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MP4 Quarterly: Portfolio Project

For your fourth marking period quarterly, you will be creating a portfolio that will allow you to
both refine and demonstrate your skill as a writer. You may choose to create an electronic
portfolio online or to assemble a hard copy portfolio. You should ensure that you portfolio is
professional and attractive* regardless of the format you choose.

*Please note that ​attractive​ doesn’t mean ​expensive​. I am looking for something that is simple
and neat.

Within your portfolio, you must include:

1) Cover of Cover Page with you name and course

2) Table of Contents
3) A Synthesis Essay (not ​Lord of the Flies​ since this has already been fully revised)
4) Literary Theory Essay
5) Research Paper
6) A Creative Piece (you narrative or emulation --or-- create and new one (a poem, short
story, or personal essay)
7) Close Reading Essay
8) Skill Checklist
9) Personal Reflection

*If you’d like to enhance your portfolio with corresponding images, illustrations, or other
artwork, you are welcome to do so.

Be sure to track you changes on a rough/original draft so that you can share you revisions with
me in a conference. You may wish to highlight or mark them.

DUE DATE: Monday, June 10th

You will have 6 Fridays in class to work on this assignment. I will be available to answer
questions and provide feedback throughout this process. Please keep in mind that you may
need to put additional time into this project at home.

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