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iATRPeriod = Param("ATRPeriod", 4, 1, 10, 1);

dATRLevel = Param("ATRLevel", 1, 0.25, 2, 0.25);

TimeFrameSet(inMonthly); // go to monthly chart

monthATR = Ref(ATR(iATRPeriod), 0); // ATR value
monthClose = Ref(Close, 0); // close of last month
TimeFrameRestore(); // go back to origin timeframe

ATRM_S1 = MonthClose - dATRLevel * monthATR;

ATRM_R1 = MonthClose + dATRLevel * monthATR;

expCloseM = TimeFrameExpand(monthClose, inMonthly, expandLast);

Plot(expCloseM, "ATR Month Middle", colorLightBlue, styleLine );

expATRM_S1 = TimeFrameExpand(ATRM_S1, inMonthly, expandLast);

Plot(expATRM_S1, "ATR Month Support", colorGreen, styleDashed );

expATRM_R1 = TimeFrameExpand(ATRM_R1, inMonthly, expandLast);

Plot(expATRM_R1, "ATR Month Resistance", colorRed, styleDashed );


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