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Monday to Friday… except Wednesday for INNA (no class)

Before School

06:00 – 07:00 AM

® Get up from bed. Pray for a new day!!!

® Help in fixing the blanket and pillows used.

®Eat your breakfast.

a. Wash hands and pray before and after eating.

b. Follow proper table manners.
c. Drink milk. Eat healthy foods. ( fruits, vegetables, fish, meat and chicken and rice etc) Less
consumption of processed foods.
® Take a bath. Use lukewarm water. Shampoo mixed with water (Vaseline). Bath soap- dove. Brush
your teeth. Use jonhson baby lotion for the body. Put powder, alconforado and cologne.
®Dressed up with the uniform, pantylet and shoes.

At School

Snacks: biscuits, sandwiches, water and juice. No junk foods and softdrinks.

Lunch : fish, chicken,meat, fruits, vegetables, rice. Less processed foods like, hotdogs, tocino, ulam

burger etc.

After School

05:00- 06:30 PM

® Dressed up with house clothes. Fixed school things. Put them in the proper places.

® If there is still a time can play outside; watch television; or use the computer.

® Pray the rosary with Mama Abeth.

06:30 – 06:45 PM

® Take a warm shower then dressed up.

06:45- 07:30 PM

®Eat your dinner. ( Observe before and after mealtime routines.)

®Take vitamins. Ceelin 5ml.

07:30 – 09:00 PM

® Study your lessons. Do your assignments.

® No television or computer usage.

09:00 PM – 06:00 AM

® Drink milk before going to bed.

® Go to the bathroom and urinate.

®Pray before sleeping.

Have a nice sleep my beautiful girls!!!!!


® Let them sleep and get up till they want to.

® Eat breakfast and take a bath.

® Let them play only inside the house. Watch television and use the computer.


®Eat lunch.

® Take a nap. ( 02:00- 04:00 PM)

® They can play outside the house after taking their afternoon nap.


® Take a warm shower.

® Pray together with Mama Abeth.

® They can watch television and use the computer.

® Go to bed at 9pm.

® Follow the same with the Saturday routine.

® Attend the morning mass.

® After the dinner, no television and computer usage.

a. Study and review the lessons for the week.

b. Prepare the things for school. ( bags, uniforms, shoes etc)

® Sleep at 09:00 PM.

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