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FB_ENG:Forschungsbericht_ENG 17.07.

15 11:09 Seite 112


Department of Otorhinolaryngology –
Head and Neck Surgery
Division of Phoniatrics and Pediatric Audiology

Address test persons and compares their performance dynamics. In this approach, digital high-speed re-
Bohlenplatz 21 with patients suffering from voice (hyper-, hypo- cordings of vocal fold vibrations, captured at a
91054 Erlangen tension dysphonia; MTD) and speech disorders frame rate of 4000 Hz, are analyzed. For an ob-
Phone: +49 9131 8533146 (Apraxia of Speech; AOS). The synchronous data jective analysis, a specialized image segmentation
Fax: +49 9131 8539272 acquisition (visual, acoustical, and EEG) enables algorithm was developed which extracts the vi- for the first time the analysis of the connection brating vocal fold edges from the high-speed re-
between kinesthetic and auditory feedback pro- cordings. The results of the procedure were ex-
Head of Division cesses. Current methods of electrophysiology and tensively evaluated in a clinical trial. To visualize
Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Ulrich Eysholdt quantitative endoscopy are used simultaneously. the relevant vibration information within a single
(until 30 September 2014) The goal of the study is a first understanding of image, the so-called phonovibrogram (PVG) was
the cooperating auditory and kinesthetic feed- developed. A PVG image contains the entire vocal
Contact back control. fold oscillation pattern and enables a novel clas-
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Döllinger
sification of vocal fold vibrations. First studies
Phone: +49 9131 8533814 Modeling of tracheoesophageal voice show the robustness as well as the reliability of
Fax: +49 9131 8539272 After laryngectomy, the loss of natural voice is this new approach. For further quantification, a the most prominent functional defect. It can be laser-grid projection device was developed which
rehabilitated best by means of shunt valves. So enables a three-dimensional quantification of the
Research Focus
far, there is no consensus on how to evaluate image data in the future. Thus, absolute measures
• Kinesthetic and auditory feedback during
tracheoesophageal voice. of vocal fold elongation and velocities can be per-
phonation and articulation
In a study funded by the German Cancer Aid, formed.
• Modeling of tracheoesophageal voice
we objectively analyze the dynamics and the re- Within this project, we further developed an ap-
• Development of vocal fold transplants
sulting acoustical signal of the remaining pha- plication software (Glottis Analysis Tools, GAT).
• Phonovibrography – objective analysis of
ryngoesophageal segment after total laryn- The software is thought to be applicable in the
vocal fold vibrations
gectomy. The goal is to find correlations be- clinical environment and routine in the future.
• Differentiated objective analysis of the speech
tween dynamics as well as tissue structures and In this research area, we closely collaborate with
quality of chronically hoarse patients to en-
the quality of the resulting acoustic signal. High- respected international colleagues who already
hance evidence-based diagnostics
speed recordings in combination with a newly apply and also review the software regarding
• Fluid mechanical basis of the human voice
developed laser grid projection system are ap- the clinical benefit and applicability.
plied. This combination allows a quantitative re-
Structure of the Division gistration of occurring dynamics. The dynamics
are adopted by numerical biomechanical mo-
Phoniatrics and pediatric audiology is a medical dels. The resulting parameters, like damping
field which addresses diseases and disorders of and swinging masses, are further analyzed and
voice, speech, language, hearing, and swallo- interpreted.
wing. Research deals basically with communi-
cation disorders on the perception (hearing re- Development of vocal fold transplants
search) and production side (speech and voice Partly or full excision of the larynx results in the
research). The principle contents of the research loss of voice production. Additionally to the can-
projects within the Division of Phoniatrics and cer, the patients then have to deal with a very
Pediatric Audiology connect the medical field reduced ability to communicate. The goal of
with applied natural sciences and technology. this project, funded by the German Cancer Aid,
21 employees in all work at the Division of is to reconstruct new vocal fold tissue by means
Screenshot of the developed software. The vocal folds
Phoniatrics and Pediatric Audiology, four of them of nano-technologic approaches which can be (middle) to be segmented and a close-up of this picture
are financed via third-party funds. implanted after surgery. This project is jointly (right) is given. On the left, the corresponding acoustical
executed with Prof. Dr. C. Alexiou (professor- signal, on the bottom, the segmented glottal area is
Research ship for Nanomedicine, Department of Otorhi- given.
Kinesthetic and auditory feedback du- Differentiated objective analysis of the
ring phonation and articulation Phonovibrography – objective analysis speech quality of chronically hoarse
The precision of the human speech signal is con- of vocal fold vibrations patients to enhance evidence-based
trolled by parallel working feedback processes The causes of hoarseness are not yet completely diagnostics
while speaking. The feedback mechanisms are understood. The presumed irregularities of vocal For differentiated diagnostics of functioning and
developed during language acquisition and can fold oscillation cannot be proven with the con- evaluation of distorted voice and speech pro-
be divided into kinesthetic and auditory control. ventional investigation instrument (stroboscopy) duction, there are currently no validated ob-
The feedback mechanisms can be affected by as this is only designed for periodic events. jective approaches. Voice and speech disorders
voice and speech disorders in different ways. Thanks to funding of the DFG, a novel approach are usually assessed by perceptive evaluations
This project investigates the feedback mecha- of phonovibrography could be developed which with only restricted reliability for clinical or
nisms of phonation and articulation of healthy enables a visualization and analysis of vocal fold scientific use.

FB_ENG:Forschungsbericht_ENG 17.07.15 11:09 Seite 113

Perceptual evaluations are very time consuming and pediatric audiology are taught during both,
and of limited suitability in clinical routine. For the pre-clinical and clinical phase. Complemen-
a differentiated, objective analysis, automatic tarily, practical trainings on voice, swallowing,
methods are developed which take this into ac- speech, and hearing impairments are given.
count. Subjective clinical evaluation criteria are The training of speech therapists takes place at
described by objectively computed parameters. the Institute of Speech Therapy (B.Sc. Logope-
The involved patient groups include patients dics) within the Faculty of Medicine.
with voice disorders, e.g. chronic hoarseness, We also give lectures for the degree program
partial and total laryngectomy, and patients “Medical Engineering” where we teach the stu-
with articulation disorders, e.g. children with dents how to transfer engineering knowledge
cleft lip and palate and patients with oral squa- towards clinical questions (Computational
mous cell carcinoma. Medicine I).
The automatic methods analyzed voice parame-
ters as well as speech aspects with a strong Selected Publications
focus on a detailed (phoneme) analysis. Thus, Bartke B, Haderlein T, Döllinger M, Nöth E, Graf S, Eysholdt
U, Ziethe A. Perzeptive und maschinelle Stimm- und
the communication problem is not described as Sprechanalyse bei chronischer Laryngitis und T1-Stimmlip-
one single unit, but phoneme classes have been penkarzinom. HNO 2013, 61(8): 672-7
identified which are specifically affected by the Echternach M, Döllinger M, Sundberg J, Traser L, Richter
distortion. B. Vocal fold vibration at high soprano fundamental fre-
Systems for a detailed phoneme analysis in chil- quencies. J Acoust Soc Am 2013, 133(2): EL82-EL87

dren with cleft lip and palate and patients with Unger J, Meyer T, Herbst CT, Fitch WTS, Döllinger M, Loh-
scheller J. Phonovibrographic wavegrams: Visualizing vocal
oral squamous cell carcinoma were also estab- fold kinematics. J Acoust Soc Am 2013, 133(2): 1055-64
lished. These systems are based on automatic
Patel R, Dubrovskiy D, Döllinger M. Characterizing vibra-
speech processing techniques, prosodic analy- tory kinematics in children and adults with high-speed di-
sis, phonemic and phonological features. Addi- gital imaging. J Speech Lang Hear R 2014, 57(2): 674-86
tionally, the current topic is the quantification Schulz A, Bocklet T, Eysholdt U, Bohr C, Döllinger M, Ziethe
of hoarseness which will also include speech- A. Validierung einer automatischen Analyse der Sprechpro-
ben von Kindern mit isolierter Gaumenspalte. HNO 2014,
related parameters for the first time. The objective 62(7): 525-9
measurement of nasality without complex and
Bohr C, Kräck A, Dubrovskiy D, Eysholdt U, Svec JG, Psy-
expensive equipment is also part of the research chogios G, Ziethe A, Döllinger M. Spatiotemporal Analysis
project. In this way, an objective clinical evalu- of High-Speed Videolaryngoscopic Imaging of Organic Pa-
thologies in Males. J Speech Lang Hear R 2014, 57(4):
ation is created.
The automatic analysis is the basis for future
telemedical applications for the control of the pro- International Cooperations
gress of voice and speech therapy. Furthermore,
Prof. J.G. Švec, Ph.D., C. Herbst, Ph.D., Palacký University,
this analysis will serve as objective addition to Olomouc: Czech Republic
the established subjective voice and speech Prof. Y.J. Moon, Ph.D., Korea University, Seoul: South Korea
evaluation in clinical practice. The approach is
Prof. R.E. Hillman, Ph.D., MD, D. Mehta, Ph.D., Massachu-
another important step towards evidence-based setts General Hospital, Boston: USA
diagnostics in phoniatrics. Prof. D.A. Berry, Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles:
This project is jointly executed with the Pattern USA
Recognition Lab (Prof. Dr. E. Nöth, Faculty of Prof. S.L. Thomson, Ph.D., Brigham Young University,
Engineering). The project is supported by the Idaho: USA
Else Kröner-Fresenius Stiftung. Prof. M. Kunduk, Ph.D., Louisiana State University, Baton
Rouge: USA
Fluid mechanical basis of the human Prof. R. Patel, Ph.D., Indiana University, Bloomington: USA
More detailed information is given in the sepa-
rate report of FOR 894, supported by DFG.


The Division of Phoniatrics and Pediatric Audio-

logy is dedicated to a first-class academic teach-
ing which is of the same value as patient care
and scientific research. The offer of lectures fol-
lows the clinical focus of the area. Phoniatrics


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