Re ED04 Inferiority of Woman

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Maria Antonette Impas

STEM 12-T3

Inferiority of Woman

Why are some placed at the top? Why are some placed at the bottom? Why do
people have levels on how they should treat a person? Isn’t it possible for us to treat
everyone equally and fairly? This is not God’s will. We are created in the image of God,
we should be treated equally since we all have equal dignity.

Our group portrayed a woman doing many works while boys are doing nonsense
things like playing games, sleeping, partying, etc. The concept shows that woman tend
to do the work more than man. It shows the inferiority of woman to man, which is a
wrong view. They say woman’s creation in Genesis was a response to a man’s need of
a “helpmate”. Woman are credited for their “unique role in humanizing society and
directing it toward the positive goals of development and peace” (MD, 10). Woman are
helpmates to man just as the man as the helpmates of woman. The principle of help
should be same or mutual. We all deserve to be respected since we all have an equal
dignities. Hence, “woman complements man, just as man complements woman: men
and women are complementary”

Let us not treat woman as our slaves and should stop gender stereotype. We are
all equal. Nothing more, nothing less.

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