Internship Report On: Human Resource Management of

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Human Resource Management of

Submitted by:-

Ajay Kumar Anil

M.B.A 2nd year(SEMESTER 3RD)

Academic Year:-


S.A.S Institute Of Management Studies(M..B.A)

S.A.S Institute Of Management Studies(M..B.A)

We hereby certify that Master:-Ajay Kumar Anil of( S.A.S Institute Of Management Studies(M..B.A))

Has completed his internship project on:- Human Resource Management of Alliance Capital Asset

Management Ltd. In the academic year:-2018-19..The information Submitted in the project is true

and original to the best of our knowledge.

Project Guide :- Principal:-

College Seal:-

I hereby declare that the project titled(Human Resource Management of Alliance Capital Asset

Management Ltd. Is an original work prepared by me and submitted to College in partial fulfillment of

M.B.A for summer internship project.

The matter embodied in this project report has not taken been submitted to any other institution for

the reward of degree .This project is my original work and has not been presented earlier in this manner

This information is purely of academic interest


Name:-Ajay Kumar Anil.

Roll no:-MB/17/B/033

Year:-M.B.A(2nd year/3rd Sem)


Iam extremely grateful to S.A.S Institute Of Management Studies(M..B.A) for having prescribed this

project work as part of academic requirement in Msters of Business Administration course.

I wish to appreciate the management and staff of S.A.S Institute Of Management Studies(M..B.A) for the

entire state of art infrastructure and resource.

I wish to express a special thanks to my teachers as without there guidance it wont have been possible

to complete my project and thanks to Mr Bhagesg Sankhe for his continues faith.

Finally I would like to thaqnk all those who directly or indirectly have helped me towards the execution

of this project will full respect.

A sincere thanks to all

Ajay Kumar Anil.

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