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Dawson Cloward

Period 3
Project Proposal 2019

In this world, many people’s lives are changed by the events of natural disasters.
Their homes destroyed, belongings lost, and families left with nothing. In California,
wildfires have spread across numerous amounts of land and have demolished many
homes and land. This burning of forest has also caused air problems for the
surrounding areas.My group and I’s goal is to raise awareness and money to help
support those affected by the wildfires which have devastated homes in California. Our
campaign will raise money which will be donated to the American Red Cross, which is
currently helping in the relief of these wildfires.

The members of our group include Dave Jackson, Payton Durfey, Tyson
Hoggan, and myself. Included in this campaign will be the creation of a GoFundMe
account as well as presentation materials, such as posters and other things to get the
word out and to spread awareness on this issue. We will also use our social media
accounts to spread the word, like creating a link on our pages that is easily accessible
and simple to donate to. Also, we will be making a video advertisement and posting it
online to spread awareness on the issue and to make the GoFundMe account known.

I understand that there will be some concerns with this project. Some of these
include putting up posters around the community and the school. Our posters will be
clean and professional and will not interfere with any decorations or other posters up in
the hallways as well as public places. The money will be raised on the site and will
directly be transferred to the American Red Cross as a donation.

Another concern would be the amount of time we would spend on this project.
By each of us helping to create the posters, the GoFundMe account, the advertisement
video, and consistently using out social media accounts to bring awareness to the issue
and give exposure to the GoFundMe account. All of this will add up to being at least six
hours for each of us individually.

We think that this cause can bring our community and classmates together in
supporting those that lost their homes due to the devastating wildfires in California.


Ms. Tibbits (teacher):_______________________________

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