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INTRODUCTORY PROBLEMS 1. Every living person has shaken hands with a certain number of other persons. Prove that a count of the number of people who have shaken hands an odd number of times must yield an even number, 2. In chess, is it possible for the knight to go (by allowable moves) from the lower left-hand corner of the board to the upper right-hand corner and in the process to light exactly once on each square? Figure 1 (a) N rings having different outer diameters are slipped onto an upright peg, the largest ring on the bottom, to form a pyramid (Figure 1), We wish to transfer all the rings, one at a time, to a 6 Problems (1-6) 7 second peg, but we have a third (auxiliary) peg at our disposal During the transfers it is not permitted to place a larger ring on a smaller one. What is the smallest number, &, of moves necessary to complete the transfer to peg number 27 (b)* A brain-teaser called the game of Chinese Rings is con: structed as follows: m rings of the same size are each connected to a plate by a series of wires, all of which are the same length (see Figure 2). A thin, doubled rod is slipped through the rings in such a way that all the wires are inside the U-opening of the rod. (The wires are free to slide in holes in the plate, as shown.) The problem consists of removing all the rings from the rod. What is the least number of moves necessary to do this? Figure 2 4. (a) We are given 80 coins of the same denomination; we know that one of them is counterfeit and that it is lighter than the cthers. Locate the counterfeit coin by using four weighings on a pan balance. (b) It is known that there is one counterfeit coin in a collec: tion of » similar coins. What is the least number of weight trials necessary to identify the counterfeit? 5. Twenty metal blocks are of the same size and external ap pearance; some are aluminum, and the rest are duraluminum, which is heavier. Using at most eleven weighings on a pan balance, how can we determine how many blocks are aluminum? 6. (a* Among twelve similar coins there is one counterfeit. It is not known whether the counterfeit coin is lighter or heavier than a genuine one (all genuine coins weigh the same). Using three weighings on a pan balance, how can the counterfeit be identified and in the process determined to be lighter or heavier than a genuine {is sometimes referred to as the Tower of Hanoi problem [Editor] 8 Introductory Problems (byt There is one counterfeit coin among 1000 similar coins, It is not known whether the counterfeit coin is lighter or heavier than a genuine one. What is the least number of weighings, on a an balance, necessary to locate the counterfeit and to determine whether it is light or heavy? Remark: Using the conditions of problem (2) it is possible to locate, in three weighings, one counterfeit out of thirteen coins, but we cannnot determine whether it is light or heavy. For fourteen coins, four weighings are necessary, It would be interesting to determine the least number of weighings necessary to locate one counterfeit out of 1000 coins if we are relieved of the necessity of determining whether it is light or heavy. 7. (a) A traveler having no money, but owning a gold chain having seven links, is accepted at an inn on the condition that he pay one link per day for his stay. If the traveler is to pay daily, but may take change in the form of links previously paid, and if he remains seven days, what is the least number of links that must be cut out of the chain? (Note: A link may be taken from any part of the chain.) (b) A chain consists of 2000 links, What is the least number of links that must be disengaged from the chain in order that any specified number of links, from 1 to 2000, may be gathered together from the parts of the chain thus formed? 8, Two-hundred students are positioned in 10 rows, each containing 20 students. From each of the 20 columns thus formed the shortest student is selected, and the tallest of these 20 (short) students is tagged A. These students now return to their initial places. Next the tallest student in each row is selected, and from these 10 (tall) students the shortest is tagged B, Which of the two tagged students is the taller (if they are different people)? 9. Given thirteen gears, each weighing an integral number of grams. It is known that any twelve of them may be placed on a pan balance, six on each pan, in such a way that the scale will be in equilibrium, Prove that all the gears must be of equal weight. 10. Refer to the following number triangle. 11d 12321 1367631 Problems (7-13) 9 Each number is the sum of three numbers of the previous row: the number immediately above it and the numbers immediately to the right and left of that one, If no number appears in one or more of ‘these locations, the number zero is used. Prove that every row, beginning with the third row, contains at least one even number. LL, Twelve squares are laid out in a circular pattern [as on the circumference of a circle]. Four different colored chips, red, yellow, green, blue, are placed on four consecutive squares. A chip nay be moved in either a clockwise or a counterclockwise direction over four other squares to a fifth square, provided that the fifth square is not occupied by a chip. After a certain number of moves the same four squares will again be occupied by chips. How many permutations (rearrangements) of the four chips are possible as a result of this, process? 12, An island is inhabited by five men and a pet monkey One afternoon the men gathered a large pile of coconuts, which they proposed to divide equally among themselves the next morning During the night one of the men awoke and decided to help himself to his share of the nuts, In dividing them into five equal parts he found that there was one nut left over. This one he gave to the monkey. He then hid his one-fifth share, leaving the rest in a single pile. Later during the night another man awoke with the same idea in mind. He went to the pile, divided it into five equal parts, and found that there was one coconut left over. This he gave to the monkey, and then he hid his one-fifth share, restoring the rest to one pile. During the same night each of the other three men arose, cone at a time, and in ignorance of what had happened previously, went to the pile, and followed the same procedure. Each time one coconut was left over, and it was given to the monkey. The next ‘morning all five men went to the diminished nut pile and divided it into five equal parts, finding that one nut remained over. What is the least number of coconuts the original pile could have contained? 13, Two brothers sold a herd of sheep which they owned, For each sheep they received as many rubles as the number of sheep originally in the herd. The money was then divided in the follow: ing manner. First, the older brother took ten rubles, then the younger brother took ten rubles, after which the older brother took another ten rubles, and soon, At the end of the division the ycunger brother, whose turn it was, found that there were fewer than ten 10 Introductory Problems tubles left, so he took what remained. To make the division just, the older brother gave the younger his penknife. How much was the penknife worth? 14.* (a) On which of the two days of the week, Saturday or Sun- day, does New Year's Day fall more often? (b) On which day of the week does the thirtieth of the month most often fall? 2 ALTERATIONS OF DIGITS IN INTEGERS 15. Which integers have the following property? If the finel digit is deleted, the integer is divisible by the new number. 16. (a) Find all integers with initial digit 6 which have the fol- lowing property, that if this initial digit is deleted, the resulting number is reduced to J its original value. (b) Prove that there does not exist any integer with the pro- perty that if its first digit is deleted, the resulting number is; the original number. 17.* An integer is reduced to { its value when a certain one of its digits is deleted, and the resulting number is again divisible by 9. (a) Prove that division of this resulting integer by 9 results in deleting an additional digit. (b) Find all integers satisfying the conditions of the problem. 18. (a) Find all integers having the property that when the third digit is deleted the resulting number divides the original one. (b)* Find all integers with the property that when the second digit is deleted the resulting number divides the original one. 19. (a) Find the smallest integer whose first digit is 1 and which u

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