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CRITERION Outstanding Proficient Consolidating Emergent

4 3 2 1
Presentation All 3 zones; excellent 2 or more zones and At least one zone; Zoning unclear. Little
- Infrastructure variety of recognizable some variety of small variety of variety of structures.
- Facilities and services structures. structures. Could be structures.
of the city The student built a more
- Well planned. large variety of comprehensive.
Considers livability services and facilities.
concepts: –
green spaces, mixed
use zones
- Zone – commercial ,
industrial, residential

. Appearance Excellent use of Good use of variety Fair use of variety of Poor use of variety of
- Use of color, graphics, variety of shapes , of shapes , figures shapes , figures and shapes , figures and
shapes, etc. figures and colors to and colors to colors to enhance colors to enhance the
- Realistic elements enhance the model. enhance the model. the presentation of presentation of the
(flora, fauna, the model model.
- Good use of available
Cooperative Learning Consistently and Works toward group Works toward group Works toward group
- Working and sharing actively works toward goals without goals with goals only when
with the team group goals; willingly occasional occasional prompted.
members accepts and fulfills prompting; accepts prompting. Contributes
- Contribution of individual role within and fulfills individual Contributes information to the
knowledge group. role within group. information to the group only when
- Working and sharing Consistently and Contributes group with prompted
with others actively contributes knowledge, opinions, occasional
knowledge, opinions, and skills without prompting or
and skills without prompting or reminding
prompting or reminding.
Creativity Recycled materials. Recycled materials. Recycled materials. Few recycled materials.
- Use of waste material Good variety of Some variety of Little creativity, Not within budget.
- Display of creativity innovative materials. innovative materials. variety. Little Very few creative
Many creative Some creatively attempt to modify. materials or materials
modifications and modified recycled used without
applications. The materials. modifications.
student used various
creative ideas and
reflected a lot of

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