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Competency: TO




Hilot (Wellness Massage) Date Developed: Document No.

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Marina Cora L. Revision # ____
Provide Post- Advice and Senna
post-services to Clients


HCS 222301 Plan Hilot Wellness Program of Clients
HCS 222302 Provide Pre Service to Hilot Clients
HCS 222303 Apply Hilot Wellness Massage Techniques
HCS 222304 Provide Post Advice and Post
Service to Hilot






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NC II February,2019 Issued by:
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Marina Cora L. Revision # ____
Provide Post- Advice and Senna
post-services to Clients
This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required by Hilot
Wellness Massage Therapists
This module consists of seven (4) learning outcomes. Each outcome
contains learning activities for both knowledge and skills, supported
with information sheets, self check, activities, and job/operation
sheets, gathered from different sources. Before you perform the
manual exercises, read the information / activity sheets and answer
the self activities provided to confirm to yourself and to your
instructor that you are equipped with knowledge necessary to
perform the skills portion of the particular learning outcomes.





MODULE DESCRIPTION : This module covers the knowledge, skills

and attitudes required to advise on post
hilot wellness services.




Upon completion of this module, the trainee/student must be

able to:

LO1. Perform aftercare service

LO2. Identify and explain the products

LO3. Enumerate and explain other services

LO4. Perform Aftercare

LO5. Administer Service

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Provide Post- Advice and Senna
post-services to Clients


Perform aftercare


 After Care Service Workplace policies and procedures

 Monitoring Clients
 Aftercare products
 Aftercare services
 Rebooking Clients

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Provide Post- Advice and Senna
post-services to Clients

1. Client is monitored according to workplace policies and procedures.

2. Adverse effects are identified and responded to as required.
3. Aftercare products are applied as required.
4. Aftercare services are provided according to the hilot wellness program,
workplace policies and procedures and client needs.
5. Client is rebooked according to agreed hilot wellness program.

The students/trainees must be
provide the ff.:  Lecture
 Group discussion
 Client  Self-pace learning
 Manuals  Role play
 Charts  Hands-on
 Handouts
 Sample Forms
 References

 Written examination
 Demonstration with oral Questioning

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Provide Post- Advice and Senna
post-services to Clients

LO1. Perform aftercare service

Learning Activities Special Instructions

1. Read Information Sheet No. In this information sheet you would be

4.1 On Preform aftercare able to give tactful advices to client

2. Answer Self-Check No. 4.1 o Compare your answer with the answer
key 4.1

3. Perform Task Sheet No.4.1 Read the information sheet


Perform Aftercare Service

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Provide Post- Advice and Senna
post-services to Clients
Learning Objectives:

After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:

1. To give aftercare to client
2. To know the benefits of massage

Physical Benefits of Hilot:

1. Physical Benefits
2. Relaxed state of mind, body and soul
3. Improved blood circulation
4. Improved digestion process
5. Better elimination of toxins
6. Preventive measure to many illness
7. Enhance sex glands and organs
8. Very good for babies and infants
9. Faster healing of strained muscle and sprained ligaments
10. Improve posture
11. Relief of stress
12. Promotes deeper and easier breathing

Mental Benefits of Hilot:

1. Promote peaceful and relaxed state of mind and body.

2. Relieves mental stress
3. Awareness of mind and body
4. Greater awareness appreciation of life nature.
5. Improve length of strenght.
6. Ability to concentrate.

HIlot Do’s and Dont’s

Do’s and Don’ts of massage before and after:

1. If the client is tired, let the client rest for a while.
2. If one or both the therapist and the client are having their
menstrual period. Postpone the massage therapy.
3. If the client has full or has an empty stomach. If full rest for 30

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Marina Cora L. Revision # ____
Provide Post- Advice and Senna
post-services to Clients
mins. To 1 hr. If stomach is empty eat a little.
4. If the client is on medication.
5. If the client just took a bath. Wait till the body and hair become
completely dry.
6. If the client has a severe heart, lung, liver and kidney problems.
7. If the client is newly operated or just gave birth.
8. If the client is pregnant.
9. If the client has a malignat tumor.
10. If the client has a severe disease on the bones.
11. If the client has a transmittable.
12. Take off all jewelries, eyeglasses and contact lenses.

After: (at least 2 Hours)

1. Don’t eat ices foods or drinks.

2. Don’t get wet, wait after 6 to 8 hrs.
3. Don’t eat sour foods ( vinegar, pickles, lemon).
4. Don’t drink alcoholic beverages.
5. Don’t eat irritating foods (pepper, hot sauce)
6. Don’t eat sea foods (lobster, shrimps, crabs).
7. Don’t eat peanuts.
8. Don’t eat salty foods.

HOw To End Up A Massage:

1. Rest for 15- 30 minutes to prevent dizziness

2. Side- lying position for 5 minutes (to prevent occurring of
Orthostatic Hypotension)
3. Advice to drink warm herbal tea
4. Help client to sit- up ( if needed), give/ offer lukewarm water or
hot tea
5. Do after care services/ offer other services or products
6. Advive not to take a bath 6 to 8 hours
7. Sauna can be done before and after massage
8. Advice not to eat sour food to prevent muscle contraction
9. Advice not to drink alcohol before and after 4 hours of massage
therapy. IT disturbs the effect of massage.
10. Take vital signs for confirmation
11. Avoid acidic food
12. Advice regular excercises
13. Advice regular massage

Possible Reaction After Massage

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Provide Post- Advice and Senna
post-services to Clients
1. Cold like symptoms
2. Cough
1. Fever
2. Flatulence
3. Frequent defecation
4. Frequent urination
5. Headache
6. Increase Energy
7. Increased sweating
8. Skin Rashes- rare
9. Tiredness
10. Yawni

Self Check 4.1

1. What are the physical benefits of hilot?

2. What are the do’s and don’t’s of hilot?Before?
3. What are the do’s and don’t’s of hilot? After?

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How to Apply Hilot Senna
Wellness Massage
Answer Key 4.1

1.What are the physical benefits of hilot?

1. Physical Benefits
2. Relaxed state of mind, body and soul
3.Improved blood circulation
4. Improved digestion process
5. Better elimination of toxins
6. Preventive measure to many illness
7. Enhance sex glands and organs
8. Very good for babies and infants

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NC II April ,2019 Issued by:
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How to Apply Hilot Senna
Wellness Massage
9. Faster healing of strained muscle and sprained ligaments
10. Improve posture
11.Relief of stress
12. Promotes deeper and easier breathing

2. What are the do’s and don’t’s of hilot?Before?

1. If the client is tired, let the client rest for a while.
2. If one or both the therapist and the client are having their menstrual
period. Postpone the massage therapy.
3. If the client has full or has an empty stomach. If full rest for 30 mins.
To 1 hr. If stomach is empty eat a little.
4. If the client is on medication.
5. If the client just took a bath. Wait till the body and hair become
completely dry.
6. If the client has a severe heart, lung, liver and kidney problems.
7. If the client is newly operated or just gave birth.
8. If the client is pregnant.
9.If the client has a malignat tumor.
10. If the client has a severe disease on the bones.
11.If the client has a transmittable.
12. Take off all jewelries, eyeglasses and contact lenses.

4. What are the do’s and don’t’s of hilot? After?

1. Don’t eat ices foods or drinks.
2. Don’t get wet, wait after 6 to 8 hrs.
3. Don’t eat sour foods ( vinegar, pickles, lemon).
4. Don’t drink alcoholic beverages.
5. Don’t eat irritating foods (pepper, hot sauce)
6. Don’t eat sea foods (lobster, shrimps, crabs).
7. Don’t eat peanuts.
8. Don’t eat salty foods.

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How to Apply Hilot Senna
Wellness Massage
Task Sheet 4.1

Title: Perform Aftercare

To be able to perform the aftercare after massage.
Towels, tea,cup, pen and client in take form

Massage table
Video of Hilot Wellness Program
1. The trainees must perform the massage and hilot services
2. The trainees must perform the aftercare advices

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How to Apply Hilot Senna
Wellness Massage
Task Sheet 4.1

Trainer’s Name

Criteria Yes No
1. Identified client requirements/ need
2. Recommended products and services to
clients, including the knowledge and advice to
3.Perform the post advice according to

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How to Apply Hilot Senna
Wellness Massage
4.Explain the possible reaction of massage
after massage
5..Advice the client for another schedule
according to the their special needs

Comments/ Suggestions


Trainee: _______________________________ Date: _________________


Title: Post -Advice

Post-advice services gives the client feedback and possible effects
of massage and another schedule as needed
Towels, coconut oil, pen and client in take form

Massage table
Video of Hilot Wellness Program
1. The trainees must perform the massage and hilot services

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How to Apply Hilot Senna
Wellness Massage
2. The trainees must perform the post advices to client
3. After massage they can offer tea
4. Signing of client intake form for future schedule .

The trainer check according to procedures and criteria if:
1. All steps were completed in the correct sequence.
2. All safety precautions were followed in using the tools and



Explain Product and Services

 Hilot wellness massage products
 Workplace procedures
 Recommending Products to Client

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How to Apply Hilot Senna
Wellness Massage
1. Knowledge of products and services is explained, maintained and conveyed
to other staff members as required.
2. Comparisons between products and services are applied.
3. Knowledge of competitors’ product and range of service and pricing structure
is explained

The students/trainees must be
provide the ff.:
 Client  Lecture
 Manuals  Group discussion
 Charts  Self-pace learning
 Handouts
 References

 Written examination
 Demonstration with oral questioning

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How to Apply Hilot Senna
Wellness Massage

LO2. Explain Product and Services Knowledge

Learning Activities Special Instructions

1. Read Information Sheet No. In this information sheet you woul be

4.2 On Herbs and It’s benefits able the know the diferrent herbs and

2. Answer Self-Check No. 4.2 Compare your answer with the answer

4. Performance Task Sheet 4.2 Read the information sheet

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How to Apply Hilot Senna
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Herbs and It’s Benefits
Learning Objectives:

After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:

1. Herbs and its benefits

2. Know the services of hilot and benefits

Prescribe Herbs:

1. Virgin coconut oil

-VCO is now getting global reputation as the healthiest and
versatile oil in the world. The Philippines is one of the best sources of
virgin coconut oil and its popularity in the country is legendary.It is rich
in Lauric Acid, an essential fatty acid that turns into a compound
known as monolaurin.It fight viral pathogens that protects the body
from bacteria, viruses and infections from parasites.
-Coconut oil also causes the metabolic rate to increase,
hence helps reduce weight and safe and beneficial.

Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil

 Boost to the body’s immune system

 A good saturated triglycerides medium chain
 Helps regulates blood
 Lowers the viral load of AIDS patients
 Has anti- viral and anti microbial properties
 Helps hepatitis C, herpes patients
 Helps maintain healthy thyroid function
 Heals and nourishes the skin, hair and scalp

2. Banana leaf
-Banana plants are herbaceous perennials. They are mostly
foliage, with stems made of rolled leaf layers. Banana plants are a
common fruit crop.In some areas, gardeners grow them for ornamental
reasons. But banana leaves also offer nutrional and medicinal benefits
in addition to having other value.
-It is used as a decorative element for special ceremonies in
Hindu and Buddhist cultures.It is also used as a plate to serve food in

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How to Apply Hilot Senna
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countries like India and Indonesia. Banana leaves, though commonly
thrown away, contain large amounts of polyphenols, including EGCG,
similar to green tea.They also contain polyphenol oxidase, that could
be used to produce L-DOPA,
A treatment for Parkinson’s disease.

 As home remedy,banana-leaf poultices help to heal burns and
other skin irritations
 According to Purdue University, which adds thet individuals
suffering from, ulcers, diarrhea or dysentermay ingest the leaf
ashes as a treatment for their condition.(Check with your doctor
before trying this approach)

3. Ginger
- Ginger is a perennial plant, distinguished by the white and
yellowish- greenish flowers it produces, as well as its thick and long
twisting rhizoid (stem).The ginger plant is known to have originated in
China.Since then, it has been cultivated in mamy other countries like
India, South west Asia, West Africa and the Caribbean.The plant is
famous for its concentrated, spicy aroma,which can be attributed to
the fact that it is composed of up to 30% natural essential oils.
-The rhizoid is the part of the plant which is generally sold and
used today. It has been made
Widely available foe eating and for the use of flavoring foods.It is also
ground up and processed into all sorts of powders, tinctures, crystals,
tonics and flavorings and then marketed in health food stores.

Benefits of Ginger Roots:

 It has carminative properties (anti spasmic) and can be used to

calm in upset stomach, providing relief for the relief of bloating and
 The intake of ginger helps stimulate the secretion of mucus,
quieting your cough and soothing any scratchiness in your throat.
 It has been proven to treat feeling of nausea, particularly in the
form of sea sickness, morning sickness, motion sickness and as a dide
effect of chemotherapy.
 Ginger contains anti viral, anti toxic and anti fungal properties, and
it is uses for the prevention of and a treatment againts the common
 Ginger act as an antihistamine and aids in the treatment of

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How to Apply Hilot Senna
Wellness Massage
 Ginger displays anti inflammatory properties and can be used to
treat rheumatoid,arthritis,osteoarthritis, and various other muscular
disorders.The chemical components of the root are instrumental in
inhibiting biosynthesis of prostagladins which are responsible for
causing inflammation. Thus the root has proven to be a highly
effective form of treatment.
 Ginger contains special enzymes responsible for catalyzing the
proteins in your food, thus aiding in digestion and prevention of
cramps. The ancient Greeks used to est ginger after a large meal in
order to ease the digestion process.
 Due to its promotion of mucus secretion, ginger protects againts
the development ulcers, unwanted holes in the lining of your stomach.
 Ginger is often used to settle an upset stomach or treat severe
stomach ailments such as dyspepsia or colic. It is frequently used
today in developing countries to treat diarrhea.
 Ginger has proven to lower your cholesterol levels and prevent the
formation of blood clots.
4. Lemon Grass
-Lemon grass is a perennial plant that is native to India and
Nepal, it has a ligth. Lemony scent and flavor, with a hint of ginger.
Lemon grass is one of the wondorous herbs. It is very useful as a
medicinal plant and delicious food flavoring.Lemon grass is citronella,
a popular scent in perfume, candles and soaps. Citronella is known for
its calming effeect that relieves insomia or stress. It is also known as
insect repellant.
-In recent studies it was conducted it has shown that every
100g of edible lemon grass, when boiled can contain up to 24.205
micrograms of beta- carotenethe powerful anti- oxidant that scientist
believe can help prevent cancer.Lemon grass oil has the potential as
topical eye medication againts keratomycosis, an inflammation of
cornea often associated with burning or blurring of vision.

Benefits Of Lemon Grass:

 It contains an antibacterial and anti-fungal properties

 Helps to detoxify the liver, pancreas, kidney, bladder and digestive
 Help boost the immune system.
 Helps reduce uric acid, cholesterol, excess fats.
 It helps alleviates indigestion and gastro-enteritis.
 Helps improve the skin by reducing acne and pimples.

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 It helps tone the muscle and tissues.
 Helps in menstrual troubles
 Helps reduce blood pressure
 Helps reduce cellulite.
 Act as sedative for the central nervous system.
 May prevent color cancer.
 Helps in reducing fevers.
 Help in flatulence and colic.
 Relieves arthritic pain and rheuma

Self check 4.2

1. What is Lauric Acid?

2. What are the benefits of virgin coconut oil?
3. What is banana leaf?
4. What is ginger?
5. What are the benefits of ginger?
6. What are the benefits of ginger?
7. What is lemon grass?
8. What are the benefits of lemon grass?

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Wellness Massage
Answer Key 4.2

1. What is Lauric Acid?

Answer: An essential fatty acid that is only found in high
concentrations in mother’ s milk.
When taken internally, Lauric Acid turns into compound known as
Monolaurin. It is this compound that is believed to fight viral
pathogens that protects the body from bacteria, viruses and infections
from parasites.

2. What are the benefits of virgin coconut oil?

 Boost to the body’s immune system
 A good saturated triglycerides medium chain
 Helps regulates blood
 Lowers the viral load of AIDS patients
 Has anti- viral and anti microbial properties
 Helps hepatitis C, herpes patients
 Helps maintain healthy thyroid function
 Heals and nourishes the skin, hair and scalp

3. What is banana leaf?

Answer:Banana plants are herbaceous perennials. They are mostly
foliage, with stems made of rolled leaf layers. Banana plants are a
common fruit crop.In some areas, gardeners grow them for ornamental
reasons. But banana leaves also offer nutrional and medicinal benefits
in addition to having other value.

4. What is ginger?
Answer.Ginger is a perennial plant, distinguished by the white and
yellowish- greenish flowers it produces, as well as its thick and long
twisting rhizoid (stem).The ginger plant is known to have originated in

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How to Apply Hilot Senna
Wellness Massage
China.Since then, it has been cultivated in mamy other countries like
India, South west Asia, West Africa and the Caribbean.The plant is
famous for its concentrated, spicy aroma,which can be attributed to
the fact that it is composed of up to 30% natural essential oils.

5. What are the benefits of ginger?

 It has carminative properties (anti spasmic) and can be used to
calm in upset stomach, providing relief for the relief of bloating and
 The intake of ginger helps stimulate the secretion of mucus,
quieting your cough and soothing any scratchiness in your throat.
 It has been proven to treat feeling of nausea, particularly in the
form of sea sickness, morning sickness, motion sickness and as a side
effect of chemotherapy.
 Ginger contains anti viral, anti toxic and anti fungal properties, and
it is uses for the prevention of and a treatment againts the common
 Ginger act as an antihistamine and aids in the treatment of
 Ginger displays anti inflammatory properties and can be used to
treat rheumatoid,arthritis,osteoarthritis, and various other muscular
disorders.The chemical components of the root are instrumental in
inhibiting bio-synthesis of prostagladins which are responsible for
causing inflammation. Thus the root has proven to be a highly
effective form of treatment.
 Ginger contains special enzymes responsible for catalyzing the
proteins in your food, thus aiding in digestion and prevention of
cramps. The ancient Greeks used to est ginger after a large meal in
order to ease the digestion process.
 Due to its promotion of mucus secretion, ginger protects againts
the development ulcers, unwanted holes in the lining of your stomach.
 Ginger is often used to settle an upset stomach or treat severe
stomach ailments such as dyspepsia or colic. It is frequently used
today in developing countries to treat diarrhea.
 Ginger has proven to lower your cholesterol levels and prevent the
formation of blood clots.

6. What is lemon grass?

Lemon grass is a perennial plant that is native to India and Nepal, it
has a light. Lemony scent and flavor, with a hint of ginger. Lemon

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How to Apply Hilot Senna
Wellness Massage
grass is one of the wondrous herbs. It is very useful as a medicinal
plant and delicious food flavoring.Lemon grass is citronella, a popular
scent in perfume, candles and soaps. Citronella is known for its
calming effect that relieves insomia or stress. It is also known as insect

7. What are the benefits of lemon grass?

 It contains an antibacterial and anti-fungal properties
 Helps to detoxify the liver, pancreas, kidney, bladder and digestive
 Help boost the immune system.
 Helps reduce uric acid, cholesterol, excess fats.
 It helps alleviates indigestion and gastroenteritis.
 Helps improve the skin by reducing acne and pimples.
 It helps tone the muscle and tissues.
 Helps in menstrual troubles
 Helps reduce blood pressure
 Helps reduce cellulite.
 Act as sedative for the central nervous system.
 May prevent color cancer.
 Helps in reducing fevers.
 Help in flatulence and colic.
 Relieves arthritic pain and rheumatism

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Trainer’s Name

Criteria Yes No
Did the Trainee…?
1.Was able to use the herbs and identify its
2.Use the herbs to prove its benefits

Comments/ Suggestions


Trainee: _______________________________ Date: _________________

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Wellness Massage


Explain Other Services

 Product Benefits
 Other Product Comparisons


1. Benefits of other services are explained to the clients.

2. Comparisons with other services are explained and recommended to

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How to Apply Hilot Senna
Wellness Massage
The students/trainees must be
provide the ff.:
1. Clients  Lecture
2. Manuals  Group discussion
3. Charts  Self-pace learning
4. Handouts
5. References
6. Videos- Optional

 Written examination
 Demonstration with oral questioning

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LO3. Recommend specialized products and services

Learning Activities Special Instructions

1. Read Information Sheet No. Do not write anything on the module

4.3 and prepare a separate sheet of paper
Other Hilot wellness Services for self-check and activity.

2. Answer Self-Check No. 4.3 Compare your answer with the answer
key 4.3

1. Perform Task Sheet 4.3 Read the information sheet

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How to Apply Hilot Senna
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Information Sheet 4.3
Other Hilot Wellness Services
Learning Objectives:

After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:

1. To know the other services of Hilot wellness

Hilot Wellness Services:

1. Suob/ Oslob
Using medical herbs and/ or mineral medicine, steam or
smoke induced heat and expelled toxins in the body through
perspiration. Herbal stem bat (wet suob) is an ancient deep cleansing
tradition using steam with medicinal herbs, herbal plants or leaves of
citrus fruits. Smoke or dry suob using mineral ( such kamanyan and
insenso) or dried herbs/ herbal plants over an ember/ glowing
charcoal/ firewood.
2. Banyos
Soaking of a specific part of the body on aromatic oil/
wrapping in herbal ointment.
3. Paligo
Bathing in herbal soak. Bathing practices using aromatic
4. Pamula
Bamboo tap massage. Tapping bamboo sticks on the skin to
release excess cold/ wind.
5. Kurot
Pinching or rubbing of coins on the skin until becomes
reddish and creates heat to release excess cold/ lamig.
6. Taal/ Lava Stone Therapy
Heated stones (buhay na bato) used to massage the body
to stimulate the body energy channels.
7. Hilot
Exfoliating dead skin cells.Philippine sea stone scrubs.
Exfoliate for clean, healthy and glowing skin

-An authentic Igorot/ Cordilleran foot and leg massage using
bamboo or rattan sticks(wooden stick nowadays) to stimulate the
soles and cleanse and purify the feet begin with a soothing foot soak
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on healing herbs in a huge clay vessel and capped with herbal foot
wrap and massage/ hilot.
The 45 minute treatment with head and back massage is good
for the sole and heals and soul.
The concept of Dagdagay from Mumbaki, The Ifugao traditional
healers that healing energy channels and vital pointsnare stimulated
at the foot using bamboo sticks and authentic massage.
The efficacy of Dagdagay isby applying the right rhythm, art and
stroke movements of the bamboo stick in order to stimulate the
healing points and make the massage soothing to the receiver.

Materials and Paraphelnalia:

-Clay basin for foot soak with boiled lemon grass
-Virgin coconut oil with ginger
-Banana leaves for foot wrap
-Dagdagay sticks

Pre- cautions:

* It is not recommended for pregnant

*Post- operative is allowed to undergo this treatment
*Hypertensive is case to case basis


Bentosa is a form of cupping therapy used for variety of back pain

and muscles strains or muscle fasciculations and tremors that is often
attribute to “too much air” or “bad air” (masamang air).
Bentosa is a diagnostic procedure called “hihilaan” may be done. A
strip of cellophane is smoothed out with coconut oil.This is gently
placed on affected area and gently pulled, lightly skimming the

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surface.Where it sticks or get stuck resisting the pull, is presumed to
be the areas afflicted. Coconut oil is applied and a short massage done
before the bentosa procedure.
In lieu of the cellophane strip, strips taken from banana leaves or
other medicinal plants maybe used.
A broas- base cloth-wick, usually with a coin serving as base, is
saturated with fresh coconut oil, made to stand on the skin and then
lit up. A drinking glass is placed upside- down
over this lighted wick and pressed firmly onto the skin. As the light
extinguishes, a vacuum is produced, the skin and soft tissues inside
the glass are drawn upward. The glass is then slid over the involved
area producing a cooling and massaging effect. Sometimes the sliding
of the glass over the affected area is intolerably painful. In this case,
the glass is removed and placed a new
on another area. The juice of a fresh garlic clove is applied over the
area just massaged to seal the skin and prevent outside air from
entering the pores with its unpleasant consequences. The patient is
advised not tp bathe for 24 hours. The procedure is repeated daily, as
often as needed.

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Self Check 4.3

1. What are the other services of hilot? Give at least 5 and explain?

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Answer Key 4.3

1.What are the other services of hilot? Give at least 5 and explain?

1. Suob/ Oslob
Using medical herbs and/ or mineral medicine, steam or
smoke induced heat and expelled toxins in the body through
perspiration. Herbal stem bat (wet suob) is an ancient deep cleansing
tradition using steam with medicinal herbs, herbal plants or leaves of
citrus fruits. Smoke or dry suob using mineral ( such kamanyan and
insenso) or dried herbs/ herbal plants over an ember/ glowing
charcoal/ firewood.
2. Banyos
Soaking of a specific part of the body on aromatic oil/
wrapping in herbal ointment.
3. Paligo
Bathing in herbal soak. Bathing practices using aromatic
4. Pamula
Bamboo tap massage. Tapping bamboo sticks on the skin to
release excess cold/ wind.
5. Kurot
Pinching or rubbing of coins on the skin until becomes
reddish and creates heat to release excess cold/ lamig.

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How to Apply Hilot Senna
Wellness Massage
Bibiano S. Fajardo, Ph.D
Ma. Alelei V. Pansacola
Copy Rigth 2013

Training Regulations
Hilot (Wellness Massage)NC II

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How to Apply Hilot Senna
Wellness Massage

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