Gratitude Letter

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Gratitude Letter

Dear beba ♥,

I am going to write this letter to you by heart, not because I’m forced to
type this. I chose to type this letter to you because you are the only
person I’m grateful to have in my life. You are like no other person I’ve
ever met. There is literally no best friend than a sister, & there’s no
better sister than you. I hope you understood that. Honestly, you’re
like a mother to me I could tell you how my day went & you would
understand & you’d give me advice. You’re always there for me no
matter what. Actually no, you’re like both a mom & a dad. You’re very
hardworking & with that hard work you end up paying for bills & food,
everything that a person would need in order to live.

I want to thank you for all you’ve done for me & tito, everything you
had done, and every sacrifice you made in order to take care of us. I am
sorry that you have not started your own life yet because of us, but
we both need you in our lives. Without you, we wouldn’t know what to
do. I wouldn’t know what to do without you. It’ll be hard when you end
up leaving & starting your own life. It’s going to be hard to let go of you. I
mean all those memories that we had, like the time we both went to
raging waters together 3 times, the time we went to the movies & we
watched twilight, part 1 & 2. & we watched big mommas 3, the time you
took me ice skating with you & your friends. You didn’t leave me like any
other sister would, and you actually taught me how to ice skate. I will
always remember my experience in tasting chilli cheese fries from
mighty mouth. The only reason i had that delicious experience is
because of you All those little times, I still remember them. No other
sister would do anything you’ve been doing for me & tito.

I can’t imagine what my life would be like if you ever left me. You bring
happiness to my life & im grateful for all you’ve done. I LOVE YOU, little
Thank you for being there for me when NO ONE else was. You’re the
only true best friend I have & i know you will never do me dirty.
There are no words that could express how much love I have for you, I

your little sister Giovanna. ♥

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