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Why is the reversed Carnot cycle executed within the saturation dome not a realistic model
for refrigeration cycles?
Because the compression process involves the compression of a liquid-vapour mixture
which requires a compressor that will handle two phases, and he expansion process
involves the expansion of high moisture content refrigerant.

2. Does the ideal vapour-compression refrigeration cycle involve any internal irreversibility?
Yes, the throttling process is an internally irreversible process.

3. Why is the throttling valve not replaced by an isentropic turbine in the ideal vapour-
compression refrigeration cycle?
To make the ideal vapour-compression refrigeration cycle more closely approximate the
actual cycle.
And save cost?

4. In a gas mixture, which component will have the higher partial pressure – the one with the
higher mole number or the one with the larger molar mass?
The one with the highest mole number.

5. Consider a rigid tank that contains a mixture of two ideal gases.

a) A valve is opened and some gas has escapes. As a result, the pressure in the tank drops.
b) The gas mixture is heated, and the pressure and temperature in the tank rise.
Will the partial pressure of each component changes? How about the pressure faction of
each component.
The partial pressure will decrease (increase) but the pressure fraction will remain the

6. How do constant-enthalpy and constant-wet bulb-temperature lines compare on the

psychometric chart?
They are very nearly parallel to each other.

7. At what states on the psychometric chart are the dry-bulb, wet-bulb, and dew point
temperatures identical?
The saturation states where the relative humidity is 100% (located on the saturation

8. How is the dew-point temperature at a specified state determined on the psychometric

By drawing a horizontal line until it intersects with the saturation curve. The corresponding
temperature is the dew-point temperature.

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