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As I sat in meditation, I asked my

higher self / spirit/ God what was my

purpose on earth? And this is the answer
I got. Whether it is true or not, there
is no way to would finally
come down to individual experience...

We are all souls in human bodies. Since

the soul cannot experience anything
directly, it has to take the help of a
body. It is only the body/mind that can
experience emotions and suffering, joy
and unhappiness, disease and health,
gain and loss, crying and
laughing....these things the soul cannot
do directly. It has to go through the
medium of the body, and hence our body
is very important and very valuable. But
if, unlike the human body, if our body
was immortal and did not suffer disease,
old age and death, the soul would be
trapped in this one body and would have
limited experience. It has to go through
many many bodies and many births to get
an entire gamut of
experience....sometimes a
victim,sometimes a perpetrator,
sometimes a leader, sometimes a
follower, a soldier, a doctor, a healer,
a nurse, a farmer, a cobbler.....a child
with abnormalities, a cripple etc..the
list is practically endless. All these
are just roles that the soul takes on,
through the body....hence it is futile
to preserve or save the body, or to
think too much about it....or worry
about it. Yes, we do need to feed and
clothe the body, and give it rest and
relaxation. But overfoccusing on the
body is at one level useless, because
everyday, the body is aging, and moving
towards its definite end.

If the soul has come to experience

obesity, or heart disease or cancer, you
cannot avoid it....the soul has a pre-
birth contract with your body which
cannot be aborted at any cost....hence,
if we say that smoking causes cancer, we
are, of course right, but it is that
particular soul which has decided to
take up smoking. In this 3 D physical
world, we need to have cause and
effect....and hence smoking is needed to
produce cancer.....we can try as much as
we want to give up smoking...but if the
soul has decided from before birth to
experience and die from cancer, nothing
can really be done..however, if it has
decided to become a smoker and de addict
itself, or to suffer from cancer and to
heal itself, then that is what will
happen. In all this suffering, the
soul's purpose is to just gather that
experience. If we cooperate with the
soul, and take our sufferings in our
stride, and not avoid them, the soul is
likely to be quickly satisfied, and our
sufferings could be short lived.

So,..what is our role? Our role is just

to facilitiate the learning of the soul,
by being a body-mind. We are like a car,
which takes a passanger from A point to
B point...the car is valuable, but
dispensible...the passanger is most
important....and how much ever you spend
time, energy or money on the car, it has
a limited life...will eventually have to
be sold or broken down....but this does
not affect the passanger, who takes
another new car for his
journey.....since we are predominantly
identified with the body mind, we suffer
and are scared of disease and death..of
poverty, of loneliness....but for the
soul, these are just like the passing
scenery seen from the window of a
car....we don't grieve that one piece of
scenery has gone away and that we want
it back.....we remember the scenery,
feel good, maybe take few pictures, but
we move newer sceneries and
newer destinations...the soul does the
same.....but we dont know
that....because of our body mind
identification....which, of course, is
necessary, because if we knew we were
the soul and not the body, if we knew
this whole life is an illusion, or maya,
we would not play the game well, we
would not suffer or experience
anything.....experience is our
entitlement...and through us, the soul
experiences...and evolves...going higher
and higher...till it becomes one with day

It is equally true that if the soul

wants to experience a particular
emotion, and we avoid that emotion by
escapism or denial or rationalisation,
or suppression, the soul keeps seeking
that emotion and creates more instances
where the same emotions come up. So, if
fear is what we are avoiding, then since
the soul wants to experience fear, if
you avoid one instance of experiencing
fear, it will create another. If you
avoid that, it will create another. It
might even increase the intensity of
fear, so that you cannot really escape
every time. Eventually, if you have been
avoiding fear or anger or jealousy or
any emotion for a long time, the soul
decides to give you a very tough where you cannot avoid
these emotions....and in large doses.

So, the point to remember is that

specific situations and events are
created by the soul, when we use our
free will to avoid suffering or avoid
experiencing our emotions. If we were to
experience our emotions without avoiding
them, we would probably not face harsher

So, the lesson for us is to never avoid

or evade or escape our emotions...thats
the chief purpose we came here for... to
expeience all the,
happiness, sorrow, grief, guilt, shame,
embarassment, greed, lust, fear,
anxiety,, kindness, ..the
entire spectrum. The positive ones we
embrace easily, but we tend to treat the
negative emotions in different
ways....if we could just sit and
experience them as we would the positive
ones, the soul gets its share of
experience, and our sufferings would
definitely be less in this life.. that
is why the ascended masters when asked
say that life is mixture of destiny and
free will. It is the unfulfilled wants
of the soul, for various experiences,
that leads us to more stress, disease,
suffering and agony. Face the
experiences, positive and negative,
bravely, without escapism, and you can
see your life unfold in a more peaceful

Next time you are faced with fear or

sorrow or grief, dont avoid or escape.
Find the time, sit down, and feel those
emotions fully. Then see what happens.


What Are Ghosts?

ANIL RAJVANSHI presents a hypothesis on

ghosts and entities that provoke popular

All over the world and in every

civilisation, large number of cases have
been reported about ghost sightings,
poltergeist incidents, production of
materials from thin air, out-of-body
experiences and other paranormal
phenomena. It is in our interest to know
a little bit about these entities and
layers of reality.

We can perceive these layers of reality

by expanding our consciousness through a
powerful brain. A powerful brain or
processor is one which can concentrate
on a single thought for a long time.
This process is called sanyam in
Patanjali Yogasutra. Such a powerful
mind can process information from
sensory inputs effectively and hence
becomes hungry for more information and
experiences. This is the basis of mind-
expanding process.

One of the aspects of such a powerful

and evolved brain is that it also
becomes acutely aware of its
surroundings. This happens partly
because of the need for maximisation of
experience, and hence the brain seeks
ever expanding spheres of experience.
Thus, it is able to expand its horizons
to encompass our world, solar system and
the universe.

This expansion also gives us a

tremendous sense of peace, tranquillity
and perspective on our life. This is the
genesis of wisdom.

Paranormal Entities

Another reason for enhanced awareness is

that a powerful brain also becomes an
enhanced signal receiver and can easily
get information and knowledge from
external sources including the knowledge
space. As the name implies, knowledge
space is filled with knowledge, both
from present and past civilisations, and
this knowledge can be assessed by the
prepared mind. This is akin to cloud
computing in the cyberspace.

There are large numbers of instances of

advanced yogis, scientists and inventors
who have discovered the universal truths
by plucking them from the knowledge
space. This requires preparation and
tremendous concentration of the mind for
a long time.
Most people do not become aware of the
higher reality. They are constantly
reacting to the events around them. Only
when we sit still and think deeply that
we start increasing our brain’s
processing power and become aware of
higher reality.
Production of a large human brain is
still an evolutionary mystery. Its big
size cannot be explained by the
pressures of evolutionary forces alone.
Probably, it developed so that we can
understand the universe and become aware
of Universal Consciousness.

This expansion of our horizons or

yearning for Universal Consciousness
gives us an awareness of reality and
life in different dimensions. Sage
Patanjali has spoken about this reality
in one of his shlokas where he says,
“When a yogi is fairly advanced in his
sadhana, he will be approached by
celestial beings. The yogi should be
careful about such a contact and there
should neither be attachment nor
surprise, as undesirable connections can
occur again."
Interestingly, Patanjali does not
discuss the nature of these beings and
what their attributes are. Nevertheless,
many modern saints like Ramakrishna,
Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo have
spoken about these entities and have
always stressed that one should not get
entangled with them.

So what are these layers of reality?

These could be energy packets in ghost
forms and are differentiated into their
layers of existence by the energy they
possess. This is just like a quantum
state of an electron in an atom, where
the electron energy level corresponds to
various levels of its existence.

The higher-energy-level electrons are

farthest from the nucleus, whereas the
lowest-energy-level ones are closest to
it. Similarly, the lower entities remain
attached to the earth’s gravity field,
and for stability they feed on the
psychic energy of individuals. This
could also be the basis of shamanic
rituals and religion. In fact, the whole
basis of ‘sacrifice’, of both life and
food, ritual and offerings to gods might
have originated from this concept.

It is also possible that these ghost

forms are strong memories of physical
beings — both humans and animals —and
sometimes result when unnatural deaths
take place. When these psychic energy
structures interact with humans and
animals, they are capable of influencing
their minds and make them exhibit the
latent tendencies of their past
existence. Thus they can continue to
‘live’ through the medium of other
bodies and could be the basis of
possessions that have been witnessed in
all civilisations since times
immemorial. They get attached to those
who ‘will them’ and sometimes it is
difficult to get rid of them.

How are these entities formed? It is

possible that these entities are ghost
structures which remain stable even
after the physical body is dead. What is
the nature of this structure, how it
remains stable and what sustains it
remains a mystery. It is also possible
that the ghost form is a template of the
physical being and takes time to
‘dissolve’ after the physical death and
this form somehow in some cases becomes
stable and is fed by the psychic
energies. In Indian mythology, this
ghost form is sometimes called sukshma
sharira, subtle or ethereal body.

This is almost similar to Prigogine’s

dissipative structure which remains
stable because of the energy feeding it.
One example of a dissipative structure
is convection currents in a body of
water heated from below. The heated
water rises in the container and is
replaced by the cold water from top, and
thus the convection current is
developed. This convection structure
exists as long as the container gets
energy from the heat source. Similarly,
the ghost structure exists as long it
feeds on psychic energy.

The higher energy entities lose their

negative attributes and are benevolent
gods that almost all religions talk
about. Indian and other mythologies talk
about many instances where great souls
have come and ‘settled’ on earth to help
earthlings, and it is said that they
have remained ethereally on this planet.
It is also possible that all these god-
like entities are pulled to the earth by
the active memories of living beings. In
the Bhagwad Gita, Krishna tells Arjuna
that he will come to earth and will be
born again and again, whenever there is

Similarly, all great heroes, yogis and

enlightened human beings, after their
death, reach the status of gods, since
they are actively remembered by humans.
The continuous remembrance by large
number of humans creates a stable
structure for that god entity.

We should remember the higher energy

entities and benevolent gods, but we
should ask them for viveka, wisdom,
better minds and how we can help in the
betterment of mankind, and not for
mundane and petty personal favours.

Awareness of higher dimensional space

and reality can also make us fearless,
since death is a simple transition
between various forms and dimensions.

This is also the lesson of the Gita.

With fearlessness comes the ability to
do new things and follow uncharted
paths, which can give us a quantum jump
in our spiritual development and
understanding of natural forces.

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