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A. Colour the correct answer.

1 2
. arm head
. shoulders head

3 4
. toes fingers
. nose eyes

elbow knee . nose eyes

. 8
toe thumb elbow knee

9 1
arm leg finger ear
. 0.

MissAsh [10 marks]

B. Circle the correct answer based on the hand sign shown.

1 Good idea. 2 Good idea.

. .
Sorry, I Sorry, I
don’t want don’t want
to. to.
3 4 Good idea.
Good idea.
. .
Sorry, I Sorry, I
don’t want don’t want
to. to.
5 Good idea.
6 Good idea.
. .
Sorry, I Sorry, I
don’t want don’t want
to. to.
7 Good idea. 8 Good idea.
. .
Sorry, I Sorry, I
don’t want don’t want
to. to.
Good idea. 10 Good idea.
9 .
. Sorry, I Sorry, I
don’t want don’t want
to. to.
Good idea. 12 Good idea.
Sorry, I . Sorry, I
don’t want don’t want
to. to.
[12 marks]

C. Tick (√) the correct answer.

1 2
skipping . swimming
play catch a
tennis fish
3 4
reading . shorts
writing socks

5 6
sweater cycling
. .
jacket jumping

7 8
snowing . sleeping
sunny eating
9 windy 10 sunny
. .
snowing rainy
D. Circle the correct answers.

Last holiday, Tisha went to [10 marks]

Canada. She went to one of the

beautiful lakes and caught fish.
She also took photos of the big
forests. Her family went to watch
the whales. Tisha went for horse
1. Who went to Canada? 4. What did she photograph?
A. Koala A. big forests
B. Tisha B. beautiful lakes
C. Syasha C. whales
2. When did Tisha go to Canada? 5. What did her family do?
A. last holiday A. swim in the lake
B. horse riding
B. next holiday
C. watch the whales
C. tomorrow
3. Where did she catch the fish? 6. What did Tisha do at the end?
A. big forests A. horse riding
B. high mountains B. climb the mountains
C. beautiful lake C. watch the whales
[6 marks]
E. Circle the correct answers.

Last week was a school holiday. Kira had

planned her activities. On Monday, Kira played
board games with her friends, Mini and Yoshi. On
Tuesday, she cycled at the park. The next day, she
went to the zoo. On Thursday, she played the
guitar. On Friday, she cooked with her mother.
During the weekend, she stayed home and read
story books.

1. When was the school holiday? 4. When did she go to the zoo?
A. Last month A. Wednesday
B. Last week B. Saturday
C. Last year C. Friday

2. Who played board games with 5. What did she play on Thursday?
A. violin
A. Mini and Yoshi
B. piano
B. Mini and Mira
C. guitar
C. Yoshi and Mira

6. Where did she read story books?

3. What did she do on Tuesday?
A. at the park
A. read story books
B. at home
B. played guitar
C. at school
C. cycled at the park

[6 marks]
F. Read the texts and fill in the blanks in the table.

Dear Daisy,
It is snowing in UK. It’s very cold. I’m always in my coats
and jackets.
Bye, Nathan
Dear Dylan,
It’s so hot here. It is sunny. I wear singlet and shorts here.
Bye, Emily

Dear Amelia,
The weather is good here. It is so beautiful. I always wear t-shirt
and trousers
Bye, Adam

Nathan Emily Adam



MissAsh [6 marks]

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