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How to Sell Management on a

New ERP System
Enterprise resource planning systems, or ERP systems, have become much more accessible to midsize and even
smaller companies in that past three years. Standard features have matured, eliminating much of the guesswork
of software selection, while the systems have become easier to deploy and use. Delivery options have expanded
beyond on-premise software to include cost-effective options such as Software as a Service (SaaS) and cloud-
based products.

Many companies are struggling to support legacy ERP solutions that haven’t kept pace with new ERP
technologies. Others are looking for the right ERP solution to deploy for the first time. Use this checklist to sell
your management on a new ERP system:

1. Less expensive options are now available.

Many top-tier enterprise software vendors now offer ERP solutions tailored to the needs — and
budgets — of midsize and smaller companies. Even big guns in the ERP space such as SAP, Oracle
and Microsoft are now catering to smaller enterprises.

2. ERP systems are now easier to deploy and manage.

Traditional on-premise ERP has been notoriously difficult to install and manage, but newer delivery
models ease much of the pain of a new ERP deployment. You can choose from cloud-based
solutions, SaaS offerings, on-demand ERP, and hybrid deployments that mix hosted ERP services
with on-premise ERP software.

3. ERP solutions are easier to use.

Many ERP solutions have become easier to use, thanks to new interfaces that guide users through
the system, built-in search functionality, and role-based access to data that gives employees only the
information they need for their jobs.

4. Collaboration tools are now built in.

Many modern ERP systems now offer built-in collaboration features that make it simpler for
employees to work with colleagues and partners. Some solutions are now providing integration with
non-ERP collaboration software, such as e-mail.  |  Inside-ERP © 2011 Page 1 of 2

insidE-ERP  |  Checklist  | How to Sell Management on a New ERP Solution

5. Gain new mobile ERP applications.

ERP systems are becoming more accessible from a variety of devices, particularly mobile devices.
Some vendors now offer mobile ERP apps for employees who need to access data, such as
inventory numbers or accounting updates, in the ERP system from their smartphones.

6. Make your organization operate more efficiently.

ERP integrates a variety of critical business functions to make your organization operate more
efficiently. New solutions provide even deeper integrations between your financial applications,
supply chain management, and human resource management for extensive real-time data.

About Inside-ERP
Inside-ERP is an industry leader in research and education for finance, sales, IT and operation professionals. The site provides indepth
resource tools ERP decision makers have come to rely on to get the right information on ERP products and services for their business.
By being an independent third-party analyst community, Inside-ERP is a trusted source for SMB and Enterprise companies, buyers and
influencers, alike.  |  Inside-ERP © 2011  |  v061311 Page 2 of 2

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