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Traditional business vs eBusiness


Traditional business is mainly conducting business through local stores which offer their services or
products to local customers. Whereas, eBusiness or Electronic business, is conducting business via
internet. The pros and cons of traditional business and eBusiness are somehow similar to what authors
and readers see between printed books and eBooks.

Although, these businesses are real, however, they appeal to have fundamental differences as the world
keeps on progressing towards a more mechanized era. Businessmen use advanced technology to stay on
the radar of their customers and other people worldwide. Online businesses provide more choices and
they create a better and more convenient atmosphere for both buyers and sellers which eventually
attracts more people towards the new trends and more specifically eBusiness. Even though traditional
businesses allow customers to visit the stores and inspect the products personally prior to their
purchase, but people still prefer participating in eBusiness because they provide variety of choices.
Online business allows sellers to show-case their goods through different channels and unlike traditional
businesses it offers a range of prices. Furthermore, new and advanced technologies used in eBusiness
allows consumers to have unlimited choices of products with just a few clicks and swipes.

Even though people have transitioned to online businesses, traditional businesses have their own
advantages as these businesses have been going on for decades and have years of experience backing
them up. Traditional businesses have genuine products and almost zero scams. They also prove to be
easier for nonagenarians who are not familiar with technology. Traditional businesses have trained and
skilled Labour and this acts as a barrier for beginners. In conclusion, business is the act of buying or
selling goods either though traditional and old-school channels or through technologically advanced and
international channels provided by eBusiness. These two methods have the same ultimate principle of
buying and selling goods, but the details create huge differences amongst them.

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