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Institute: Community Services

Foundation Mathematics
Duration: 1 hour

Lesson Pl
Plan: Cartesian Co-Ordinate
Ordinate System

1. To introduce the idea of a Cartesian co
co-ordinate system.
2. To learn how
w to plot points on a graph paper.

1. Using a graph paper as a two
two-dimensional Cartesian co-ordinate
ordinate system.
2. Working out problems involving the plotting of points and flat shapes.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this lesson a student will be able to:

1. Identify a Cartesian co
co-ordinate system with four quadrants.
2. Plot points in the xx-y plane.
3. Plot flat shapes made from points on a graph.

1. Full whiteboard
2. Topic flashcards & Blu
3. Whiteboard marker.
4. Graph paper for each group of students.

Remote Preparation
1. N/A

Care gp.1: Explanation should be slow and repetitive due to students who suffer
from attention deficit.
Care gp.2: Explanation should be bilingual due to a foreign student in the group.

Mr. Christopher Busuttil – Cartesian Co

Co-Ordinate System Page 1
Institute: Community Services
Foundation Mathematics
Duration: 1 hour

Lesson Pl
Plan: Cartesian Co-Ordinate
Ordinate System

1. Attendance

2. A Cartesian coordinate system

system, invented by René Descartes in the 17th century,
specifies each point uniquely in a plane by a pair of numerical coordinates,
coordinates which
are the signed distances from the point to two fixed perpendicular directed lines,
measured in the same unit of length.
Time: 10 minutes

Part 1: Cartesian Axes

horizontal) direction is commonly called X. The up-down

The left-right (horizontal up (vertical)
direction is commonly called Y.

Where the axes cross over is the "0" point, you measure everything from there
there. The X-
axis runs horizontally through zero and the Y-axis
axis runs vertically through zero. It is like
we put two number lines together, one going left
right, and the other going up

Mr. Christopher Busuttil – Cartesian Co

Co-Ordinate System Page 2
Institute: Community Services
Foundation Mathematics
Duration: 1 hour

Lesson Pl
Plan: Cartesian Co-Ordinate
Ordinate System

As x increases, the point moves further right.. When x decreases, the point
moves further to the left.

As y increases, the point moves further up.. When y decreases, the point moves
further down.
Time: 10 minutes

Part 2: The Four Quadrants

In Quadrant II x is negative ((y is still positive).

In Quadrant III both x and y are negative.
In Quadrant IV x is positive again, while y is negative. Time: 5 minutes

Mr. Christopher Busuttil – Cartesian Co

Co-Ordinate System Page 3
Institute: Community Services
Foundation Mathematics
Duration: 1 hour

Lesson Pl
Plan: Cartesian Co-Ordinate
Ordinate System

Part 3: Cartesian Co-ordinates


Cartesian coordinates can be used to pinpoint where you are on a map or graph. For
example, the point (12,5) is 12 units along the x-axis and 5 units up the y-axis.
Time: 5 minutes

Part 4: Activity

Divide the class in five groups and separate all groups on five different tables. Let the
students move around their area and adopt a teamwork approach.

Deliver some squared paper and an instruction sheet to each group of students. The aim
of this activity is to plot all required points on the squared paper as instructed and join
the dots.

Allow the students some time to finish the task. When all groups are done, let a
representative from each group reveal the secret word to the class. Stick the squared
paper of each group on the whiteboard, side by side, so that everyone can read: MALTA
Time: 25 minutes

1. Cartesian axes.
2. The four quadrants
3. Cartesian co-ordinates
ordinates. Time: 5 minutes

Mr. Christopher Busuttil – Cartesian Co

Co-Ordinate System Page 4
Institute: Community Services
Foundation Mathematics
Duration: 1 hour

Lesson Pl
Plan: Cartesian Co-Ordinate
Ordinate System

Assessment Indicators/Key Questions

1. Involve students in working out problems related to co-ordinates.
2. Ask different students to explain their own answers for different examples.

Modifications / Support / Learning Patterns


Assessment Due Date: N/A

Mr. Christopher Busuttil – Cartesian Co

Co-Ordinate System Page 5

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