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Chong Mai (Penetrating Vessel)

Alternate Names: Sea of Arteries and Meridians, Sea of Blood

Crossing Points:

 DU-04

 REN-01

 ST-30

 KID-11 - KID-21

 REN-07

 SP-10

 LIV-01, LIV 3

 SP-01
The master point of the Chong is Spleen 4, which is combined with Pericardium 6 on the yin wei mai channel. This
pair affects the heart, chest and stomach. This "vital passage" regulates the flow of qi and blood in the 12 regular
meridians, and is significant in gynecological disorders, digestive issues, prolapses, and problems with the heart.
Energetically, it relates to intergenerational patterns, issues arising from abuse, and cellular memory.
Psychospiritually, an imbalance in the Chong meridian negatively impacts our self-acceptance and self-love.

The acupuncture treatment of Rebellious Qi of the Chong Mai is illustrated in the two Figures

As for what I call the “primary” Rebellious Qi deriving from emotional stress, this is due to:

The numbers in front of the acupuncture points indicate the order of insertion.

For men, begin on the left side: SP4(Stg), P6(dr),LI4(Stg), LIv3 (Dr), Ki21, Ki13, Ren4

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