Ophthalmological Findings in Children With Encephalitis

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Acta Ophthalmologica 2017

Ophthalmological findings in children with

 Fowler,3 Agneta Rydberg1,2 and Ronny Wickstr€
Kerstin Hellgren,1,2 Asa om1,3
Department of Neuropediatrics, Astrid Lindgren Children’s Hospital, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden
Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Neuropediatric Unit, Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

also seen. However, the aetiology often
Purpose: To evaluate ophthalmological abnormalities in children with acute
remains unknown in up to 50% of the
cases. The symptoms of acute
Methods: Thirty-six children included in a hospital-based prospectively and encephalitis are similar in children
consecutively collected cohort of children with acute encephalitis were investi- and adults with most cases presenting
gated for ophthalmological abnormalities. The investigation included clinical with fever, headache and altered sen-
ophthalmological examination, fundus photography, neuro-ophthalmological sorium. Focal neurological symptoms
examinations as well as visual and stereo acuity. Results on laboratory or seizures may also be present. The
examinations, clinical findings, neuroimaging and electroencephalography reg- long-term outcome after encephalitis in
istrations were recorded for all children. childhood varies from death or severe
Results: The median age was 4.0 years (Interquartile Range 1.9–9.8). The sequelae to full recovery. Predicting the
aetiology was identified in 74% of cases. Three of 36 patients were found to have prognosis after encephalitis in child-
abnormal ophthalmological findings related to the encephalitis. Transient sixth hood is difficult due to an often weak
nerve palsy was seen in a 15-year-old child and transient visual impairment was relationship between the clinical pic-
seen in a 3.5-year-old child. Bilateral miosis and ptosis, i.e. autonomic nerve ture in the acute phase and the preva-
system symptoms, were seen in an 11-month-old child, with herpes simplex 1 and lence of remaining sequelae (Fowler
et al. 2010; DuBray et al. 2013;
N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antibody encephalitis. All three children recov-
Michaeli et al. 2014). Some correlation
ered and improved their ophthalmological function with time.
is seen with a worse outcome in agents
Conclusion: Only 3 of 36 children were found to have ophthalmological that cause necrosis or vasculitis, e.g.
abnormalities due to encephalitis and they all improved with time. Thus, HSV-1, but the individual variation in
ophthalmological consultation does not seem to fit in a screening programme for a given aetiology is large.
childhood encephalitis but should be considered in selected cases. Ophthalmological complications
have been reported in association with
Key words: central nervous system – infection – neurological – ophthalmological out- CNS infections and often seem to be
come – paediatric agent specific. Known ocular com-
plications in, for instance, herpetic
Acta Ophthalmol. 2017: 95: 66–73 viral infections include conjunctivitis,
ª 2016 Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica Foundation. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd dacryoadenitis, episcleritis, keratitis,
iritis and optic neuritis (Matoba 1990;
doi: 10.1111/aos.13305
Chong et al. 2004). Ophthalmoplegia
estimated to be 2–18/100.000 child- and cranial nerve palsies have also
Introduction years (Koskiniemi et al. 1997; Clarke been documented in association with
Infections in the central nervous system et al. 2006; Thompson et al. 2012). encephalitis in a limited amount of
(CNS) are relatively uncommon but Encephalitis is often caused by studies, and mostly in small case series
potentially devastating. viruses such as herpes simplex virus (Correll et al. 2015; Malcles et al.
The true incidence of encephalitis is (HSV), enterovirus, varicella zoster 2015). Ptosis and sixth nerve palsy
difficult to estimate due to differences virus (VZV), influenza virus or arthro- were reported in two cases with diag-
in reporting systems, but the highest pod-borne viruses, e.g. tick-borne nosed encephalitis due to influenza type
incidence is seen in young children and encephalitis (TBE) virus or West Nile A (Migita et al. 2001). In a case series
in the elderly. In the western world the virus, but cases due to bacteria, fungi of 24 patients with HSV caused brain-
incidence of childhood encephalitis is or autoimmune-mediated disease are stem encephalitis 81% had neuro-

Acta Ophthalmologica 2017

ophthalmological symptoms such as Demographic characteristics, clinical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
abnormal ocular movements, nystag- signs and symptoms were recorded for was performed in 15/36.
mus, anisocoria, ptosis, spasmodic all children. All children included in the study
movements and oscillopsia (Livorsi Blood and cerebrospinal fluid underwent an EEG examination within
et al. 2010). Acute retinal necrosis is a (CSF) were prospectively sampled the first days of admission. Episodic or
well-known and feared sight-threaten- according to the study protocol as continuous, focal or generalized, slow
ing condition, which has been strongly well as when clinically motivated. All activity (delta and/or theta) with or
associated with HSV and in some cases children underwent routine laboratory without epileptiform discharges were
also to Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) tests of serum at the time of admis- considered as EEG abnormalities com-
caused neuroinflammation (Kim et al. sion including serology, CRP and patible with encephalitis.
2011; Papageorgiou et al. 2014). How- WBC. Antibody titres in blood were Visual acuity (VA) was evaluated
ever, few, if any, studies have described analysed for Borrelia Burgdorferi and with age appropriate methods and
ophthalmological findings in a paedi- TBE virus in all, and depending on according to general health condition.
atric population with clinical clinical symptoms some cases were Monocular VA was measured when
encephalitis of unselected origins. tested for enterovirus, adenovirus, possible. The youngest children were
The purpose of this study was to mycoplasma pneumoniae, HSV1 and assessed with the Teller Acuity Cards
evaluate ophthalmological findings at HSV2. Lumbar puncture (LP) was (Teller 1979) and the Cardiff Acuity
illness onset in a hospital-based con- performed during the acute phase Test (Adoh & Woodhouse 1994;
secutively recruited population of chil- with routine analysis of the CSF, Sharma et al. 2003). When these tests
dren with encephalitis of various and including WBC, levels of protein, were not possible to use, due to lack of
unselected aetiological origin. glucose, lactate and microbiological co-operation, the child0 s visual beha-
analyses. Microbiological analysis of viour was assessed using coloured
the CSF included bacterial culture sugar strands. For the preschool chil-
Materials and Methods and virological tests for HSV1, dren, the HVOT or LH symbols were
Children aged 28 days to 16 years with HSV2, VZV and enterovirus with used for evaluation of recognition acu-
acute encephalitis and meningoen- polymerase chain reaction (PCR) ity and, for school children, the KM
cephalitis who were admitted to our and/or intrathecal antibody produc- letter chart was used (Hedin et al.
primary and tertiary care hospital in tion. Depending on season and the 1980; Hyvarinen et al. 1980; Moutakis
northern Stockholm, between May clinical picture, the CSF was also et al. 2004). All numerical values of VA
2011 and May 2013, were enrolled in tested for other aetiologies, such as were transferred to decimal values,
this study. The diagnosis of encephali- Borrelia Burgdorferi, human herpes according to the literature, to facilitate
tis was based on the following criteria: virus 6, parechovirus, cytomegalovirus comparisons (Rydberg et al. 1999;
(1) signs of cerebral dysfunction either and EBV in some cases. Tests for Leone et al. 2014; Larsson et al. 2015).
as (i) encephalopathy defined as altered antibodies directed at neuronal anti- Stereo acuity was assessed with the
consciousness, personality or beha- gens, such as N-methyl-D-aspartate Lang (I or II) or the TNO stereo test
vioural changes lasting for more than receptor (NMDAR) antibodies, were (Ancona et al. 2014) and was defined
24 hr, or (ii) abnormal electroen- not routinely done. However, in chil- as present if at least one item was
cephalography (EEG) findings compat- dren where the initial aetiological identified, and absent if none was.
ible with encephalitis, plus at least one screening was negative and in whom A thorough clinical examination of
of the following: abnormal results of no clinical improvement was seen, the eyes was performed using slit
neuroimaging compatible with tests for neuronal antibodies were lamp and funduscopy. Fundus photog-
encephalitis, positive focal neurologi- considered. Nasopharyngeal aspirate raphy was taken when possible.
cal findings or seizures. Cases with was tested for respiratory viruses Neuro-ophthalmological examinations
abnormal EEG findings compatible when respiratory symptoms were pre- included pupils, ocular motility, nys-
with encephalitis but not showing sent. Faeces were analysed with PCR tagmus and ocular alignment.
abnormalities on neuroimaging, focal for enterovirus and if gastrointestinal
neurological findings, seizures or symptoms were present most children
Ethical approval
encephalopathy were classified as were also tested for norovirus, sapo-
meningoencephalitis. (2) Signs of virus and rotavirus. The detection of This study was approved by the
inflammation, defined either as pleocy- a viral agent in the CSF or intrathecal local ethics committee (Dnr 2010/
tosis (≥6 white blood cells/ll), fever production of antibodies and the 1206-31/1).
(>38°C) or elevated infectious parame- presence of antibodies against TBE
ters, C-reactive protein (CRP) and virus in serum was defined as con-
white blood cells (WBC). Catarrhalia firmed aetiologies, whereas other
was considered not to be sufficient. agents found in blood, faeces or Thirty-six patients (26 girls and 10 boys)
Children with another verified cause of nasopharynx were labelled as proba- who fulfilled the inclusion criteria under-
symptoms such as bacterial meningitis ble aetiologies. went ophthalmological examinations on
or other underlying neurological or In children who underwent neu- at least one occasion at the time of onset.
metabolic disease that per se could roimaging, pathological changes com- Median age at first examination was
explain the symptoms were excluded. patible with encephalitis were recorded. 4.0 years (interquartile range 1.9–9.8,
Pure ataxia was not considered A computer tomography (CT) was distribution in years and gender is
sufficient neurology for inclusion. performed in 22/36 patients, whereas shown in Fig. 1).

Acta Ophthalmologica 2017

5 and abnormal movements on the right

Female side progressing into oral and trunchal
choreoathetosis together with beha-
vioural changes.

Neuroimaging and EEG

3 Neuroimaging was performed in 23
children with abnormal results in four
children. An abnormal CT scan was
seen in two children, and both also had
a pathological MRI scan. In total, four
children had a pathological MRI pic-
ture compatible with encephalitis.
1 All children had an EEG recording
performed during the acute phase, 30
of which showed abnormalities com-
patible with encephalopathy. In two
cases the EEG recording was consid-
<1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
ered inconclusive due to sedation or
Fig. 1. Gender distribution and age in years at first ophthalmological examination. y-axis
being performed during a postictal
represents number of children, x-axis represents age in years. phase thus making interpretation diffi-
cult. Four children had a normal EEG
Clinical characteristics Aetiology
Ophthalmological findings
Thirty-one children fulfilled the criteria In 25/36 patients a plausible aetiolog-
of encephalitis and five children were ical agent was found. In nine of these In 28 of the 36 (78%) subjects VA was
classified as meningoencephalitis. cases the aetiology was considered as obtained at first visit. Of those, 20
Encephalopathy lasting for more confirmed [enterovirus by PCR in CSF provided monocular VA of both eyes
than 24 hr in the acute phase was seen (1), TBE ab in serum (5), EBV by PCR and eight were evaluated binocularly.
in 20 children, in five children a in CSF (1) and NMDAR antibodies In seven subjects VA was obtained
changed sensorium was noted but it (2)]. In one case the encephalitis was a later during the clinical course or at
was not considered to be severe enough manifestation during Kawasaki’s dis- discharge. In one subject, no VA was
to be defined as encephalopathy or not ease. In the remaining 15 cases the evaluated. Three toddlers were only
lasting for more than 24 hr, and they aetiology was found outside the CSF evaluated with qualitative measure-
were thus classified as meningoen- and regarded as a possible causes: ments, i.e. picking sugar strands, one
cephalitis. Twenty-four children had a rotavirus in faeces (6), influenza B virus of which at first visit and monocularly
history of, or presented with, fever. in NPH (2), enterovirus in faeces (3), and the other two at discharge and
Headache was present in 16 children norovirus in faeces (1), sapovirus in binocularly. Best VA in association
old enough to verbalize this symptom. faeces (1), HSV1 in serum with PCR with age at onset and at discharge is
Nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea was with a switch from IgM to IgG ab0 s in shown in Fig. 2. VA was found sub-
seen in 19 children. convalescent sera (1) and mykoplasma normal in three cases. One of these
Pleocytosis in CSF was seen in 22/36 pneumonia antibodies in serum (1). In three cases, a 3.5-year-old boy,
children. In most cases there was a one child the encephalitis was a man- (marked as a black diamond in Fig. 2
mononuclear predominance, but in five ifestation during Hashimotos disease. and presented as Case 1, see below),
children a polynuclear dominance was infected with rota virus, had impaired
seen [enterovirus (1), TBE (2), influ- consciousness at first visit and showed
Neurological findings
enza B (1) and unknown (1)]. Five decreased VA on first examination,
children underwent a second LP during Seizures during the acute phase were without any other ocular pathology.
the acute phase and, in four of them, seen in 19/36 (53%) children, with five His VA was improving and found
the number of cells in the CSF had presenting with status epilepticus. normal on last follow-up. The second
increased. The average number of cells Focal neurological findings were seen case, a 3.9-year-old girl (marked as
in CSF was 95 WBC/ll (range 8–830). in 13 children with balance distur- a black triangle in Fig. 2 and pre-
The albumin level in CSF was bances being the most frequent symp- sented as Case 2 below), was found to
increased in 11 children ranging from tom found in eight cases. Ataxia, have previously undetected signifi-
256 to 960 mg/l (<220 mg/l). dysphasia, unilateral sixth nerve palsy, cant refractive errors (hypermetropia)
In a few children the opening pres- transient weakness of left side and unrelated to the encephalitis. She also
sure was measured during the LP and it hallucinations were other symptoms had esotropia and deficient stereo acu-
was noted to be increased in three, present in one child each. Furthermore, ity. The third case, a 12-year-old girl,
ranging from 30–55 cm H20 (<20 cm one child, described more in detail below, was wearing contact lenses and had
H2O). showed abnormal tongue movements known aniso-myopia and amblyopia in

Acta Ophthalmologica 2017

right and left eye, respectively, and

binocular VA was 0.25 with LH sym-
1.25 1.25
bols. Stereo acuity was absent. The
ophthalmological examination was
1.00 1.00 otherwise normal, see fundus pho-
tographs of right and left eyes in Fig. 3.
0.75 0.75 On follow-up visit 4 months later,
binocular VA was 0.5 and on 1 year
0.50 0.50
follow-up had improved to 1.0 (monoc-
ular VA 0.9 on both eyes). Stereo
acuity normalized. There was no other
0.25 0.25
abnormal ophthalmological finding
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 during the course.
Examination age in years at onset Examination age in years at discharge
Case 2
Fig. 2. Visual acuity (decimal values) in the study group (n = 36) related to age at onset (left A 3.9-year-old girl had a sudden onset
graph; n = 27) and at discharge (right graph; n = 32). y-axis represents best visual acuity in
of seizures and unconsciousness after a
decimal values and x-axis represents age in years. Black diamond is indicating a 3.5-year-old boy
with rota-positive encephalitis and impaired visual acuity at onset but improving with time,
short fever episode. Acute CT brain
presented as Case 1. Black triangle is indicating a 3.9-year-old girl with influenza b encephalitis scan was normal. EEG showed abnor-
and undiagnosed refractive errors with secondary previously undiagnosed esotropia, presented as mal, generally slow activity compatible
Case 2. Three toddlers did not provide numerical values and are not included in the graphs. In one with encephalitis. Tracheal specimen
subject visual acuity was never assessed. revealed influenza B. At first ophthal-
mological visit she was found to be
highly hyperopic in both eyes (+6.75
her right eye. Compared to previous (see Case 4 below) with impaired spherical equivalent) and had an
examinations, before the encephalitis, consciousness had initially bilateral accommodative right convergent
her VA was unchanged, in both eyes. miosis and subsequently, on second squint. Visual acuity (VA) of right
Twenty-five subjects (67%) had normal exam, bilateral ptosis, symptoms and left eye was 0.25 and 0.4, respec-
or near-normal VA according to age on which are in accordance with brain- tively. She had no ocular palsy or other
first visit. In eight patients initial exam- stem encephalitis. She suffered from neuro-ophthalmological pathology.
ination of VA was impossible because encephalitis caused by HSV-1 and She had a history of intermittent
of impaired consciousness or health later developed an anti-NMDAR untreated esotropia. On 2 months’ fol-
status. Seven of them had normal or encephalitis which has been described low-up, wearing the prescribed glasses,
near-normal VA on second visit, of previously (Wickstr€ om et al. 2014). her distance VA had improved to 0.4
which two toddlers did not co-operate No patient had signs of ocular and 0.65 on her right and left eye,
enough to produce numerical VA but inflammation such as keratitis, con- respectively, and to 0,8 binocularly at
showed age normal visual behaviour. junctivitis, uveitis or retinitis. No one near. There was no strabismus with
As stated above, one subject was never had papillary oedema. correction, although stereo acuity was
assessed for VA, but had otherwise still only partially positive.
normal neuro-ophthalmological find-
Case presentations
ings on examination. This was a boy Case 3
of 15 years who had too severe head- Case 1 A 15-year-old, previously healthy boy,
ache at onset to perform a VA test, and A 3.5-year-old boy, previously healthy, was referred to the hospital from the
never returned to planned controls, but arrived at the hospital with a history of general practitioner with suspected
reported full VA on telephone. gastroenteritis symptoms, i.e. vomiting, meningoencephalitis. He had a 2 weeks
Stereo acuity was present in 24 diarrhoea and fever for 3 days. His history of reoccurring fever, nausea,
subjects, absent in two subjects and behaviour was altered and he was vomiting and headache. Two days
not evaluated, due to lack of co- easily agitated and at bad ease. On before arrival to the hospital he had
operation, in 10 subjects. Clinical data the way to the hospital, there was a developed double vision, which per-
of all 36 subjects are presented in sudden onset of seizures and decreased sisted. He was otherwise unaffected.
Table 1. consciousness. At the hospital addi- CSF analysis revealed 86 monocytes/ll
Ocular motility was found to be tional symptoms were noticed includ- and albumin 353 mg/l. Opening
abnormal in three cases. One 15-year- ing unsynchronized and asymmetrical intracranial pressure during LP was
old boy, (see Case 3 below), with movements of extremities. Acute CT increased to 42 cm H2O. MRI and CT
encephalitis of unknown aetiological brain scan showed slight general brain scans were normal. EEG was
agent, had a transient, isolated sixth oedema and EEG showed a pattern pathological and encephalitis suspect.
nerve palsy, which resolved com- compatible with encephalitis. No virus The ophthalmological examination
pletely. One almost 4-year-old girl was found in CSF but faeces were showed a convergent squint and a right
(see Case 2 below) had a previously positive for rota- and sapovirus. At sixth nerve palsy, but otherwise a
undiagnosed intermittent esotropia, first ophthalmological visit he was normal ophthalmological examination
most likely due to severe bilateral restless and overactive and co-operated with normal VA 1.0 in both eyes with
hypermetropia. One girl of 11 months moderately. VA was 0.16 and 0.2 in his his own glasses. He was slightly

Acta Ophthalmologica 2017

Table 1. Clinical data of the study group.

Age at
Case Agents Gender months VA RE VA LE VA Binoc Method Stereo Neurological signs CT/MRI

1 Rota- and M 03:07 0.16 0.2 0.25 LH linear Neg Visual impair, seizures, N
Sapovirus balance problems,
2 Influenza B F 03:11 0.25 0.4 LH linear Neg Seizures, esotropia N
3 Unknown M 15:10 1 1 KM 550″ Sixth nerve palsy N
4 HSV and F 00:11 Ptosis, miosis, seizures Abn
5 Enterovirus F 06:05 1 1 KM 60″
6 Unknown M 06:05 1 1 HVOT 60″ Seizures N
7 Unknown F 02:03 0.63 0.63 Cardiff Ataxia N
8 Mykoplasma F 02:05 0.4 LH single 200″ Seizures N
9 Unknown M 11:06 1 1 KM 30″ Seizures Abn
10 EBV F 16:00 15″ Seizures N
11 Unknown F 16:11 1 1 KM 550″ N
12 NMDAR ab F 07:11 60″ Seizures, dysphasia N
13 Rotavirus F 01:11 0.5 LH at near 200″ Seizures, balance
14 Rotavirus M 02:11 0.65 LH single 550″ Balance problems N
15 Enterovirus F 01:09 16 c/d (appr 0.5) TAC 550″ Seizures, balance N
16 TBE F 07:08 1 1 KM Pos N
17 Unknown F 09:03 27c/d (appr 0.9) TAC Seizures Abn
18 Rotavirus F 03:00 0.63 0.63 LH linear 550″ Seizures N
19 Influenza B F 02:03 0,63 Cardiff 550″ Seizures, balance N
20 TBE+Borrelia F 03:11 0.63 0.63 LH linear 200″
21 Rotavirus M 00:10 Truncal instability
22 Unknown F 12:03 0.3 0.8 KM
23 Norovirus F 01:09
24 Unknown F 15:11 1 1 KM 550″ Seizures, weakness N
left side
25 Rotavirus F 04:04 0.8 0.8 LH linear 200″
26 TBE F 06:09 1 1 KM 550″
27 Unknown M 03:09 0.63 LH linear 550″
28 Unknown M 15:03 N
29 Sapovirus F 01:06 0.63 (6c/d) Cardiff (TAC) 550″ Seizures, balance N
30 TBE M 06:04 0.4 0.4 0.8 LH linear Balance problems
31 Enterovirus F 00:05 600″ Seizures
32 Rotavirus F 00:11 550″ Seizures N
33 Enterovirus M 04:00 0.63 0.5 LH linear 550″ Seizures N
34 Unknown F 01:08 Seizures, balance N
35 TBE F 12:04 1 1 KM 550″
36 EBV F 12:09 1.3 1.3 KM Seizures Abn

HSV = herpes simplex virus, NMDAR = N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor, ab = antibodies, EBV = Epstein–Barr virus, TBE = tick-borne encephali-
tis, m = male, f = female, VA = Visual acuity, RE = right eye, LE = left eye, Binoc = binocular, c/d = cycles per degree, TAC = Teller acuity cards,
neg = negative, pos = positive, visual impair = visual impairment, CT = Computer tomography of the brain, MRI = Magnetic resonance imaging of
the brain, N = normal, Abn = abnormal findings.

myopic. Fundus photographs are Case 4 monocytes/ll). Results from PCR of the
shown in Fig. 4. He received oral A previously healthy girl of 11 months CSF were positive for HSV1. The first
carbanhydrase-inhibitor (Diamox) was admitted to the hospital because of ophthalmological examination on day 2
treatment and recovered fast. The sixth generalized seizures preceded by gas- revealed bilateral miosis and a sluggish
nerve palsy had regressed completely troenteritis symptoms and high fever. pupillary reaction to light. No nystag-
on 1 month follow-up, with no remain- Initial CT brain scan was normal. EEG mus, palsy or other ocular motor dys-
ing strabismus and a positive stereo showed left-sided slow activity with function was noted and fundus
acuity. The aetiology to the encephali- spikes and sharp waves. CSF analysis examination was normal. Due to motor
tis remained unknown. revealed a monocytic pleocytosis (24 anxiety and lowered consciousness she

Acta Ophthalmologica 2017

unspecific and very common nature of

symptoms such as fever, headache,
nausea and lethargy (Fowler et al.
2008; Thompson et al. 2012). The out-
come after encephalitis in children
varies from full recovery to death or
severe sequelae. As previously shown in
adults, neuropsychological sequelae are
also often observed following CNS
infections in children.
In a previous retrospective study of a
paediatric population with clinically
diagnosed encephalitis, it was shown
that the children displayed persisting
Fig. 3. Fundus photographs of right eye (left picture) and left eye (right picture) of Case 1.
Considered normal. sequels at discharge for which the
strongest predictive factor was focal
neurological findings at presentation
(Fowler et al. 2008). However, oph-
thalmological symptoms were not
The ophthalmological examinations
in this study were obviously dependent
on the health status and consciousness
of the patients. VA was possible to
evaluate at an early time point in 78%
(28/36) of the patients and visual
impairment at onset was rare. One
boy, with plausible rota virus–caused
encephalitis, displayed a transient mild
visual impairment, which recovered
within a short time span. There was
Fig. 4. Fundus photographs of right eye (left) and left eye (right) of CASE 3. Considered normal. no sign of ocular inflammation, optic
disc abnormality or retinal necrosis.
His co-operation during the examina-
could not participate in VA testing. On degree), no ocular motor dysfunction tion improved with his clinical recov-
days 4–5 she showed increasing irri- or abnormality and still normal fundi. ery, which probably had a significant
tability. CSF 1 week later was still The clinical characteristics without impact on the VA test performance. In
pleocytic but HSV negative. There ophthalmological findings have been two cases refractive errors were the far
was a slight clinical improvement dur- described previously (Wickstr€
om et al. most likely reason to the subnormal
ing the following days. However, 2014). VA, which hence was to be regarded as
2 weeks later the symptoms progressed incidental findings.
with fever, aggressive behaviour in In previous studies, optic nerve
combination with oral and truncal
Discussion inflammation has been described as a
choreoathetosis and dystonia. Oph- In this hospital-based study of a con- cause of visual deterioration in
thalmological examination showed secutively recruited paediatric cohort encephalitis (Gore et al. 2007; Bae
bilateral complete ptosis. With manual with clinical encephalitis symptoms et al. 2011). Acute retinal necrosis is a
holding of eyelids she followed a torch we found few ophthalmological abnor- rare and devastating condition, causing
light with both eyes and there was still malities at presentation. Of 36 patients, permanent visual loss that has been
miosis. No abnormal eye movements there were three cases who displayed associated with herpetic encephalitis
or nystagmus was seen and the eyes different neuro-ophthalmological symp- and, also, in rare cases with EBV
were parallel. VA testing was not toms, related to the encephalitis. infections (Vandercam et al. 2008;
possible to assess but there was no The symptoms of encephalitis are Kim et al. 2011). In our cohort there
fundus pathology. A CT scan showed similar in adults and children. How- were two cases with possible herpetic
changes consistent with necrosis due to ever, the initial symptoms may be aetiology and none of them had retinal
herpes encephalitis. Subsequent analy- vague and young children often have involvement.
sis of serum and CSF confirmed a con- more subtle symptoms and CNS affec- Ocular motor involvement has been
version into positive titres of NMDAR tion is not always readily noticed. frequently described in patients with
antibodies most likely triggered by the Encephalitis may, therefore, be over- encephalitis. In this study there was
viral infection. She was put under looked early in the disease. Indeed, a only one case, with isolated transient
corticosteroid treatment. Ophthalmo- prompt start of antibacterial and sixth nerve palsy. In that particular
logic examination 3 months later antiviral treatment, which may affect case, the intracranial pressure was
showed age-normal VA (7.9 cycles/ outcome, is complicated by the often increased and treated, and the palsy

Acta Ophthalmologica 2017

resolved quickly thereafter. This sug- In our study of an unselected Swed- pneumoniae in an ambulatory child. Case
gests that the cause was the increased ish paediatric cohort with encephalitis, Rep Neurol 3: 109–112.
intracranial pressure and not necessar- a wide distribution of different aetio- Chong EM, Wilhelmus KR, Matoba AY,
Jones DB, Coats DK & Paysse EA (2004):
ily the encephalitis per se. In one other logical agents was seen. There are,
Herpes simplex virus keratitis in children.
case, an accommodative esotropia was however, few studies with a similar Am J Ophthalmol 138: 474–475.
found accidently and without any ocu- design and comparisons are, therefore, Clarke M, Newton RW, Klapper PE, Sutcliffe
lar palsy. difficult to make. In this study TBE was H, Laing I, Wallace G (2006): Childhood
Isolated sixth nerve palsy is the most the most frequently confirmed aetio- encephalopathy: viruses, immune response,
common form of cranial nerve palsies logical agent and in none of these cases and outcome. Dev Med Child Neurol 48:
encountered in young patients at ophthalmological abnormalities were 294–300.
neuro-ophthalmology clinics (Menon found. Correll MH, Datta N, Arvidsson HS, Melsom
HA, Thielberg AK, Bjerager M, Brodsky
et al. 1984). In most cases its origin Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) infections
MC & Saunte JP (2015): Lyme neuroborre-
remains unknown and the prognosis are known to cause ocular complications liosis: a treatable cause of acute ocular
benign, although recurrence is common including conjunctivitis, dacryoadenitis, motor disturbances in children. Br J Oph-
(Menon et al. 1984; Jukes 2014). episcleritis, keratitis, iritis and optic thalmol 99: 1401–1404.
Known causes to isolated sixth nerve neuritis. Ophthalmoplegia and cranial DuBray K, Anglemyer A, LaBeaud AD et al.
palsy include Lyme neuroborreliosis, nerve palsies have also been reported (2013): Epidemiology, outcomes and predic-
idiopathic intracranial hypertension, (Kim et al. 2011). In this study there was tors of recovery in childhood encephalitis: a
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2014). which yields few cases in each aetio- D-aspartate receptor-mediated encephalitis
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Kerstin Hellgren
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Department of Neuropediatrics
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Karolinska University Hospital, Solna
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S-171 76 Stockholm
Shahar E & Ravid S (2014): Long-term and unilateral amblyopes in under-two-year-
motor and cognitive outcome of acute olds. Indian J Ophthalmol 51: 341–345.
Tel: +468-517 77752
encephalitis. Pediatrics 133: 3 e546–e552. Sharma B, Gupta R, Anand R & Ingle R (2014):
Fax: +468-672 3330
Migita M, Matsumoto T, Fujino O, Takaishi Ocular manifestations of head injury and
Email: kerstin.hellgren@ki.se
Y, Yuki N & Fukunaga Y (2001): Two incidence of post-traumatic ocular motor
cases of influenza with impaired ocular nerveinvolvement in cases of head injury: a Financial support without any role in the design
movement. Eur J Paediatr Neurol 5: 83– clinical review. Int Ophthalmol 34: 893–900. and conduct of this study was obtained from
85. Teller DY (1979): The forced choice preferen- Stockholm County Council, IKEA Foundation,
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more reliable evaluation of amblyopia com- Behav Dev 213: 5–153. Research Foundation for Children Eye Care.
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The authors thank Jessica Widegren for finding
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eligible patients, and Lena Jacobson, Ulrika Liden
Nandi S & Biswas A (2014): Isolated bilateral Arch Dis Child 97: 150–161.
and Lena Falkman for help in examining the
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cleosis. Indian Pediatr 51: 499. der Lelij A (2008): Herpetic encephalitis is a


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