Lord of The Flies Mid Unit Essay

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Kyrin Talley

Ms Corr
Soph English
Dec 13,2018

Lord Of The Flies Mid Unit Essay

Jack is influenced by the signal fire, hunting, and Piggy’s specs. Jack starts the fire with

Piggy’s glasses. Jack likes to hunt and he doesn’t like rules. Jack breaks Piggy’s glasses. He

starts the fire. Likes to hunt and doesn’t like rules. He breaks Piggy’s specs at the end.

Jack started the fire and he takes charge but can be rude. “He took piggy’s glasses from

him without asking. (Page 40)” Jack takes charge in starting a fire but he didn’t ask Piggy for his

specs he just took them which that was rude. ”Jack started the fire with Piggy’s glasses. (page

40)” He is smart and he wants to get home. Overall he is helpful because he uses Piggy’s glasses

to start a fire so they can get rescued.

Jack doesn’t use the conch to communicate in meetings and he likes to hunt/kill. “Jack

was the first to make himself heard. He had not got the conch and thus spoke against the rules;

but nobody minded (Page 87)”. Jack spoke without having the conch and they listened to him

and didn’t mind it. “Rescue? Yes, of course; all the same, I’d like to catch a pig first pig first” he

snatched up his spear and dashed into the ground (Page:53)”. He wanted kill a pig before they

got rescued. All in all, Jack doesn’t follow the rules that they have. He also wants to kill a pig

before they leave.

Jack uses Piggy’s specs to start a fire but he also breaks them later on in the story. He started fire

with his glasses (Page:40). By starting the fire they can be saved and get home alive. Jack

punches Piggy and breaks his specs (Page:70). It proves that Jack has anger issues and is violent
Kyrin Talley
Ms Corr
Soph English
Dec 13,2018

towards others. In conclusion, Jack can’t control his anger and he is smart for starting the fire

because it can help them get rescued.

Jack is smart and uses Piggy’s glasses to start a fire that can get them rescued faster. He wants to

hunt a pig before they get rescued. He has anger issues because he punches Piggy and breaks his

specs. The main point is tat Jack is useful because he helps them start the fire. Jack doesn’t

like rules and he wants to kill s pig. Jack has anger issues and is violent towards others.

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