ᇲ
auxiliary winding. The dc current is then measured. ௝଴Ǥହ௑೘ೌ೒ ሺ௝଴Ǥହ௑మᇲା଴Ǥହ మ ሻ
௏ = బǤఱೃమᇲ

Main winding resistance ܴଵ௠ ൌ  ೏೎ǡ೘ೌ೔೙ (6) ೞ
ା௝଴Ǥହሺ௑೘ೌ೒ ା௑మ ᇱሻ
Zb = Rb + jXb
ೃ ᇲ
௏೏೎ǡೌೠೣ ௝଴Ǥହ௑೘ೌ೒ ሺ௝଴Ǥହ௑మᇲା଴Ǥହ మ ሻ
Auxiliary winding resistance ܴଵ௔ ൌ  (7) = బǤఱೃమ ᇲ
ூ೏೎ǡೌೠೣ ା௝଴Ǥହሺ௑೘ೌ೒ ା௑మ ᇱሻ


Applying Kirchoff’s Voltage Law on Fig. 2,
In blocked rotor test, the rotor is held at standstill while Vm = (Z1m + Zf + Zb) Im – jEfa/a + jEba/a (22)
exciting main winding with blocked rotor voltage VBR such that Va = jaEfm – jaEbm + (Zc + Z1a + a2 Zf + a2 Zb) Ia (23)
the blocked rotor line current IBR equals the rated current.
The blocked rotor resistance RBR is computed as Since in SPIM, only one power supply is applied to the motor,

ܴ஻ோ ൌ  మಳೃ (8) we know that Vm = Va = 240‫ס‬0° V. The input current,
The blocked rotor impedance is given by I s = I m + I a. (24)
௏ It is also noticed that
ܼ஻ோ ൌ  ಳೃ (9) Efa = Iaa2Zf (25)
Blocked rotor reactance is thus computed as Eba = Iaa2Zb (26)
ܺ஻ோ ൌ  ඥܼ஻ோ ଶ ଶ
െ  ܴ஻ோ (10) Efm = ImZf (27)
Rotor winding resistance R2’ is then computed as Ebm = ImZb (28)
ܴଶ ′ ൌ  ܴ஻ோ െ  ܴଵ௠ (11) Therefore the equations (22) and (23) can be simplified as
Assuming that the stator and rotor leakages to be equal, X1 = X2’ below:
= 0.5XBR. Therefore, R1, X1, R2’ and X2’ can be determined. Vm = (Z1m + Zf + Zb) Im – ja (Zf – Zb) Ia (29)
Va = ja (Zf – Zb) Im + (Zc + Z1a + a2 Zf + a2 Zb) Ia (30)
There is no eddy current induced in rotor bars and slip=0 when Solving these two equations simultaneously, Im and Ia are
motor is rotating at synchronous speed [3]. Rotating mmf obtained. The air gap power due to forward and backward flux
produced by stator winding is also rotating at synchronous can be expressed as below:
speed. The test is called as no-load test of induction motor where Pgf – Pgb = (|Im|2 + |a Ia|2) (Rf – Rb) +
rotor region becomes part of the stator region and magnetic flux 2a|Im||Ia|(Rf + Rb)sin (Ɵa – Ɵm) (31)
paths is completed through rotor region. From [9], rated voltage
VNL is applied during no-load test, and current INL and power Since P = Tω, the operating torque for the SPIM is expressed as
PNL are measured at no-load. For s = 0, the rotor resistance of below:
ோ ᇱ ୔୥୤Ȃ୔୥ୠ
forward branch is assumed to be infinite as the term 0.5 మ T=
௦ ఠೞ೤೙೎
ோ ᇱ
approaches infinity. This makes rotor branch ݆ͲǤͷܺଶᇱ ൅ ͲǤͷ మ T=
ሺȁ୍୫ȁమ ାȁୟ୍ୟȁమ ሻሺୖ୤Ȃୖୠሻାଶୟȁ୍୫ȁȁ୍ୟȁሺୖ୤ାୖୠሻୱ୧୬ሺƟୟȂƟ୫ሻ
௦ భమబೣ೑ మഏ
becomes open-circuit, leaving only Zf = j0.5Xmag. ೛
At standstill where s=1,
PBL = IBL2 (R1m+R2’) (12) By running the motor at different speed, or in other word
ZBL = VBL/IBL (13) different slip, s, different torque can be obtained and from here,
ZBL2 = (R1m + R2’)2 + (X1m+X2’)2 (14) torque-speed characteristic of the SPIM can be plotted.
In normal case, X1m is usually assumed to be equal to X2’.
At no-load, slip s=0, In order to obtain high accuracy of parameters estimation, 2D
PNL = INL2(RNL) (15) finite element method (FEM) is used to build motor models.
ZNL = VNL/INL (16) This is because FEM includes the consideration of the real
= [RNL2 + (0.5Xmag + X1m + 0.5X2’)2 ]1/2 (17) representation of the complex machine geometry, correct spatial
distribution of stator winding, actual representation of winding


distribution on the stator slots, magnetic saturation and non- Consequently, torque-speed profile of permanent split-capacitor
linear behaviours of the iron materials. These considerations SPIM can be plotted. Fig. 4 shows the magnetic field
provide accurate calculation of electromagnetic fields and distribution across motor area during no-load test.
estimation of machine parameters.
A 18-pole permanent split-capacitor SPIM model is built V. EXPERIMENT
using Opera2D, a 2D finite element software from Cobham During the experiment, the main and auxiliary winding
Technical Services. The rotor consists of 65 bars. The outer resistances (R1m and R1a) are determined from the DC test.
layer of the stator slots is for main windings whereas the inner Variable dc supply is used to vary the applied voltage to the
layer of the stator slots is for the auxiliary windings, as shown main winding while the auxiliary winding of the motor is left
in Fig. 3. This motor has external rotor structure which is opened. Power supply is increased slowly until the current
rotating while the inner stator core is stationary. reaches rated current of 0.35 Arms. The voltage supplied to the
main winding when current is 0.35 Arms is recorded.
Subsequently, the same procedure is repeated with the power
supply connected to the auxiliary winding and the main winding
opened. From the DC test, resistances of main winding R1m and
auxiliary winding R1a can be calculated by applying Ohm’s Law
on the voltage and current recorded. As mentioned in the
Section II, R1m and R1a are thus easily calculated.
When blocked rotor test is conducted, the power supply of
240Vrms is applied to the main winding of the motor while the
auxiliary winding is made opened. Both the rotor and stator of
the motor are kept at zero speed (standstill). The current flows
through the main winding and the average power consumed by
the motor are recorded. Fig. 5 shows the prototype motor under
Fig. 3. 2D FE model for 18-pole permanent split-capacitor SPIM with external test.

Fig. 5. Prototype motor under test

Fig. 4. Magnetic field distribution across motor area during no-load test. When no-load test is conducted, the power supply of 240Vrms
is applied to the main winding of the motor while the auxiliary
To carry out blocked rotor test and no-load test on the motor winding is left opened. The stator is at zero speed, whereas the
model in 2D FEM, the auxiliary circuit is made open by setting rotor is run at synchronous speed of about 333rpm. The current
the resistance in the auxiliary circuit to a very high value so that flows through the main winding and the average power
no current can pass through the auxiliary winding, as if it is consumed by the motor are recorded. The parameters of the
open-circuited. Circuit editor is used to couple the single-phase permanent split-capacitor SPIM is estimated by following the
ac voltage source and also to connect the appropriate slot methods and equations discussed in Section II. Torque of the
conductors into series connected main windings and auxiliary motor is calculated at different slips and the torque-speed profile
winding respectively. During blocked rotor test, command input is plotted.
(comi) file is written to set the speed for both stator and rotor to
be zero, whereas for no-load test, comi file is written to set the VI. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
stator to be stationary and the external rotor is rotated at Blocked-rotor and no-load tests were simulated in 2D FEM
synchronous speed of 333rpm. For both tests, power supply 240 rotating machine analysis. The auxiliary circuit was open-
Vrms is used. Rotating machine analysis is conducted on the circuited, while the main winding was excited with single-phase
motor model for both tests and data such as input voltage, input ac supply. Voltage, current, input average power and power
current, main current, auxiliary current and average power for factor were measured and recorded. The external rotor was at
the tests are computed. Having obtained these data, the motor rest during blocked-rotor test, and it was spinning at
parameters as discussed in previous section can be estimated.


synchronous speed @333rpm for no-load test. FEM results from trade-off that motor designer has to choose when selecting the
both tests allow the estimation of motor parameters which are most appropriate capacitor value.
as follows:
Resistance in Main winding, R1m = 300 Ω
Resistance in Auxiliary Winding, R1a = 320 Ω
Rotor resistance, R2’ = 290Ω
Leakage Reactance in Main winding, X1m = 170 Ω
Leakage Reactance in Auxiliary Winding, X1a = 223 Ω
Rotor Leakage Reactance, X2’ = 170 Ω
Magnetizing Reactance, Xmag = 711 Ω

Using the rotating machine analysis in 2D FEM, the permanent

split-capacitor SPIM was operated at synchronous speed
@333rpm and under load condition at 250rpm. Figs. 6 shows
the applied voltage and current waveforms when the motor was
rotated at synchronous speed @333rpm. The peak input current
Fig. 8. FEM prediction of torque vs speed profile for 18-pole permanent
is about 0.42A and quite distorted. This may be due to the split-capacitor SPIM under influence of different capacitor values.
effects of slot harmonics and also unsymmetrical resultant
magnetic flux in the air gap. This distortion could also be
associated with the appearance noise in the motor. Meanwhile,
Fig. 7 displays the output torque waveform when the permanent
split-capacitor SPIM was simulated to run at load condition This paper has investigated the parameters of a permanent
@250rpm. The average torque is about 1.03Nm . split-capacitor single-phase induction motor by conducting the
DC test, blocked rotor test and no-load test, which later can be
used to estimate the motor torque-vs-speed characteristics. An
exact motor model is simulated and investigated in 2D FEM
under rotating machine analysis where the blocked rotor test and
no-load test can be performed. The FEM results are obtained to
calculate motor parameters. Motor characteristics are also
computed under different capacitor values. Larger value of
capacitor would make the starting torque higher and the
operating slip smaller at similar rated load, which is very
beneficial since the motor would accelerate faster from idling
Fig. 6. Voltage and current waveforms when motor is operated at and operate at higher efficiency at rated load. But higher
synchronous speed @333rpm. capacitor’s value entails more cost and bulky capacitor size to
be installed inside the ceiling fan motor.

This work was supported by Universiti Sains Malaysia under
Short-Term Grant 304/PELECT/6033011.

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