The Human Body With Bones and Muscles

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Made up of cells
Human beings è Living things Nutrition
Carry 3 basic processes Sensitivity

CELLS IN THE Are the basic units of life è Human beings è Multicellular
Nutrition: Energy from food
Cells è Three processes Sensitivity: They react to what they perceive
Reproduction: They divide themselves to produce new cells

Blood cells è Round

They are different in size and shape Muscle cells è Elongated

Intestine cells è Block-shaped
Neurons è Star-shaped and very big

Cells work together at different levels è Levels of organization

Groups of the same cells.
These cells perform a common function.
Tissues Ex. Muscle tissue è Muscle cells (produce movement)
Bone tissue è Bone cells

Tissues join together to form organs.
These tissues work together to perform a common function.
Organs Ex. Heart, kidneys, stomach, tongue.

LEVELS OF Organs join together to form systems.
ORGANIZATION These organs work together to perform a common function.
Systems Ex. Muscular system è Muscles
Skeletal system è Bones
Muscular system + skeletal system = Locomotor system
Respiratory system è Lungs

All the different types of systems join together to form a human being.
Organisms Cells, tissues, organs and systems work together so the organism functions correctly.
It is made of the skeletal system and the muscular system è Produce movement

Gives the shape to the body
Protects delicate organs (brain, lungs, heart)
There are over 200 bones in our body
Skeletal system Bones Bones are hard and rigid
The end of the bone is cover by a tissue called cartilage
They meet at joints and they are held by ligaments.

THE LOCOMOTOR Organs which can change in length and shape.
SYSTEM Muscular system Muscles There are over 640 muscles.
They are joined to bones by tendoms

Skeletal system + muscular system = locomotor system
Brain è Orders to muscles è Muscles + bones = movement
Most muscles work in pairs è One contracts while the other relaxes
How the locomotor (antagonists)
system works
Flexing movement:
Two movements
Extending movement:

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