Issues Newscast - English 8

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Teja Karanam

March 2019
1st Hour


Bullying rates have grown across the United States, it has grown into a huge issue in schools and
sometimes reason for child stress or depression. Starting from 2011, there has been a huge incline in
many schools with parents or children reporting acts of bullying. Why can’t the schools stop this? What is
the main reason for this?
“Bullying is not something that could really be prevented, we have kids here and there just doing
what they shouldn’t” says Anish Kudapudi, “It has to occur to the students that what they are doing is not
right and unfair.”
Child bullying has caused severe cases in acts of suicide, some students take bullying to another
level, like cyber-bullying or physical harassment. This has caused the victims to stress or be depressed,
and when the kid can’t take it anymore, they think that the only way to end this is suicide.
Back in 2011, there have been more suicides due to bullying than there have been deaths due to
accidents. According to a research conducted in the U.S.A, nine out of ten victims of bullying tend to
commit suicide. There is basically nothing the teachers or parents can do except supervise their kid and
teach them good behavior.
“When you insult someone and you mean it, the person you insulted tends to take it by heart, their
hurt emotionally.” says Kudapudi, “and that causes them to fear if someone else thinks the same way,
leading to unnecessary worrying and stress.”
Overall, acts of bullying obviously show negative impacts, humanity should be restored in every
single person that’s the cause behind this issue. Together as a group, and children of the same age can
stop this, they could support each other and encourage each other to be kind, and from then on it wouldn’t
take long for bullying rates to decline.

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