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Charles Luis M.

11- Jamaica

Illusions of Reality

The only thing in a humans life that can be positive about is change. Everything changes,
from the moment we’re born to the moment we die. Reality has many twist and turns, and our
perception of reality is what shapes us to become who we are. Our life is spent on breaking the
difference between reality and not reality. This is hard to define because reality is unique to each
Our environment and the people we are around shape our perception of what is real.
Reality is our grip of what is true and false, right and wrong, what is real and what is not. So reality
can be distorted by our belief in it. We can sincerely believe something is right, but be sincerely
wrong. This is where illusions will be made up. Illusion is something that looks or seems different
from what it is. An idea that is based on something that is not true. As for the humans life, illusions
are made up to escape their reality in which they end up creating ideas from their mind that can
never be true. It is not forbidden or wrong for a person to make an illusion simply because as an
individual who has freedom, we’re free to do so. But one must know how to limit itself with its
illusions. Just as illusions can became wrong when a person makes it uncontrollable by the means
of his/her actions. For example is when a person has a deep desire for someone that they can't
never had, mixed thoughts will be made up in his/her mind that will end up with an illusion. As
this illusion became uncontrollable, the person who made it up will crave for more that it leads to
physical action. One must know how to control its illusion for it will not turn into reality. Showing
that illusion is part of ones life, dream world can be safer than real life. Making up illusions that
you expect and dream of to be real. It can cause happiness in terms of making it felt so real. But
as you snap out if it and gets back to reality, sadness will suddenly strike upon you. Urging for
more, a person who creates the illusion will not have a memorable life. Simply because as a person,
you’re tend to make those illusion to become real. Anyone who has willingness to make a change
can turn those illusions to reality.
As an individual who creates a lot of illusion, sometimes it serves as a strength in a way
wherein those illusions will give us the motivation to make it real. It is for us to decide whether
we want it to be true or not. It is us who has the power to dictate what will our life would be. No
one or nothing else can hold our life but God. Life is an endless game where we can win or lose
with it.

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