Dream Job

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Dream Job

Four years ago, my dream job was in medicine. I was convinced it was my only career

option, but after a few short semesters I felt dissatisfied. As I was exploring my options I came

across the Horticulture department at Texas A&M. I was interested, but hesitant; my only

exposure to the green industry was low-level labor, which skewed my perception. After some

deliberation I decided to take a chance, and I could not be more grateful. My first semester as a

horticulture major went well, but I was unsure of my place in the industry until I took my first

landscape design course. Since then, my passion has grown exponentially, and I can’t imagine

feeling more fulfilled in any other career.

I was first intrigued with the thought of making a living creating outdoor spaces that

other people would enjoy, but I have since become enthralled with every step of the process.

Visiting the site provides invaluable information about the current landscape and helps me feel

connected to the project. Creating base maps familiarizes me with the property, identifying

microclimates facilitates plant selection, and sketching a conceptual diagram jumpstarts

creativity. There is so much room for originality and plenty of opportunities to make changes, no

matter how far along I am. The job is unpredictable, and that—to me—is part of the thrill. I

might encounter issues with water retention, sunlight availability, existing structures, client

requests, etc. but the feeling of producing solutions to those problems, and making them

beautiful, is unparalleled. The design process may be frustrating at times, but I have never been

bored. Additionally, I love how seemingly small changes can make the biggest difference.

Widening a walkway, choosing smaller pavers, adding lighting, or even selecting bloom color

can greatly impact the way a space feels. Furthermore, a successful design will benefit the

environment by mitigating pollution and providing food and shelter to wildlife. It will also
benefit the homeowner by increasing property value. No two properties are identical, and thus,

no two projects will ever look the same. For these reasons, landscape design is my dream job.

In addition to design, I would like to manage the projects I propose. Overseeing the

project from start to finish would allow me to revise the plan if any issues arise, and ensure

changes are communicated to the appropriate groups. A design cannot be created without client

collaboration, but it is essential to maintain working relationships with contractors,

subcontractors, and everyone involved in the phases that follow. It would also reassure the client

that their property is a priority that requires careful attention all the way through. Though most

residential design positions do not require formal education, a bachelors degree in landscape

design or architecture is preferred. Software proficiency may be necessary, but minimum

requirements typically include plant knowledge, design knowledge, and hand drafting abilities.

I feel confident saying my education is preparing me for success in my career, and I feel

extraordinary pride in my accomplishments. My college experience was more than tailgating,

midterm panic, or coffee meal-replacements. The past two years have been filled with diaper

changes, first steps and first words, and childcare struggles. Being a parenting student is tough,

but my daughter has given me all the motivation in the world. My educational career has been

atypical but that has made it all the more rewarding. I am able to hand-draft and render a design,

and will soon master drafting software, both two- and three-dimensional. Plant knowledge was a

struggle because I did not have a horticultural background, but I’ve worked hard to overcome

that. I have also familiarized myself with the estimation process, which I believe to be a great

advantage. This industry is full of wonderful, hardworking, supportive people at every level and

I cannot wait to join them. Landscape design was not always my dream, but it has become my


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