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Assignment (Design based/Open ended)

UEEA2433 –Electrical Machines

Total marks = 100(10% towards the CW mark).

To provide reinforcement of knowledge and research on subject
material covered in the course outline.

1. You are required to form a group of 5 and carry out the
2. Each group is required to build a simple generator, write
one technical paper (10 page long) and submit on
Thursday, Week-13 before 1.00pm. (Penalty
applies for late submission).

Although students are encouraged to work co-operatively (in
groups), the scripts are not permitted to be a direct copy of
another person’s (group’s) work. Where texts for written
questions are found to be a copy, a penalty will apply. Share
ideas but write your own answers.

Work distribution among group members:

No. Name with student ID Course / Unit code / Year / %
Sem / (Lecture group :
Tutorial group) Contribution
Students are required to conduct an investigation on the working principle
of a simple generator and then build their own novel generator!

Each group is required to submit a technical paper on this assignment.

The technical report should include:

 Title (1)
 Abstract (3)
 Key words (1)
 Introduction(5)
 Constructional details (5)
 Principle of operation (5)
 Problems encountered (5)
 Suggestions for effective implementation (5)
 Discussion & conclusion (5)
 Neatness, organization of the report(including diagrams), references
 Proposal submission (in week-3)[title/name of members/short
introduction/picture of the proposed model] (10)
 Product, Demonstration & Presentation (50) [Completeness:10/
Creativity:20/ Presentation/ Demonstration and Q/A: 20]

Conduct an investigation on the working principle of a simple
generator and then build your own generator!

Format: IEEE journal format

No. of Pages: 10

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