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Counted among
Those who are considering the most
sharing a significant portion of trainable of all
their lives with a German pure-bred dogs,
Shepherd Dog will do well to the German
discount the associations, good Shepherd
or bad, that have become excels in
attached to the dog throughout numerous
forums of
its intricate history and to
service and
concentrate upon the qualities
and characteristics that first
attracted von Stephanitz to the
animal. The original and, in this Dog was agile, powerful, rugged,
case, ideal German Shepherd steady, alert and intelligent.
Above all, the dog delighted in
work and purpose. This dog’s
association with man was
neither servile nor amusing, nor
Originally intended for herding,
was the dog ever intended to be
German Shepherd Dogs were
an object of beauty. The German
medium-sized, but as guarding and
Shepherd Dog began on a footing
other uses became predominant, the
as equal to man as a canine ever
breed became progressively larger.
Today adult males are 24–26 inches at
Such nobility of purpose
the withers and females are
perhaps cannot be sustained in
approximately 2 inches smaller. The
the ordinary households that will
normal weight range is 66–88 lbs.
be home to the vast majority of
Adult physical characteristics are
German Shepherd Dogs, but the
achieved by 10–18 months, but dogs
ideal should neither be forgotten
will typically fill out until three years
nor ignored. Expect that you and
of age. Large size is not necessarily
your German Shepherd Dog will
preferred and may, in some cases,
be equal on some intrinsic level
exacerbate the tendency to certain
and your relationship will be well
orthopedic disorders.
The all-weather
coat of the
Shepherd does
not require
much time from
his owner. This
handsome dog
has a fairly
short coat.
Characteristics 21

PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS intelligent, playful and safe with

Puppies have floppy ears that children and obedient and respon-
stand erect by six or seven months sive to his owner. These elements
of age. Some dogs have ears that of sound disposition and utility
never stand. Although taping most supersede any and all physical
often can correct this fault, these ideals.
dogs should be considered poor
choices for breeding. PERSONALITY
Conventional depictions of the Throughout history, in whatever
breed emphasize the black and tan capacity the German Shepherd
coloring with saddleback markings, has been used, one thing that has
but the German Shepherd Dog been constant is the bond that has
comes in a wide variety of colors developed between the dogs and
such as black and red, black and their owners. Since the dogs have
cream, all black, all white, sable traditionally been used as service
(with various colorations), black and working dogs, this bond was
and silver, liver and blue. Breeders a necessity. The dogs had to be
do not favor the white, liver or blue very obedient and very reliable to
varieties; the AKC lists white dogs perform their given tasks. Since a
among the disqualifications. major role of the German Shep-
Coats are double, with the herd has been that of a guard dog,
coarser outer coat serving to resist the dogs also had to be very
water and debris, and the soft protective of their owners. These
dense undercoat working to retain characteristics translate into a pet
body heat during cold seasons. The dog that is very intelligent, highly
fur can range from short and coarse trainable and extremely loyal. The
to long and soft. Long-coated dogs, pet German Shepherd watches
however, are not eligible for over the entire family and seems
showing in the breed ring.
German Shepherd Dogs will
shed all year long, with heavy
The behavior and personality of your
shedding during the spring and
German Shepherd Dog will reflect
fall. Grooming, however, is not
your care and training more than any
difficult. Regular light brushing is
other breed characteristics.
all that is required. Bathing, when
Remember that these dogs require a
necessary, should employ a
purposeful existence, so plan your
hypoallergenic shampoo.
relationship around activities that
The main concern of every
serve this most basic and important
admirer of the German Shepherd
need. All the good potential of the
Dog, however, is character. The
breed will naturally follow.
animal should be courageous,
German Shepherd
Dogs were
originally bred to
Because the German Shepherd
be sheep-herders Dog is so devoted to his owner, it
and thus are is only natural that he should
naturally active thrive best with an owner who
dogs. can show him equal devotion.
The German Shepherd basks in
his owner’s attention. It is not
necessarily true that the only type
of person suitable to own a
to be able to sense if someone is German Shepherd is one who is
in trouble or needs help. home all day, but the owner who
Likewise, the German Shepherd is spends the day at work must plan
a wonderful protector of children on time with the dog upon his
and of his owner’s property. return home.
Due to these protective Exercise is also a considera-
instincts, the German Shepherd is tion for the German Shepherd.
naturally wary of strangers. This is Remember, these dogs were bred
not to say that he is not a friendly to work and to be active. The
dog, but he chooses whom to breeders’ original focus was on
befriend based on his owner’s function. Since the pet dog is not
attitude. “Any friend of yours is a being used for his intended
friend of mine,” the German purpose, he must be active in
Shepherd seems to say to his other ways. A German Shepherd
owner, and he fiercely trusts his who lives at home with his
owner’s judgment. The dog will owner cannot exercise himself; it
warm up to people that he becomes is something that both dog and
familiar with; he looks to his owner owner need to participate in. It is
for clues about who is okay and not fair to the dog, who has
who is not. Proper socialization patiently waited all day for his
and introduction to people from an owner to return from work, for
early age are necessary to help the the owner to come home and
German Shepherd become more promptly park himself on the
accepting of the people he meets. couch for the remainder of the
The German Shepherd is evening. Exercise is essential for
noble and proud—he has a lot the German Shepherd’s well-
going for him and he knows it! A being, both physically and
wonderful combination of mentally. It provides this athletic
stamina, athleticism, intelligence, breed with much-needed activity,
grace and beauty, he personifies plus it helps him feel like he has
the virtues of “man’s best friend.” a purpose.
Characteristics 23

Zwinger von
and his young
friend keep watch
over the

A house with a securely that the breed’s characteristics are

fenced-in yard is ideal for a taken into consideration.
German Shepherd owner, as the
dog will have some freedom to VERSATILITY AND AGILITY
run and play by himself. The dog Although your German Shepherd
should still be under the owner’s Dog may never be required to do
supervision when off-leash, but at more than provide companion-
least the dog will not be totally ship and protection to you and
dependent on his owner for your family, you should be proud
exercise. This does not make up to consider the many functions
for time spent with his owner, but that the breed can be called upon
will at least give the dog some to perform.
physical benefits. An owner who
keeps a German Shepherd in a
house without a yard or in an MILITARY DOGS
apartment must make the commit- German Shepherd Dogs have been
ment to regular runs/walks/ used as military dogs since World
playtime with the dog. War I. Their roles have been
The German Shepherd will fit numerous. The dogs served as
into just about any family sentries, guards, mine detectors,
structure…adults, children, single rescuers of wounded soldiers and
people, etc. It is just necessary carriers of food and medicine.
The German The instinct to serve, which
Shepherd Dog’s
is born in the animal, is the
working ability
foundation of his functional
and trainability
have earned him versatility along with his
the distinction of physical and mental traits of
being the most strength, size, endurance and
recognizable intelligence. It would be fair to
service dog in the say that the majority of all
world. This guide service dogs in the world are
dog is being German Shepherd Dogs. The
trained at the potential for specific service
Seeing Eye® duties lies within each German
Shepherd Dog, but professional
training is required to actualize it
in almost every case.
As previously noted, the
German Shepherd Dog is an
excellent herding dog. This was
his original function and remains
a central factor in his modern
versatility. The dog’s endurance, It is only in Germany, how-
his rough-coated imperviousness ever, that the German Shepherd
to weather, his sure-footed speed, Dog is a first choice among
responsiveness and his deep- farmers and stock owners. In the
rooted instinct to protect anything United States and Great Britain,
small or weak make him an ideal other native breeds, more
herding choice. traditional and therefore more
attractive to some, like the
German Australian Shepherd and the
Shepherds have Border Collie, are predominantly
been the Seeing seen in herding capacities.
Eye® dog of
German Shepherd Dogs were
choice for
generations since
especially impressive as scout
the first associa- dogs, often able to detect the
tion was formed presence of an enemy at 100 yards
in 1929. away. Countless human lives were
saved by these dogs but many of
the animals were sacrificed in
services like mine detection.
From these military uses
developed the breed’s important
Characteristics 25

Excelling in
role as police dogs. In the pursuit
police work, the
and apprehension of criminals, the
breed has proven itself valuable Shepherd Dog
and rather more effective, certainly has earned the
more humane, than guns. The highest
dog’s cool nerves and intelligence accolades.
make him an excellent choice for Winning Police
crowd control. His scenting ability Dog Action is
makes him invaluable in search- Overhills
Foggarty, bred by
and-rescue work, as well as bomb
Meg Purnell-
and drug detection.
Carpenter and
The skills and abilities of handled by WPC
these functions are combined in Leigh White.
Schutzhund, a training and
competition program that
emphasizes the elements of
protection. Schutzhund means
“protection dog” in German.
Schutzhund trials have existed
since the early 1900s. They
include tests for temperament,
tracking and protection. Dogs are
scored according to their perfor-
mance in these areas and must The German Shepherd Dog is not
exhibit complete obedience a particularly aggressive dog. He
(despite distraction), confidence, is, however, very protective of
courage, scenting ability, determi- his family and property. This is
nation and concentration in the basis of the alertness and
tracking. protective instinct that have
The preceding roles have made him a staple in institu-
stressed obedience founded upon tional use and an effective
the breed’s natural proclivities. watchdog for the home and
The most noble and pride-
SCHUTZHUND DOGS provoking use of the German
In Schutzhund trials, dogs are rated Shepherd Dog has been in the
by performance and can earn the service of people with physical
titles of SchH. I (beginner), SchH. II challenges. The German Shepherd
(intermediate) and SchH. III (master). Dog was the first dog used as a
These titles can be appended to the guide dog for blind individuals
dog’s name and pedigree. and later for deaf individuals. The
If you are seeking a
top-rate protec- SHEPHERD SERVICE
tion dog, then The German Shepherd Dog has been
select a puppy
used in more areas of service to
from proven stock.
Both of these humankind than any other breed.
police dogs Here are ten important areas that
were bred by the breed has served:
Meg Purnell- 1. Police and military work.
Carpenter. 2. Herding livestock for farms and
3. Guides for the blind.
dog’s initial employment as 4. Hearing dogs for the deaf.
guides for blind World War I 5. Arson and bomb detection.
veterans led to the creation of the 6. Drug and substance detection.
Seeing Eye® Foundation in 1929. 7. Guard dogs for businesses and
Today this breed’s traits of residences.
composure, intelligence and 8. Search-and-rescue/avalanche,
responsibility, combined with all disaster and earthquake work.
of his other excellent aspects, 9. Therapy dogs for hospitals.
continue to make him the first 10. Cancer detection.
choice in this role and all of the
other roles designed to serve
In recent years,
Given the care that love and
hip dysplasia
has declined in respect for the animal demand, the
incidence in the German Shepherd Dog is a tough
breed. This and healthy breed. It has been
x-ray shows frequently stressed here that the
perceptible hip German Shepherd Dog was, from
dysplasia in a his earliest history, developed as a
German working animal and, therefore,
Shepherd Dog, frequent and, above all, purposeful
which must be
activity is essential to his health.
treated as soon
as possible. Without regular exercise and
activity, the breed is foremost
susceptible to rheumatism, the
symptoms of which are similar to
those seen in humans: swelling and
stiffening of the affected joints and
pain in movement. Because some
Characteristics 27

of the symptoms of this condition by osteochondritis dissecans,

are shared by the far more serious panosteitis, hypertrophic osteody-
hip dysplasia, prompt professional strophy and myasthenia gravis, all
attention is necessary when diseases of the bone.
symptoms are first displayed. Because of his shepherding
Skin problems are also nature, the German Shepherd Dog
frequent in the breed. Slow, is prone to the eye conditions
constant scratching, as opposed to typical of this category of dog like
the short burst of scratching Collie eye, pannus, cataracts and
associated with fleas, is a sign of retinal dysplasia.
skin trouble. If observed early, the Epilepsy is another condition
majority of these problems can be that affects shepherding dogs.
reduced quickly by veterinary Blood conditions like von
care and diet. Willebrand’s disease and hemo-
Other diseases and conditions philia A, and heart problems such
found in the German Shepherd as patent or persistent ductus
Dogs are not exclusive to the arteriosis and persistent right
breed but are shared by others of aortic arch, are problems that
its various type. Because, for affect most canines and the
example, the German Shepherd German Shepherd Dog is not
Dog is a large breed, it is affected excluded.

Elbow dysplasia

in a three-and-
male German
Shepherd Dog.

No discussion of health been developed. Those genetic

concerning the German Shepherd physical problems to which the
Dog can end, however, without breed is heir are considerations
more detailed talk about hip that are best countered by careful
dysplasia (HD). German Shepherd planning and care in the choice
Dogs have the highest percentage and selection of breeder and
rate of HD of any breed. The fact animal.
that it stands to reason that the Although the list of congenital
most popular and excessively diseases to which German Shep-
bred dog should most reveal this herd Dogs are prone is somewhat
hereditary condition does nothing daunting, most representatives of
to ameliorate the seriousness of the breed are healthy indeed.
the problem. Many Shepherds can live heartily
Dysplastic dogs have incor- past ten years of age, and some
rectly developed hip joints that have been known to be exuberant
are prone to arthritis and are teenagers. Since the German
wildly painful. These dogs are Shepherd by nature is an active
unable to work or even move working dog, good health and
without discomfort. Breeders and soundness, both physical and
veterinarians continue to study mental, is an absolute necessity for
this condition and guard against all breed members.
its occurrence, but it is the When selecting your German
responsibility of every prospective Shepherd puppy, do not shop for
German Shepherd Dog owner to convenience and do not be thrifty.
know that the parents and You deserve to have the best dog
grandparents of his puppy had that your money can buy. A well-
hips rated good or better. bred Shepherd from quality stock
It is possible that part of the (lines that have been tested for
breed’s predisposition to this hereditary problems for genera-
condition may have been caused tions) is your best choice. Even
by the early developer’s exaggera- though a Shepherd with only mild
tion of the powerful downward dysplasia can still lead a normal
curve of the animals’ posture. If life, no one wants to see his best
true, it is sad that the unassailable, friend compromised in any
largely unchanged character of this fashion. It is strongly
noble breed should be linked to recommended that you, as a
this weakness, unknowingly potential owner, thoroughly
fostered by its earliest architects. investigate your puppy before
More recently, elbow purchase, so that your heart is not
dysplasia has become a concern shattered by adopting a lovely dog
and screening criteria have also with serious health problems.

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