Clauses of Result

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Clauses of result

Sunt folosite pentru a exprima rezultatul sau consecința. Sunt introduse de

următoarele cuvinte/expresii:

 as a result / therefore/ consequently/ as a consequence

We had to go back home because I forgot my ID card. As a result / therefore/
consequently/ as a consequence we missed the bus to Glasgow.

 such a/an + adjective + singular countable noun....that

It was such a beautiful dress that I had to buy it.

 such + adjective + plural/uncountable noun ....that

They were such good actors that they received the Oscar.
We had such bad weather that we returned home earlier.

 such a lot of + plural/uncountable noun ....that

She packed such a lot of clothes that her bag was very heavy.
He has such a lot of money that he doesn't know what to do with it.

 so + adjective/adverb ....that
The clothes were so cheap that I bought as many as I could afford.
He spoke so quickly that nobody understood him.

 so + adjective + a(n) + noun....that

It was so high a mountain that we couldn't climb it.

 so much/little +uncountable noun ....that

She spent so much money on clothes that she couldn't afford to buy food.
There was so little money left that we had to cook or own meals instead of eating

 so many/few + plural noun...that

We took so many photos that our storage card was full.
There were so few nice hotels in the area that we had to drive back home.

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