Franco 2012

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Scripta Materialia 67 (2012) 594–599

Viewpoint Paper

Magnetic refrigerants with continuous phase transitions:

Amorphous and nanostructured materials
V. Franco⇑ and A. Conde
Dpto. Fı́sica de la Materia Condensada, ICMSE-CSIC, Universidad de Sevilla, P.O. Box 1065, 41080 Sevilla, Spain

Available online 9 May 2012

Abstract—An overview of the magnetocaloric properties of amorphous and nanostructured materials which undergo second-order
phase transitions is presented, paying special attention to open problems which need to be solved to enhance the applicability of
these materials for magnetic refrigeration. The potential of composites is also highlighted, as well as the current status of modeling
these particular subset of magnetocaloric materials.
Ó 2012 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Magnetocaloric effect; Magnetic refrigeration; Amorphous materials; Nanocrystalline materials

1. Introduction materials exhibit a broader DS M peak of a smaller magni-

tude, but the width of the peak keeps RC comparable to
Magnetic refrigeration is the most straightforward or larger than that of FOPT materials. Moreover, SOPTs
application of the magnetocaloric effect (MCE). Its great- have no thermal hysteresis and, in cases like soft magnetic
er energy efficiency, when compared to refrigeration amorphous alloys, magnetic hysteresis can also be negli-
based on the compression/expansion of gases, and the gible; the material does not break due to cycling the mag-
environmental friendliness associated with the lack of netic field (which might happen in the case of
ozone-depleting or greenhouse-effect-related gases, have magnetostructural phase transitions due to the different
attracted considerable attention in recent years. Magnetic volume of the phases before and after the transition)
refrigerants need to exhibit an abrupt change in magneti- and the electrical resistivity is larger than for crystalline
zation around room temperature as a consequence of materials, which diminishes any eddy current losses [3].
phase transition. Therefore, the most straightforward An alternative, though more artificial, classification of
classification of magnetocaloric materials (MCMs) is magnetocaloric materials is according to their composi-
according to the order of the phase transition that they tion: either rare earth (RE) containing or RE free. The
undergo: either second-order (continuous) phase transi- motivation of this classification is the high cost of RE
tions (SOPT), like Gd, or first-order magneto-structural and their strategic nature. Therefore, as in many other
phase transition (FOPT), like the giant magnetocaloric fields of magnetism, there are strong trends nowadays
material Gd5Si2Ge2 [1]. There are two important param- to find alternatives to avoid the use of RE. In fact, the
eters (in addition to the adiabatic temperature change) ideal magnetocaloric material would be one which exhib-
which characterize the magnetocaloric effect: the mag- its a giant magnetocaloric effect like in FOPT but without
netic entropy change, DS M , and the refrigerant capacity, the thermal hysteresis associated with it, has an DS M peak
RC, which is a measure of the amount of heat which that is extended over a large temperature range to enlarge
can be transferred between the hot and cold reservoirs. RC, and has no magnetic hysteresis, strong resistivity,
While FOPT exhibits a large (usually giant) DS M , it is usu- good thermal conductivity (to exchange heat easily with
ally extended over a narrow temperature range, which the heat transfer medium), good mechanical properties
diminishes RC. These transitions also imply hysteretic to ensure integrity of the materials while cycling, excellent
losses and a slow time response, which would be detri- corrosion resistance, and abundant and cheap non-toxic
mental for refrigerator design, although there are at- constituent elements. At the moment, there is no single
tempts to minimize these effects [2]. In contrast, SOPT magnetocaloricmaterial that fulfills all these require-
ments simultaneously, so designers have to reach a
⇑ Corresponding author. E-mail: trade-off between all of them, in combination with the

1359-6462/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
V. Franco, A. Conde / Scripta Materialia 67 (2012) 594–599 595

refrigerator design. In fact, refrigerator prototypes are at temperatures in the 50–200 K range [9], depending on
usually constructed initially with Gd as the refrigerant, the alloying elements. Amorphization enhances the corro-
and are modified at later stages to use FOPT materials sion resistance of the material and the addition of other ele-
as an alternative. ments, usually cheaper than the rare earths, decreases the
Other manuscripts in this viewpoint set have focused total cost of the materials [11]. Both factors enhance the
their attention on FOPT materials, which is probably applicability of the alloys. Typical values are
the main focus of current magnetocaloric materials DS pk
M  3:9 J kg K1 and RC  150 J kg1 for 1.5 T [9].
research. In this article we focus our attention on less It is worth mentioning that the largest magnetocaloric re-
conventional refrigerants, like amorphous alloys, nano- sponse in transition metal-based amorphous alloys is
structured materials and composites. They possess some achieved with alloys of the FeZrB type with different addi-
of the required characteristics mentioned above, while tions of other alloying elements; replacing Zr by other
others still have to be improved. However, research on refractory element decreases the magnetocaloric response
this kind of material can help us to gain a deeper of the alloys. Also, alloying elements which enhance RC
understanding of the magnetocaloric effect and inti- have a deleterious influence on DS pk M . Therefore, a balance
mately related phenomena such as phase transitions. between the two parameters must be found.
There are still open issues in the explanation of the behav- One characteristic feature of transition metal-based
ior of these materials, which are highlighted herein. amorphous alloys which is the opposite of that of crys-
talline materials and RE-based amorphous alloys is an
2. Amorphous materials increase in magnetic entropy change with increasing
TC of the alloy (Fig. 1). This phenomenological observa-
Amorphous alloys are not the most popular magnet- tion has not been explained yet, but it is a promising fea-
ocaloric materials, because they exhibit a small value of ture for applications of magnetocaloric materials in
DS pk
M when compared to the giant MCMs (and also with thermomagnetic energy-harvesting technologies. The
respect to other SOPT materials). However, the compar- explanation of this phenomenon can enhance the appli-
ison is more favorable when RC is taken into account [3– cability of other thermomagnetic materials.
5], and this has fostered research on this kind of MCM. In the literature, there is evidence of a linear correla-
From the application point of view, there are additional tion between the magnetic entropy change peak and the
characteristics of transition metal-based amorphous al- average magnetic moment of the alloys [12–15]. There-
loys which are desirable for magnetic refrigerants, includ- fore, a strategy to optimize DS pk M would be to increase
ing very low cost, higher electrical resistivity than the magnetic moment of the alloy without modifying
crystalline materials, high corrosion resistance, tunability the position of the Curie temperature too much, as this
of the Curie temperature (TC) by alloying, good mechan- must remain close to room temperature. However, we
ical properties and negligible hysteresis. From a funda- will see in the following sections that this linear relation-
mental science point of view, the negligible magnetic ship does not emerge from the current theoretical models
anisotropy in these alloys simplifies the study of the mag- used for predicting MCE (Section 5). As a consequence, it
netic transition, making them a good testing ground to is expected that the study of broader compositional series
analyze the physics behind the MCE and to develop ther- of the same base alloy will give rise to breakdowns in the
modynamic models for representing their response. phenomenologically found linear correlation and will al-
The study of the magnetocaloric effect in amorphous al- low us to broaden our understanding of the phenomenon.
loys started back in the 1980s, with the pioneering work Most of the magnetocaloric measurements on amor-
done by Maeda et al. [6], analyzing the influence of alloying phous ribbons are made by indirect magnetization
different metallic elements to the (FeM)90Zr10 alloy series. measurements. The reason for this is that direct measure-
Belova and Stolyarov continued the studies of transition ments of the adiabatic temperature change (DT ad ) require
metal-based amorphous alloys of the FeCoSiB type [7]. a thermal mass of the sample which is larger than the mass
Shortly after those works, the focus changed to RE-based of the addenda (sample holder, temperature sensor, etc.).
magnetocaloric materials. RE-based amorphous alloys Further, although there have been recent attempts to ob-
have Curie temperatures well below room temperature [8] tain the value of DT ad of ribbons by combining numerous
and, due to the large magnetic moment of the RE (usually
Gd), exhibit a very large change in magnetic entropy [9].
Transition metal-based amorphous alloys present more
modest values, but the transition temperatures can be easily
tuned to be close to room temperature or above. At the
same time, the cost is usually lower, and they also avoid
the inconveniences of corrosion associated with RE. As a
reference, up to now, the largest RCFWHM (RC calculated
as the product of the DS M peak times the full width at half
maximum) achieved for a transition metal-based amor-
phous alloy for a field of 1.5 T corresponds to 166 J kg1
for Fe88Zr7B4Cu1 and Fe82.5Co2.75Ni2.75Zr7B4Cu1, with
Curie temperatures of 295 and 398 K, respectively [3]. Figure 1. Dependence of the magnetic entropy change of transition
Meanwhile, the alloy with the greatest magnetic entropy metal-based amorphous alloys on the Curie temperature of the
change is Fe80Zr10B10, with 1.99 J kg1 K1 for 1.5 T material. The line is a guide to the eye. The alloy composition of
[10]. RE-based amorphous alloys have their applicability individual datapoints can be found in Ref. [59].
596 V. Franco, A. Conde / Scripta Materialia 67 (2012) 594–599

pieces of sample, the measurement protocol requires cal- It is worth mentioning that the optimization of the
ibration with ribbons of a magnetocaloric material with a shape of the peak (to obtain a table-like MCE and to
similar transition temperature [16]. Therefore, the devel- broaden the peak to enhance RC) should be done specif-
opment of measurement devices to characterize the mag- ically for the magnetic field which will be applied in the
netocaloric response of these low mass samples is a refrigerator device, because the optimal fraction of
requirement for further advances in this field. We expect phases changes with the field.
the appearance, in the near future, of experimental devices
which allow for this kind of characterization. 4. Nanostructured materials

A typical application of magnetic refrigeration is the

3. Multiphase materials and composites domestic or industrial fridge. For this kind of applica-
tion, bulk materials are required due to the large mass
There are two main strategies for the optimization of of magnetic refrigerant needed. However, there are some
MCMs: (i) the design of new alloys and compounds with niche applications which can work with a very limited
enhanced performance; and (ii) the use of materials engi- amount of refrigerant material, like the refrigeration of
neering techniques for the optimization of already exist- electronic chips, microfluidic reactors and other devices
ing materials. with small dimensions. For these latter applications, the
In the first strategy, one goal is to increase the mag- use of nanomaterials is feasible. This is why studies of
netic moment, which, provided that the characteristics the MCE of nanostructured materials have become
of the phase transition are maintained, will cause a lar- increasingly popular in recent years [23–27].
ger magnetocaloric response. However, this has to be The study of nanomaterials for magnetic refrigeration
done without displacing TC far from room temperature, started with superparamagnetic nanoparticles. There was
which limits the strategies which can be used to achieve evidence of their improved performance when compared
the desired result. This is a highly desirable line of re- with paramagnetic materials due to their enlarged mag-
search but with limited expectations of success. At the netic moment [28–30]. However, their temperatures of
same time, cost reduction is a necessity, as is limiting application were well below room temperature. These re-
the use of elements which are extracted from only few sults induced researchers in the field of soft magnetic
places in the world, because the unavailability of these nanocrystalline alloys to think that the transition from
strategic materials if the geopolitical situation changes ferromagnetism (at temperatures below the Curie temper-
could endanger the ultimate success of this technology. ature of the matrix, T am
C ) to supermaramagnetism (at tem-
This leads to a trade-off between performance and cost. peratures above T am C ) [31,32] could give rise to good
The materials engineering approach is a complemen- magnetic refrigerants. Moreover, superparamagnetism
tary line of research with greater likelihood of success. could be tuned to temperatures close to room temperature
The use of known materials as building blocks for devel- by tuning T am
C [31]. Therefore, several attempts were made
oping composites, nanostructures, graded materials, etc. to study the magnetocaloric response of soft nanocrystal-
is already giving promising results. One of the reasons line alloys of the Finemet and Nanoperm families, with
for that success is the deep knowledge of the constituent different alloying elements, to tune T am
C close to room tem-
phases that has been already achieved. perature, but the results for DS M were poorer than for the
It was pointed out by Smaı̈li and Chahine [17] that the paradigmatic Gd [33–35]. Neither jDS M j nor RC improve
ideal material for Ericsson-type magnetic refrigerators through the nanocrystallization process [4,36]. However,
should exhibit a constant value of DS M in the temperature a deeper understanding of the magnetocaloric response of
range of the operation of the thermodynamic cycle multiphase materials and composites [18–20] has recently
(known as table-like MCE). This can be achieved either allowed the development of nanocrystalline alloys in
by mixing different phases [17–21] or by combining differ- which the refrigerant capacity is larger than that of its
ent magnetic phase transitions in the same material [22]. amorphous precursor [21]. The guiding principle is to pro-
Another property which can be optimized by combin- duce Gd-based nanocrystals inside the Gd-based amor-
ing different magnetic phases is RC, as the combination phous precursor, as the Curie temperatures of both
can make the peak broader (at the expense of decreasing phases are similar.
the magnitude of the peak). Modeling of the magnetoca- Another kind of nanomaterial is magnetic nanoparti-
loric response of biphasic materials has shown that RC cles, the MCE of which is not usually large, though the
can be enhanced by 90% with respect to the initial pure peak covers a wide temperature span [37]. This can some-
phases if the appropriate selection of the Curie tempera- times enlarge RC. In the case of materials with an FOPT
tures of the phases and the fractions of the constituents in the bulk, nanostructuring can produce a decrease in
is made [20]. It has been shown that in a biphasic system MCE by losing the first-order character of the phase tran-
the majority phase should be that with the largest TC, sition [38]. A special case is the effect associated with sur-
and that the addition of minority phases with a TC much face spin disorder in core–shell nanoparticles, which
larger than the main phase can decrease the RC of the produces a sizeable MCE [23]; being a second-order or-
composite to a large extent with respect to that of the main der–disorder transition, it can be studied using the tech-
phase. These results from numerical calculations have re- niques developed for Curie transitions [27].
cently been confirmed by experimental measurements on a It has been shown recently that nanostructuring can
layered composite [19]. Nevertheless, there is still room for alter not only the quantitative response of a material,
improvement of RC following this strategy, as the whole but also its qualitative behavior, which can be com-
parameter space has not yet been covered. pletely different from that of its bulk counterpart [24].
V. Franco, A. Conde / Scripta Materialia 67 (2012) 594–599 597

In the case of arrays of self-organized nanowires, the It has been demonstrated that the magnetocaloric re-
application of the magnetic field perpendicularly to the sponse of amorphous alloys can be properly modeled
wire axis provokes a coexistence of positive and negative across a relatively broad temperature range around TC
MCE, whose sign and magnitude is controlled by the using this equation of state (Fig. 2) [45]. However, at tem-
magnitude of the field. This combination of direct and peratures well below the transition, Eq. (1) is no longer va-
inverse MCE was previously observed for other bulk lid, as it implies, by using Eq. (3), a non-zero value of DS M
materials which underwent several different magnetic at 0 K, which is non-physical. Therefore, it is necessary to
transitions [39]. However, what is unique in the case of find alternative equations of states which solve this discrep-
the nanowires is that the sign of the MCE is controlled ancy. A recent attempt to tackle this problem [47]combined
by the magnitude of the applied field, and both positive the low temperature behavior of magnetization described
and negative DS M peaks take place for a single magnetic by a modification of the Handrich–Kobe equation, includ-
transition. This opens new possibilities for the design of ing an asymmetric exchange fluctuation parameter [48],
completely new applications of the materials. with the high-temperature behavior described by the Ar-
It is also interesting to note that the development of rott–Noakes equation of state. This combination avoids
multilayers with different compositions of each layer the low-temperature artifacts, but more work is needed
(and therefore with a distribution of Curie temperatures) to improve the smoothness of the fitted curve across the
can be used to enhance the magnetic field responsiveness whole temperature range. Although, at first sight, the
of MCMs in the H range appropriate for technological description of the DS M curves at temperatures well below
applications [40,41]. In these cases, DS pk M has a linear TC might be considered irrelevant, the importance of this
dependence on H in a broad temperature range close to open problem lies in the necessity of being able to model
the transition temperature, which is an enhancement with the magnetocaloric response of multiphase composites
respect to the typical H0.7 behavior of bulk materials. with a broad distribution of TC of the phases.
In summary, the magnetocaloric response of nano- From Eq. (2) it is clear that the compositional evolution
structured materials will not only depend on the charac- of the magnetic entropy change peak should be described
teristics of the bulk material (the composition of the by the prefactor of the field. However, this is a more com-
phase), but will also be strongly dependent on other fac- plicated expression than the previously mentioned phe-
tors like particle size (and size distribution), particle con- nomenological linear relationship between DS pk M and the
centration, interactions between particles, anisotropy and magnetic moment found for some alloy series [12–15]. Fur-
finite size scaling, and a number of models have been pro- ther studies of this apparent discrepancy are necessary.
posed to take these effects into account [24,25,42,43]. In
our opinion, the main interest of nanomaterials for mag- 6. Field dependence of the magnetocaloric effect in second-
netic refrigeration is the possibility of obtaining non-con- order phase transitions
ventional magnetocaloric responses which might give rise
to completely different applications of the effect, some of In recent years there has been an increasing number of
them not envisaged yet. papers dealing with the field dependence of DS M . The rea-
son is not only academic, but is directly related to the pos-
5. Modeling the magnetocaloric effect in second-order sibility of comparing results measured under different
phase transitions experimental conditions. Although the simplest and most
usual approach to compare the performance of different
The simplest way to model the magnetocaloric re- materials is to quote DS pk M =H max for each alloy (which in-
sponse of continuous phase transitions is to make use volves making linear extrapolations and interpolations
of an equation of state and derive the thermomagnetic of DS pk
M ), this gives rise to errors of the order of 30% in
properties from it. In particular, the Arrott–Noakes making the comparison when changing the maximum
equation of state [44] field from 1.5 T to 5 T. The appropriate solution to the
1 1 1
H c ¼ aðT  T C ÞM c þ bM bþc
ð1Þ problem is to use power laws of the form DS pk M / H

[46,49]. There is, however, debate about what value

where a and b are characteristic parameters of the mate-
rial under study and b and c are the critical exponents,
provides an appropriate description of the temperature
and field dependence of magnetization in the environ-
ment of the Curie transition of amorphous alloys. By
proper manipulation of Eq. (1), it has been demon-
strated that [45]
abc b1
DS M jT ¼T C ¼ bþcb H bþcþ1 ð2Þ
b bþc ð2b þ c  1Þ
It is not possible to get an analytical closed solution
for the magnetic entropy change for a broader tempera-
ture span, though it can be expressed as an integral of
magnetization [46] which does not imply derivatives:
Z M max  
1 c1 Figure 2. Magnetocaloric effect of the Fe77Cr8B15 amorphous alloy.
DS M ¼  acM aðT  T C Þ þ bM b dM ð3Þ Experimental results: crosses; line: prediction of the Arrott–Noakes
Ms equation of state. The inset shows the discrepancy at low temperatures.
598 V. Franco, A. Conde / Scripta Materialia 67 (2012) 594–599

the exponent n should take. Some authors claim that has been used to successfully determine the order of the
second-order phase transitions materials should be repre- phase transition of materials for which the purely mag-
sented by a mean field model which provides n = 2/3 [50], netic Banerjee criterion was giving erroneous results,
and any deviation from that value should be explained by overcoming the need for complementary non-magnetic
the distribution of Curie temperatures of the material measurements to make this determination. Currently, at-
[51,52]. We consider that not all materials can be repre- tempts are underway to extend this universal curve to
sented by the mean field model of a Landau series expan- materials with a first-order phase transition [58] and, even
sion and different materials will exhibit different values of if they are not based on the theory of critical phenomena,
the critical exponents, with the relation between n and the the curves obtained could lead in the future to practical
critical exponents given by n ¼ 1 þ 1=d ð1  1=bÞ. There applications in this field of research.
is a large body of experimental evidence to justify this
claim [45,49,53–57]. In fact, the field dependence of the 7. Concluding remarks
magnetocaloric effect has been proposed as an alternative
procedure to determine the critical exponents of materials Magnetic refrigerant materials with a second-order
[56]. Both approaches (the mean field model with a distri- phase transition exhibit a smaller magnetic entropy
bution of transition temperatures and the different critical change peak than those with a first-order magneto-struc-
exponents) can represent the main features of the experi- tural phase transition, but the refrigerant capacity of the
mental results, with some of the discrepancies with respect former can be comparable to or even larger than in the lat-
to the experimental data being within the margin of exper- ter. Subsets of these materials with second-order phase
imental error. Therefore, another interesting open prob- transitions are amorphous alloys, nanostructured materi-
lem is to determine unequivocally the best description of als and composites. Amorphous alloys have the advanta-
the experimental results. ges of tunable Curie temperature, low cost, high electrical
Whatever the explanation for the field dependence of resistivity and good mechanical properties, which are vir-
the magnetocaloric response, it will not affect the fact that tues of the material in addition to their purely magnetoc-
second-order phase transitions follow scaling laws and aloric response. Open problems for this kind of material,
that, if the magnetic entropy change or the adiabatic tem- apart from improving the magnetocaloric response, are
perature change are plotted vs. the appropriate axis, a uni- the explanation of why transition metal-based amor-
versal curve for the magnetocaloric response can be phous alloys have an increasing magnetic entropy change
obtained [49,55]. Even if the analytical expression of the with increasing Curie temperature (a feature which con-
equation of state is not known for a certain material, a trasts with other crystalline and RE-based materials,
phenomenological procedure has been proposed that al- and which can be advantageous for some applications)
lows us to construct the universal curve by using the and the thorough study of the relationship between the
experimental data without the need to introduce a model magnitude of the magnetic entropy change and the mag-
[46,49]. Its construction was based on the assumption netic moment of the alloy (even if there are experimental
that, if such a universal curve exists, equivalent points results which hint at a linear relationship, this is not justi-
of the different DS M ðT Þ curves measured up to different fied by the models in use).
maximum applied fields should collapse onto the same Nanostructured materials can be of use in niche appli-
point of the universal curve. Therefore, the key is to iden- cations of small-scale refrigeration, where there is no need
tify which are the equivalent points of the different curves of using large amounts of refrigerant. It has been proven
for different fields. As the peaks (which in the mean field that nanostructuring provides magnetocaloric responses
case coincide at TC) should be in equivalent conditions, which are qualitatively and quantitatively different from
we can assume that points which are at a certain level with the bulk counterparts. We foresee an increase in alterna-
respect to the peak are also in equivalent magnetic states tive applications of the magnetocaloric effect once this
(if this hypothesis was not correct, then we would not be new behavior of the nanomaterials is understood in detail.
able to construct the universal curve). The temperatures Measurement techniques for the direct determination
of these points will be denoted as reference temperatures of the adiabatic temperature change have to be im-
Tr, and their identification constitutes the first step of proved to be able to measure these low mass materials,
the procedure. They fulfill the condition that in order to be able to check the model results.
DS M ðT r Þ ¼ n DS pk
M , with a factor n smaller than 1 and Composites of materials with well known thermo-
whose value is arbitrarily chosen (preferably close to or magnetic properties are promising for obtaining en-
higher than 1=2), which does not affect the procedure. hanced magnetocaloric responses. Future work implies
The second step is the normalization of the curves with re- enhancement of the modeling techniques and the cover-
spect to their maximum. Finally, the temperature axis is ing of a broader range of the parameter space.
rescaled in such a way that the reference temperatures Fundamental problems and practical applications are
are all at h ¼ 1 by using h ¼ ðT  T C Þ=ðT r  T C Þ. By interlinked when studying the scaling behavior of the
imposing the position of two points of each of the curves magnetocaloric effect. More studies are needed to
(those at TC and at Tr), which implies three free parame- unequivocally confirm the interpretation given to the
ters, the whole curve collapses into a single universal experimental results, as well as to extend the tempera-
curve. This curve can be used for practical purposes, such ture range of the models. In particular, extending the
as making extrapolations of the results up to fields or tem- universal curves of the magnetocaloric effect to first-or-
peratures not available in the laboratory, enhancing the der phase transition materials, even on a phenomenolog-
resolution of the data and deconvoluting the response of ical basis, can enhance the prediction capabilities of the
overlapping magnetic transitions. This universal curve models used in refrigerator design.
V. Franco, A. Conde / Scripta Materialia 67 (2012) 594–599 599

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