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Aisha Abdullah

Intern Mentor GT 6/ AP English 12

April 5. 2019
1. Create a timeline that includes dates after spring break

2. Get approval from my mentors and teachers on my public health campaign

3. Figure out how you will get on-site for the month of april

4. Figure out where to commit for college– go to their student admit events

5. Start the process of a informative board on my research (tri-fold)

6. Redo my research paper for cohesive final paper with my research

7. Figure out payment plans for the poster– getting it printed from howard county


Fourth marking period has begun and I am ready to get done with everything and
graduate. Before I completely stop doing everything, I need to finish my poster and get it ready
for approval before spring break starts which is 4/12/19. I would have gotten it done, however I
found out that Towson was having an event for the student class of 2023. Due to that my
weekend got busy and dealing with financial aid for towson took forever– also had a huge
research paper in english that was due and took up most of my days. I plan on getting my rough
draft of the poster done and ready for approval so during spring break I can make the final draft
and get the printing process started. After I am done with my poster, I will start making a tri-fold
board of my research and experience on site for mentor appreciation night and the other event we
are having– I forget what it is but I am pretty sure we have one. I am hopefully going to be
committing to Towson University where I major in Molecular Biology and begin my pre-med
track with the program they have. Besides that, I have a plan on getting my hours, however it
will be hard but not impossible– I plan on going extra days if I can and I am available one day
out of spring break so I will be going then for 5 hours, plus I have 3 hours banked which helps.
Overall completing my project has been a challenge that I plan on overcoming.

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