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Shayla martin

Personal statement

It all started in late summer ( august ) of 2016, I was going into my sophomore year

of high school. my friend madison, who I wanted to hangout with, told me she couldn't hang out

because she had golf practice, I was like golf? We have a golf team? And I was thinking “what

even is golf”. I then suggested that maybe I could go do golf, madison said “yeah come play golf

we need more members. When I got to the golf course, the golf coach was also my robotics

teacher . I was relieved because I knew who the coach was and didn't have to be embarrassed.

As the season started out I had never in my life touched a golf club or even knew about golf. As

the season progressed I got the hang of it.

The next year I played golf again, in that season of my junior year my score progressed into

better and better. Eventually I was shooting in high 40s, which is much better from where I

started in low 80s.That year we went to states as a team . Going into my senior year or my third

year of golf I am now shooting low 40s.Golf has taught me and shaped me into becoming a

leader. Now i help the new girls on the team how to golf and use the clubs better because I know

how frustrating it can be to try a new sport and not know what i'm doing.
Not only has golf shaped me into a leader / coach, but it has also shaped me to be a better person

and shaped my outlook on life. I now find life more peaceful with golf and i'm very determined

to get better and make my team better because I strive for the success of not only myself but also

my team.

My passion and love for golf has made a huge personal growth in myself, also a new

understanding of not only myself but others as well. I have so much dedication to golf and my

teammates, I know the leadership skills and growth i have made will help me in the future.

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