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Takvelpa't Inrphal Ph (0385) 2058566 / ernail:- nirrrnanipur@yahoo,i:-r
An Autonomous Institurte under MHRD" Gor''I. of India

No.NITM,3l(4-Acad)lAdm/20161 2,8 Dated: 23t07t20t8

(For 2014 and 2015 batch B. Tech students)
f n partial modification to the earlierNotification No.NITM.3l(4-Acad)lAdm/2016/15 dated :221052017. thc rcviscrj
t'ee structure tbr B.Tech students admitted in academic sessiorr 2014 and 20l5 is as fbllow,s:
sl. Items l'' sern 2
sem 3to sem 4"'sem 5"'sem 6"'sgm /" seln 8"' senr
No. fee fee fee f'ee fbe fee tbe tbe
(Rs,) (Rs.) (Rs ) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs,) (Rs.) (Rs.)
il Admission fee (one tinre) | 000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
) Tuition fee + 3 s000 35000 3_5000 3 5000 3 5000 3 -s000 i5000 3 s000
All other fees | 000 r 000 r 000 r 000 r 000 | 000 r 000 | 000
Institution Development fees s000 s000 00 00 00 00 00 00
Students activirv fee r 000 I 000 r 000 r 000 l 000 I 000 r 000 r 000
6 Medical lnsurance & OPD I 200 00 | 200 00 | 200 00 I 200 00
l11y_lqqtQgt uqlq')
t'ac i

7 Caution money (Refundable) s000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

8 Grade Card fee s00 500 500 500 500 s00 s00 -s00
9 Snran lD fee 200 00 200 00 200 00 200 00
r0 Communication Skill 00 00 r 000 r 000 r 000 I 000 00 00
Development fee
ll T&P fee 00 00 00 00 00 00 ?00_0 ?qqa
t2 Alurrrni fee 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 300
IJ Desree Certitlcate fee 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 _500
l4 Prospectus Fee 300 00 00 00 00 00 00
Total (Rs) s0200 42500 39900 38500 39900 38500 40900
*- _-L__-_. _-_ _l _ ___- _ l
ln refbrence to letterNo.F.l4-512013-SC/ST dated l3l0llz}t+, Mlnrstry of Human ResourceOeuetop'nent. eoui.
of lndia' no tuition fees will be charged at the time of adrnission fronr those SC/ST students who are eligible fbr anr
kind of scholarship or financial aid frorn the Central/State Govt. w.e.f 2015-16. At the tirre ol'adnrissiorr. rhev rrra-r'
be advised to deposit the tuition f-ee with the institute as soon as they receive the scholarship arnount. Arr
undertaking to this effect may be taken fronr thenr at the time of admission.
sl. Items lt' sem 2"u sem 3'" sem 4t" sem 5"tsem 6t" sem
No fee fee fee fee fee f'ee
(Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
I Hostel Admission fee 500 00 00 00 00 00
-ooT- oo
2 Hostel Rent 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 libo-l- rsoo
Lieht and Water | 000 I 000 I 000 r 000 | 000 | 000 iboo l- lboo
+ Hostel Caution Monev 5000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
5 Mess Charge** r 9800 r 9800 I 9800 r 9800 r 9800 | 9800 t9800 I t9800
Total 28800 23300 23300 23300 23300 23300 23300 | 23300
**Mess charge may be refunded in
case of surplus or additional amount may be ctrargeO accorcling ro actual
expend itu re.
All adnrission (Academic & Hostel) fbes paynrent must be made only througlr online nrode aiailablc in
Nlr Manipur website, no other mode of transaction will be entertained.
This issues with the approval of the Cornpetent Authority.
(R.K. Lalit Singh)
Copy to :

L PS to Director, NIT Manipur for kind inforrnation.

2. Dean (AA) for kind information.
3. Admission Coordinator ( B,Tech)
4. Assistant Registrar (Admn /Academic)
5. All HODs
6. Accounts Section
7. Academic Section
8. Technical Officer fbr uploading in the Institute website.
I. Notice Boards.
I 0. Relevant fi le.

Nl'f Manipurr

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