Jeff Koons

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1 hour experimental piece.

Cropped preview ABSTRACT IDEAL, unpleasant palette

Hoping to be abit more surreal yet realistic this is created from the latest imagery and music IVe
been listening to, getting bored of realistic colours and form wanting to approach reality in a
different perspective.

I like the use of the hard binary point and marker shades

Though digital art I hope to have this visual in all mediums whether its etched or sculpture. I want
to be versatile.

my old digital art. 2017

Bored of Obvious textures with obvious
portraits.. I want dynamic and unusual textures. TOO FACILE!

What am I going to do...

Jeff Koons
Neo POP art, NEO GEO

1980s art movement, inspired by Warhol. Steel Ballon sculptures, transpose ephemeral childhood
memory into enduring form.

Work looks cheap but is expensive, ingenious reversal of economic logic that forms basis stunning
commericial success. Challenging what is fine art. Marketing strategy, highest prices on artist
market. Anti modernist. Fusion of high art and popular culture.

Finding technology to match jeff’s vision became impossible.

Look up Marcel Duchamp.

Not conceptual rather aesthetic , kitch and high culture, religion and eroticism. Defy

Chemistry and Physics. Adjusted composition of water, rather than float to top. Pure reagent grade
sodim to tank. Needs correct environment

Some work made of polyethylene, same as toys.

Mirror polished stainless steel with transparent colour coating

German fabrication Arnold

Play doh, 1994 2014

Polychromed aluminium

10 foot behemoth comprised of 27 individual pieces. Initially wanted to be polyethylene. Too

expensive so used aluminium. Lost wax castings for external, sand casting for internal.

Spray painted, turned to psysics, hung off a gantry lowered like tetris, held together by own weight.

Made replica if original liberty bell, structed light scan, CT scans as didn’t want to damage artefact.
3D scanning innovative, geometrically irregular. Computer rendering generated milled rather than
cast, create the original Exactitude. Used a metallurgist, when it came to painting, R.G.B values on
ps. Creating grid 150 200 shades.

325 diff hues and 25 000 laser cut stencils. Ahead of technological status quo.

He tried in 2006 had to wait for technology to catch up with his vison.

His work exceeds advanced industry, whether aerspace or military.

Marcel Duchamp.

French painter and sculptor.

Styles Dada, cubism, surrealism, conceptual art.

Fountain, 1917.

100 years ago, achieved most absurb art event of the 20th century.
SUnmit an artwork to the ujuried society of independent artists salon in New York, accept any work
of art. As the artist would pay artist fee, Presented upsid down urunal signed and dated wuth the
appellation “R.Mutt, 1917.” And titled \fountain.

Societys board, thought practical joke from anonymous artist, rejected fountain. HE was member of
board resigned in protest.

Artists and Intellectuasl surfaced both sides,

Beatrice Wood clearest explanation for work.

Whether Mr Mutt with his own hands made the fountain or

not has no importance. He CHOSE it. He took an ordinary
article of life, placed it so that its useful significance
disappeared under the new title and point of view—created a
new thought for that object.” Wood, who had followed
Duchamp’s work closely, recognized the groundbreaking
power of the work.

existing objects taken from real life and modified or re-

contextualized to function as works of art. The idea at hand, of
art primarily as a concept rather than an object, is what would
make Fountain arguably the most intellectually captivating and
challenging art piece of the 20th century.
What is a work of art? Who gets to decide, the artist or the
critic? Can a work derive from an idea alone, or does it require
the hand of a maker? These questions strike at the core of our
understanding of art itself.

Quixotic meaning.

Its about the questioms it raises more ingenuity legacy

Elusive meaning

Change art history, Challenging notion, first readymades changed everything. Refused any pecific
movements, preoccupation desire and human sexuality , Retinal Pleasure rather facile, preferred
concept driven . I hope to combine both.
He studied perspective and optics with kinetic device. Some times Humor based.

His Last Work after he died.
80 East 11th Street in New York. Bureaucratic and unromantic aesthetic.
Between 1966 and 1689, died in 68. Room 403 served as his final work, Etant donnes 1. La Chute
d’eau, 2. Le gaz d’eclairage.

Waterfall and illuminating gas. Another set of doors, featured peepholes with the glimpse of surreal
haunting diorama.

So he made a 10-to-1 scale model of the work in his Lower East

Side studio and switched off the lights. “I was expecting only a
picture of what’s inside, just upside down,” Özkaya said,
describing the typical result of a camera obscura. “But that’s
Duchamp’s genius, that he put two peepholes so you have two
pictures superimposed. That creates a whole different
composition and, basically, there was a face”—a face, he
believed, that bore a striking resemblance to Man Ray’s
famous portrait of Rrose Sélavy, Duchamp’s female alter ego.
(Sélavy, a riddle in her own right, is an artistic creation that first
appeared in photographs in the 1920s and was later
designated as the author of several of Duchamp’s artworks.)
changed art
5 min sketch

Cubism influence in fashion?

Poetry_ I want to get more into Literature to use in art. This applies with many subjects and ideals
placed in my art.

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.

Samual Taylor Coleridge

Link for Poem.

Used archaic wording. Rime rhyme.

Albatross symbol of innocence and beauty. Sin when abused by human. Mariner to spiritual
epiphany, relationship between god and nature.

Personifies the figures death and life. Super natural beings playing dice determine mariners fate.He
is lucky and two hundred hired silors die.

I like the combination of nature and humans , man isjust a small part of ths world and should pay

Forlorn- Unlikely to succeed or be fulfilled. Pitfully sad lonely

Penance Punishment inflicted by self. Repentanc of wrong doing.

Artist Quotes. Maybe could transfer and over lay to work . Interpret.

'By thy long grey beard and glittering eye,

Now wherefore stopp'st thou me?
He holds him with his glittering eye—
The Wedding-Guest stood still,

Was parched, and glazed each eye.

A weary time! a weary time!
How glazed each weary eye,

The Mariner, whose eye is bright,

Whose beard with age is hoar,
Refer back to Poetry and analyssi!

Colour explained by Science, I would like to always combine science with art when possible, giving
my art purpose.

Aristotle developed first colour theory, believing it was sent by God ( also talk religion ) from the
heavens through celestrial rays of light. He placed that colours came from white and black, the light
and dark. Relating to the four elements- water, air, earth and fire.

This idea was held for over 2000 years then would be replace by Newton.
Issac Newton’s Rainbow.

1660’s English Physicist also mathematician. Experiments focused on Sunlights and Prisms.

Conducts clear white light was composed of seven visible colours. Scientifically establishing visible

Many things he discovered were optics, physics, chemistry, perception and study of colour in nature.

Opticks, Passing light through prism. Order RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, INDIGO AND


Talk red shift, blue shift.

Other forms of electromagnetic radiation (waves of energy) radio, gamma and microwaves

just referring to colour palette

it is very charming and interesting.

The cells in our eyes are called cones and are sensitive to the wavelengths found in the visible
spectrum. They are what allows us to see colour.

Goethe decided to challenge Newton’s ideas arguing that colour is not simply a scientific
measurement rather perceived differently by each viewer.

His first systematic study on the psychological effects of colour, this gathering was quickly adopted
by artists. He was strictly poetry and prose how was capable of producing the Theory of colours.

Prose, written , verbal no metric structure.

J. C. Leblon, Rare book formed the foundation of modern colour printing. Le blon mentioned the
primary colours red, blue and yellow. They create secondary colours, green, ppurple and orange.

Creates distinction between material colours (painters) and coloured light said by Newton. Additive
and Subtractive Colour system. Screens realise emit light the additive system when combined
produce white light.

Subtractive colour system based on chemical make up and its reflection of light as a colour.
Subtractive co blue red yellow when mixed together they make black additive is red green blue in

Henry E. Roscoe

Spectrum analysis, Six lectures. London: Macmillan, 1869

Colourful line diagrams reveal chemical compositions of metals. Pure metal is burned
and viewed through a spectroscope, element gives off unique spectra, colour
fingerprint. Spectral analysis, led to discovery of new elements and towads quantum
theory. (theory of matter and energy based on the concept of quanta, quatum

4. 5 percent of population cannot see the entire visible spectrum, condition called colour vision
deficiency Ishihara plates used to test for various types of colour blindness.

Camouflage uses colour to conceal forms by creating optical illusions. Abbott Thayer introduced the
concept of disruptive patterning, animal’s uneven mrkings can disguise itsn outline.

DEVOTED uch of his life to understand how animal conceal themselves in nature for survival.
Concealing coloration in the anmal kingdom. Essential factor in evolution.

Ignored seual selection

Lozenge a rhombus or diamond shape.

Light term for describinig luminous substance stimulates sight organs. Travels in waves. Frequency
depends uses

Electromagnetic Spectrum Low to high freq. Highest gamma and x ray the ultra violet visible light
microwaves and radio waves.

Gamma rays most frequent used for medical purposes used in controlled environment. Highly
energetic and harmful when over exposed.

X rays assess externally, UV rays these rays penetrate atmosphere and damage, bees use this to seek
nectar , Visible light naked eye. Vi
Violet has shortest and red longest.

Infra red- thermal,

Microwaves, used in radar and detectin weather patterns. Radio rays, Broadcast pictures and video

Visible light laws. Laws

Law of relfection, angle of incidence ray, equal to the angle of reflected ray, around the normal.
When hitting the mmirror or reflective object, normal imaginary line drawn at 90 degrees to the
mirror where the light hits and reflects.

Second law law of refraction, light is bent as passes through various mediums. State light travels
slows down as it passes through dense mediums and sppeds up through the air. Bend as slow down
bends towards normal in denser mediums and away in less dense.

These laws used in telescope.

Exploring blur and colour.

Henry Hudson

Plastercine artist

British artist paintings, sculpture, etchings and performance based work. Primarily plasticine,
graduate at Central St. Martins. Started using plasticine because it was an inexpensive wat of
achieving the thick impasto surfaces of oil like van gogh or Kiefer.

Use dtheatrical and expressive qualities making innovative and exciting way to develop ppainterly
style. Focus on materiality, gestural expression.

Plastercine is heated, malleable , mixed and empastoed thickly onto the board in several layers of
colour. Using biros dentist tools when etching , sculpting and adding texture !
Hes being adventoues miing pigment, encaustic paints, plaster and waxes explore expressive
gestural approach. Drippign pouring scraping and plastering. Performance to make looser movement
and charged frenetic energy.

Lushness appearance very innovative to me. Replicates an oil painting yet I prefer its appearance
maybe I would add a gloss, immersive visceral textures

Viscera organs.

3 hours experimental
usuage of line and opposite colours.
The smooth texture is beautiful, lighting shows the 3d portrait.

Fooden sort people into groups. Beautiful video of his.

Claude Monet’s Water
Lilies in Bloom this is what Hudson’s work initially reminded me of, I love how the marking is so
obvious and creates a clumpy texture and the use of saturated hue rather than black and water
really appeals to me.

Make up in art

Some imagery I found satisfying


Think bubble nails

I love fashion however it comes across as rather bland alot of the time, and as an aspiring artist who
ideally wants to have some association with fashion I’d rather have my models a bit obscure rather
than your generic catwalk mmodel.

I know Drag is currently trending but I did think I found a Drag artist who went that one step further.
Avant Grande

Created this, Jbork’s Utopia cover. Painted and


Eerrie and feminine.

Alternate reality, human body is ofrced to adapt to new surroundings with variance of media in their
work, make up, tailoring and stage performance. Trying to establish a new specific aesthetic.

He regards himself as distorted drag. Silicone vagina on her forehead cortesy of james merry , iconic
alienesque makeup.

Colourful otherworldly contouring, the pearl embellishments. Started in Euro Drag scene 4 years
ago, Well established powerful queer performer and bonafide artist. Seems original in appearance?

Wanted obscure fashion, Led to drag. Took over a year for a drag personell.

Evolution of make up, started as natural, wanted illusion visual art form. The paint the exaggeration.
Androgynous. Intern vivi westwood at aitor throup.
Started to dissecting face and analyzing the possibilities and the spaceexperimenting, maike iit more

Continuous line cutting through my face, framing my bone structure and separating my face. Several
panels, different shapes rhomb shaped eyeliner and crease cutting up wards, sclera lenses . Under
eye illusions played with nagtive space and shapes. Wanted eyebrows in place working down.

Anatomy biological structure and religious figures.

Drag is a megaphone, an echo

His atyle reminds me of anime influence.

Lady GAGA ARTPOP Clash of

reality and fictional being.

Sadly unoriginal but this was the first time seeing this collage of traditional and moder art.

Yves Klein Blue

Bottticellli, masters of early renaissance combo with koon, gaga leading luminaries, also marina
adramovic, line art and pop is blurred.

Andy Warhol had combined with pop industry, psychedelic visuals. Beatles tape loop idea from
londons avant garde scene and enrol artist peter blake cover sgt pepper.

Roxy music Deco decadence.

I would like to understand the history of artistic visual in pop music.

Hatsune Miku

Virtual pop singer computer animated persona and holograms used to bring her to life, been a big
fan cause of the artistic vision.

The End, Miku Hatsune Vocaloid opera. Performed in Shanghai. Link to the video

Many artist and musicians are able to create music / art using miku.

This is the “The END” by Keiichiro Shibuya, Techno music composer and artist. Oct 2015

China Shanghai International Arts Festival, Tokyo bunkamura orchard hall, collabator of the

High resolution projection equipment and surround sound system.

The custome for miku is made by Marc Jacobs who is the artistic director for Louis Vuitton.
This was a contemporary pop music era I find, I LOVE how experimental it was with its aesthetic both
vision and sound was an equal volume as one was just as important as the other.

Producers her, Madeon, Zedd, DJ white shadow.

Despite critically disapproved I enjoyed it as I think it had artistic qualities and originality at times,.

Jeff Koons had designed the ablum cover which I thought looked quite alike

Though her lyrics are quite ignorant and carefree, I love the techno and futuristic approach she took
along with her appearance ebeing quite modern.


Botticelli look up.

Damien Hirst.

A contemporary artist.

People are afraid of change, so you create a kind of belief for them through
repetition. It’s like breathing. I’ve always been drawn to series and pairs. A
unique thing is quite a frightening object.
—Damien Hirst
International art scene late 1980s, Created installations, sculptures, paintings, drawings and complex
relationships between art and beauty, religion science and mortal life.

Serialized paintins and multicoloured spots to animal specimens preserved in tanks od



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