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Name of student teacher: RUBIELA NARVAEZ NARVAEZ


Cooperating teacher: NELCY CALDERIN

University teacher: DANIELA FLOREZ

Grade: 6TH GRADE Number of students: 36-37

Unit # _2_


Stage 1: Desired Results

 I understand short texts of some difficulty everyday activities, about my interest, about
other subjects and my social environment.
 I listen to an oral text and, if it looks familiar, I understand the most important
 I hold routine conversations to greet, say goodbye, talk about the weather or how I feel.

Basic learning rights:

 Participates in a short conversation where he/she provides his/her name, age and basic
information to teachers, friends and acquaintances.
 Understands the subject and general information of a short simple text using aids such
as images, titles, and key words. For example, after reading a short text, the student
shares ideas with his/her classmates on the topic.
 Understands and uses familiar words and short phrases about routines, daily activities
and preferences.
 Describes the basic characteristics of people, things, and places found in his/her school,
city or community using short phrases and sentences.
 Requests and provides clarification on how names and unknown words are spelled.
 Writes basic personal information in pre-established forms that request information
such as name, age, date of birth, gender, nationality, address, phone, etc. For example,
the student fills in an identity card with basic personal information.
 Answers question related to “what, who and when” after reading or listening to a short
simple text whose topic is connected to familiar events. For example, whenever the
student reads or listens to a text, he/she can answer questions like the following: What
is the Carnival of Barranquilla? The Carnival is a traditional Colombian folklore
 Understands instructions related to class, school, and community activities and
expresses them in oral and written form to evidence his/her understanding.
Established goals:
To learn the meaning of clothing vocabulary.
To acquire vocabulary about celebrations.
Practice writing skill.
Practice speaking skill.
Pre-requisite knowledge:
Meaning of some verbs and words
Students will know: Students will be able to:
Vocabulary about clothes. Express how they get dressed for a celebration or
What are the common celebrations daily life.
around the world. Determine what people usually do in a specific

Stage 2: Assessment/Homework
Assessment/ Evidence of Learning Homework:
1 quiz
Create an invitation card for a party.
Established goal (s):
To learn the meaning of clothing vocabulary with the use of pictures and reading.
To acquire vocabulary about celebrations through images.
Practice writing skill through an activity called “my own party”.
Practice speaking skill through a presentation.
Pre-requisite knowledge:
 Colors: blue, red, yellow, pink, brown, black, white.
 Meaning of some verbs and words: eat, dance, wear, birthday.

Students will know: Students will be able to:

 Vocabulary about clothes: coat, sweater, pants, blouse,  Express how they get dressed for a celebration or daily life.
tie, belt… - I wear jeans, a blouse and a hat.
 What common celebrations are around the world:  Determine what people usually do in a specific celebration:
Christmas, Easter, new year, wedding, baptism, first - In Christmas people give presents.
communion, Halloween, birthday, carnival, - In birthdays people eat cake.
independence day.

Learning plan
Stage of lesson Procedure Type of interaction (T- Resources Time

September 7th T-S

Motivation Phase 5 Minutes
CRAZY CLAPS: students will follow teacher
instructions. The teacher will demonstrate the
activity which consists of clapping hands slowly or
crazy. When the teacher closes a little bit her hands
students have to clap slowly, but when the teacher
opens them students have to clap crazy and if the
teacher says finish students have to stop clapping.

September 10th
TEACHER SAYS: in this activity students have to
do what the teacher says. For example, the teacher T-S 5 Minutes
can say: teacher says touch your head, turn around.
The idea is that each time the teacher makes the
activity more challenging. For example, touch your
noise with one hands and touch your foot with the
other one.

September 14th
Speaker, paper, 5 Minutes
A SONG: magic, students have to listen the song and T-S
marker, pencil
fill in the blanks.

September 17th
BLIND PICTIONARY: the teacher will divide the T-S Marker, board 5 Minutes.
classroom into two teams, then each group is going S-S
to choose a member and he or she has to go the board
and draw a word the teacher will give her/him. The
student has to draw blindfolded. While the student
draws his/her team has to guess the word and get the
Input In a piece of paper, students will read a text that has
phase T-S Marker, paper, 40 Minutes
vocabulary about clothes which are going to be
highlighted. Students are going to use these words to
relate them with some images they will have in the same
paper, it means that they are going to guess the meaning
of the words with the help of the images.
In this part the teacher will say that she has been invited
T-S Markers, paper 10 minutes
to some celebrations. She is going to show the pictures
of those celebrations and students have to guess the
name of them.
On the board the teacher will have a table divided into
two (clothes and celebrations), she is going to complete
it with the help of students. The teacher will complete
the table telling that the clothes part is her wardrobe and
she need students’ help to choose the correct clothes for
the celebrations. After that, she is going to make
clarifications and maybe add more words.
Procedure Phase:

a)Focus/Working In this part students will play a listening game called T-S Old clothes 10 Minutes
activities S-S
“put on”. The teacher will divide the class into 2
teams. She will line up the 2 teams at one end of the
classroom with clothes pictures on the floor at the
other end. She will shout out an instruction (e.g. "Put
on some socks!") and one member from each team
will race against the other to the pile of clothes, put
on the clothing item and run back to their team. The
person who gets back first wins a point for his/her
team. At the end, the team with the most points is
the winner.

Here, teacher will explain that students, individually, T-S Magazines, 15 Minutes
have to start making an invitation card to their own scissors, glue,
party in a written way. For example, the student can
write “I have the pleasure to invite you to my party
called Saint Martin’s party. You should attend the
party wearing a jacket, pants and glasses.” The
teacher will give the pattern of the sentences used for
doing the activity.
Students will make a presentation about the common
b) Transfer/ T-S Marker, paper, 20 Minutes
Application celebrations (saint valentine’s day, Halloween, etc.) S-S pencil
activities around the world (united states, France, china, etc.).
Students have to talk about the date, the clothes people
wear and what they do during it.

Opportunities Students will take a quiz about the topic of the unit: T-S Copies, pencil 45 Minutes
clothing vocabulary and celebrations.

d) Homework (if
included in this
Procedure - Alternatives
If some students do not understand any activity, the
teacher will ask if another student can explain the
activity. If nobody can explain, the teacher will make
a simple example.
If any student finishes the activity before the time,
he/she has to do a little worksheet (search word about
the topic).


Closing In this phase, the teacher will tell students that next
Phase T-S Marker 5 Minutes
Homework (if class they should bring scissors, magazines, colors, a
included in this piece of card or paper and glue in order to create the
phase) invitation card.
Say good bye.
T-S 10 Minutes
The teacher will explain how the presentations about
celebrations around the world are going to be
Say good bye.

activities for
students with
special needs

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