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Goal statement

My goal is to attend school in Germany for two more years and graduate from my school. I want

to have good grades, because in Germany it matters how good you did in order to graduate.

After school, when I graduated in 2021, I either want to go to college or university or get into a

job. I don’t really know what I want to do as a job though. My goal is it to have a job I enjoy and I

am happy with so I like going to work.

My personal goal is to become the best of me I can be. That means spending time with family

and friends and enjoying life. It is a goal for me to keep in contact with my German and

American friends and family. Another goal for me is to support my track team to win the Big 8


Also I want to help the community by not polluting the environment and help people who need

help. My goal is it not to make problems for the community.

CHS helped me shape my goals by sports for example track. I know that it is important for a lot

of people in the track team to win the Big 8 conference. Because those people are important to

me it is also important to me to win the conference to support them. CHS helped me understand

America and their way of living. It gave me more information about America itself and the

culture. It shaped my goals with the experience of high school. CHS shaped me by being more

open to other people and it helped me to find fun in school.

My conclusion is that I am very happy and thankful to go to that school and meet those people.

It helped me understand and shaped my personal goals.

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