Report On Power System Analysis

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vital for taking decisions during grid operation. There are Regulatory
provisions putting the responsibility of providing telemetry to the Load
Dispatch Centre on the individual users who get connected to the grid.
However, this has not yielded desired results and data from a number of
Generating Stations / Substations is still not available at the LDCs. The
Task Force is of the view that a pragmatic approach in ensuring data
availability is needed. Effective solution would be to have an integrated
approach with single agency responsibility. The Task Force also
deliberated upon the benefits of the scheme for enhancement of data
acquisition through synchro-phasor based WAMS, employing PMUs and it
emerged that there was a need for understanding the benefits and
development of applications related to synchro-phasor based monitoring


VOLTAGE PROFILE IN THE GRID: During the Task Force deliberations,
issue of participation of generations in reactive power management
towards controlling voltage profile in grid also came for discussion.
Generating units have reactive capability which is meant for providing
operational reactive support to grid for maintaining proper system
voltages, appropriate dynamic response and service reliability. However, it
was generally observed that generators shy away from providing full
reactive support taking shelter under pretext of operating conditions
limiting their capabilities. In this context, there is a need to validate reactive

Report of the Task Force on Power System Analysis Under Contingencies

capabilities of generators in a uniform manner to arrive at capability
parameters which should be used in planning and operation of grid.
Voltage profile management through reactive power control by coordinated
adjustment of tap ratio of generator transformers is also an important area
requiring attention. The task force recommends that full reactive capability
of generators should be available for voltage regulation and there should
be mechanism to compensate the generator for any loss of active
generation in process of providing required reactive support.


power network has several HVDC links and FACTS devices installed at
various points of time. The HVDC and FACTS devices have controllers
embedded in them to take advantage of their capability to assist in
stabilising the network during disturbed conditions. These controllers were
tuned during their commissioning phase as per simulation studies based
on network configuration as envisaged at that stage. However, while the
network has been expanding, only occasional re-tuning of some of the
controllers has been done on specific requirement but no comprehensive
retuning of HVDC/FACTS controllers has been undertaken. Some of these
systems like the 2 x 250 MW, Vindhyachal back-to-back link and the
Rihand - Dadri 1500 MW HVDC bipole have been tested and
commissioned in the late 80's/ early 90's and the grid network in which
they are operating today is significantly different from that for which their
controllers were tuned. For ensuring their optimal support for grid stability,
all these devices should be re-tuned corresponding to simulation of
updated network and in future, regular update at interval of 3-4 years
should also be done.
Power System Stabilizers (PSS) as part of the generators installed in the
network are also critical for damping the local area oscillations and
imparting stability to the networks. Optimal tuning of PSS also enhance
effectiveness of other HVDC and FACTs controllers in supporting overall/

Report of the Task Force on Power System Analysis Under Contingencies

inter-area stability. Necessary exercise to retune PSS should be

undertaken at interval of 3-4 years or even earlier depending on network
additions in vicinity of specific generators.
The Enquiry Committee under Chairman, CEA which analyzed the grid
disturbance recommended an extensive review and the audit of the
protection system. The Task Force constituted a Sub-Committee
comprising engineers from CTU, STU, NTPC, Tata Power, ABB and IPPs
which deliberated on the issues concerning protection system and
submitted its report covering recommendations on methodology for relay
settings, format for audit data & check list for protection audit and on
protection system management issues. The recommendations of the
protection sub-committee are given in Chapter-9 of the report. The subcommittee

is further in process of carrying out a case study to serve as

model for calculations of relay settings and a report thereon will be
submitted shortly.

The Task Force is of the view that for proper protection coordination, all
utilities should follow the guide lines and get their protection system
audited from time to time as per the recommended methodology for relay
settings, data format and checklist as specified in Chapter-9 of this report.
A data base of the settings of various relays also needs to be created, kept
updated and verified during the relay audit. The data based may be
maintained with the Regional Power Committees. Audit of protection
system should be made mandatory by the CERC and SERC’s in their

The Task Force is also of the opinion that an Internationally reputed

consultant may be appointed to carry out studies to determine the relay

Report of the Task Force on Power System Analysis Under Contingencies

settings for the complete network at 220kV and above and also carry out
the settings at site in coordination with the CTU and STU’s. The
comprehensive exercise should be completed in a time bound manner in
the next one year.

The Task Force has also observed that many of the utilities do not
possess well trained and dedicated group to carry out studies for
calculations for relay settings. The Task force strongly recommends that a
dedicated group is required to be constituted and trained in all Utilities to
carry out computer aided studies for relay settings. It also recommends
that for settings of critical transmission lines and corridors the relay setting
calculations be validated by simulations on the Real time digital simulator
(RTDS) available with CPRI and PGCIL.

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