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Lesson Plan in Biology

I. Objectives: At the end of the discussion the students should be able to:

a. define homeostasis.
b. value the importance of homeostasis in our cell and in our body.
c. take care of our cell as well as our body.

II. Subject Matter: Cell and its Surrounding: Homeostasis

Prior Knowledge:

a. Cell is a basic unit of life.

b. Environment is an external factor influencing the life and the activities of living organisms.

New Knowledge:

a. Norm is the regulation of external and internal environment.

b. Homeostasis is the maintenance of a constant internal environment in response to changes in
the changing conditions of the external and internal environment.


 Reading comprehension, speaking, listening


 Class participation, health-consciousness

III. Materials:
 You and the natural world series: Second Edition: Biology Textbook; Capco ,Yang;copyright 1995;
pp. 68-72, 81
 visual aids (pictures of fishes)
 hand out about homeostasis

IV. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity Remarks

Routine: Prayer, checking of attendance,

classroom management

Introduction: Motivation
I will present a picture and tell me what Fishes
did you see?

Where do they dwell? In the ocean/ under the sea

What will happen to these fishes if they Some of them will survive but some of
are transferred to another type of them will die
environment such as an aquarium (the student will have a hard time to
answer the question.)

(If the student has a hard to answer the (They will survive / Some of them will
question, the teacher will rephrase it, survive but some will die)
“Will they survive if they will transfer to
another environment?”)
(The students will wonder)
How do they survive if they are now It is due to homeostasis
already exposed to a sudden change of
temperature, pressure and concentration
of chemicals which is different from the
sea water? (The students will start to listen.)

(If no one knows the answer) Let’s keep it

as a hanging question and you will find
out the answer after we finish discussing
our lesson for today

(If someone knows the answer) Let’s see if

your answer is correct after we finish
discussing our lesson for today. (The students will receive the handouts)

Our lesson for today is Homeostasis in Cell (The students will start to listen)
and its environment.
It is a constant flow of energy and
I will give handouts for our lesson matter between us and the
As a living organism, we are an open
thermodynamic system

Now, what do you mean by thermo

dynamic system?

Very good

It is also a flow that is in dynamic

equilibrium, often called steady state. It
occurs at all levels of organization. From cell to tissue to organ to organ
system to organism
Everyone in the class, kindly give an
example of the level of organization.

Good, another example is the bacteria.

Bacteria are unicellular organisms. Now, if
these bacteria will group together, then
they will form a colony. There is an
occurrence of level organization.

Now let’s continue our lesson, a dynamic

steady state is continuously changing, but
there are systems that keep within a It is the regulation of internal and
certain range of norms. external environments.

What is norm?
(The students will wonder)
(The students will listen)
What if the external environment will

Through homeostasis, constant internal Homeostasis is the maintenance of

environment can regulate change of balance in response to the changes in
external environment. changing conditions, both internal and
What is Homeostasis?
(The students will listen.)

Very good, it maintains the state of

balance in response to the changes in
changing conditions, both internal and
external. This is similar to keep quiet even It came from the Greek word homoi,
if somebody is trying you to create a which means “like” or “same” and
noise. stasis, which means “standing”

What is the origin of the word No, sir


Very Good (The student will listen)

Through self-regulation
Did you know that there is a process in
order to achieve homeostasis in cell?

In a living cell, if there will be no change in

external environment of the cell and it is
stable or balance, homeostasis achieves
but if there will be a change in external
environment of a cell, the internal
environment of cell will be unstable, now Through continuous supplement of
how can internal environment be oxygen and food nutrients within the
stabilized? cell
(If no one knows the answer) Through

How do cell regulate itself?

Very good. The instability of the cell will persist.

If the cell is already self-regulated, it is

now ready to adopt the external
environmental changes. It already The cell dies
achieves the homeostasis.

But what if the cell fails to regulate itself? It may affect the other cell and the level
of organization.
This is what we call homeostatic failure.

What will happen if homeostatic failure Yes

will persist?

What will happen if the cell dies?

It is due to homoeostasis because these
Integration: fishes regulate and maintain their
Now, let’s go back on how these fishes balance to the external environment.
will survive if they will transfer to the
other environment, is it due to
homeostasis even they are already None sir.
exposed to many changes in the
Homeostasis maintains balance of
Why? changing conditions external and
internal environment. Without
homeostasis there will be imbalance
Very good. and it will lead to diseases that may
cause to our death.
Any clarification our questions about our
discussion for today?
Through aerobic exercise, balance diet
After knowing homeostasis, what could be and to have healthy life style
the importance of homeostasis in our cell
as well as in our body?

Very good

Since homeostasis is important to our cell

and our body, how could you care of your
cell as well as your body in order to obtain
homeostasis and to avoid homeostatic

V. Assignment:
Define the following terms:
a. Selective permeability
b. Diffusion
c. Osmosis
d. Tissue culture
Galimba, Maila B.
Evaluation: _______________

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