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Engineering Computations


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Engineering Computations, Vol. 9 Iss 2 pp. 157 - 168
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Department of Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA

A numerical model of deformable block systems that gives a unique solution for large displacement, large
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deformation and failure computations is presented. The forces acting on each block, from external loading
or contact with other blocks, satisfy the equilibrium equations. Equilibrium is also achieved between
external forces and the block stresses. Furthermore, the analysis fulfills constraints of no tension between
blocks and no penetration of one block into another. Also, Coloumb's law is fulfilled at all contact positions
for both static and dynamic computations. The program ready algorithms with brief derivations are stated
in this paper.

KEYWORDSDiscontinuous deformation analysis Energy minimization Block system kinematics


Discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) allows large displacements and large deformations
of block systems. Therefore, both statics and dynamics of DDA method use time steps. For each
single time step, block displacements and block deformations are small, so that the first order
approximation can be used.
The complete first order approximation of block displacements has the following forms:
u = a1 + a2x + a3y
v = b1 + b2x + b3y
where (u, v) is the displacement of point (x, y). At the centre of gravity (x 0 , y 0 ), the displacement
is (u 0 , V0):
u0 = a1 + a 2 x 0 + a 3 y 0
v0 = b1 + b2x0 + b3y0
subtracting (2) from (1):
u = a2(x - x0) + a3(y - y0) + u0
v = b2(x - x0) + b3(y - y0) + v0

© 1992 Pineridge Press Ltd Received January 1991


which yields the formula of the shape function:

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For the ith block, (5) can be written as:

[Di] are treated as unknowns or parameters representing the block displacements and
deformations. Using (6), the displacements of all points of block i can be computed.


Individual blocks are connected and form a block system by contacts between blocks and by
displacement constraints on single blocks. Assuming there are n blocks in the defined block
system, the simultaneous equilibrium equations have the form:

Because each block has six degrees of freedom (u0v0r0εxεyyxy), each element Kij in the coefficient
matrix given by (7) is a 6 x 6 submatrix. Di and Fi are 6 x 1 submatrices where Di represents
the deformation variables (d1id2id3id4id5id6i) of block i, Fi is the loading on block i distributed
to the six deformation variables. Submatrices [K ii ] depend on the material properties of block
i and [K ij ], where i≠j is defined by the contacts between block i and block j .
These equilibrium equations are derived by minimizing the total potential energy II done by
the forces and stresses. The ith row of (7) consists of 6 linear equations:

where dri is the deformation variable of block i. For block i equations:

represent the equilibrium of all the loads and contact forces acting on block i along x and y
directions respectively. The equation:

represents the moment equilibrium of all the loads and contact forces acting on block i. The
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represent the equilibrium of all external forces and stresses on block i.

The total potential energy Π is the summation over all the potential energy sources: individual
stresses and forces. In the following, the potential energy of each force or stress and their
differentiations are computed separately. The differentiations:

are the coefficients of unknowns dsj of the equilibrium equation (7) for variable dri. Therefore
all terms of (12) form a 6 x 6 submatrix, which is the submatrix [K ij ] in the global equation
(7). Equation (12) implies that the coefficient matrix [K] of (7) is symmetric. The differentiations:

are the free terms of (7) after shifting to the right side of the equation. Therefore, all terms of
(13) form a 6 x 1 submatrix, which is the submatrix [F i ].


The strain energy Πe done by the elastic stresses of block i is:

where the integration is over the entire area of the ith block. For each displacement step, assume
the blocks are linearly elastic. For conditions of plane stress, denote

The strain energy of (14) can be represented in terms of the block deformation parameters:

where S is the area of the ith block.

The derivatives are computed to minimize the strain energy Πe:

The krs form a 6 x 6 submatrix:

S[E i ]→[K i i ] (16)
The matrix of (16) is added to the submatrix [K ii ] in the global equation (7).
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For the ith block, the potential energy of the initial constant stresses (σ0xσ0yτ0xy) is:

[σ0]τ = (0 0 0 σ0x σ0y τ0xy)τ
Πσ = - S [ D i ] τ [ σ 0 ]
where the integration is over the entire area of the ith block and S is its area. We minimize Πσ
by taking the derivatives

These fr form a 6 x 1 submatrix

S[σ 0 ]→[F i ] (17)
which is added to [F i ] in the global equations (7).


The point loading force (Fx, Fy) acts on point (x, y) of block i. The potential energy of the point
loading (Fx, Fy) is simply:

Minimizing ΠP, the loading submatrix is formed:

The resulting 6 x 1 submatrix is added to the submatrix [F i ] in the global equation (7).


Assuming that (fx, fy) is the constant body force loading acting on the volume of the ith block,
the potential energy is:

Since (x0, y0) is the centre of gravity of block i,

Πw=-[Di]τ(fxS fyS 0 0 0 0) (21)
Minimize the potential energy Πw, the volume loading submatrix is formed:
(fxS fyS 0 0 0 0) T →[F i ] (22)
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The time steps are used by both statics and dynamics. The only difference is that the static
computation assumes the velocity as zero in the beginning of each time step while the dynamics
computation inherits the velocity of previous time step. Denote (u(t), v(t)) as the time dependent
displacement of any point (x, y) of ith block and M as the mass per unit area. The force of
inertia per unit area is:

The potential energy of the inertia force of block i is:

Assume [D i (t)] as the block displacements at the beginning of the time step, A as the time
interval of this step and [D i ] as the block displacements at the end of the time step. Using the
time integration, we have:


is the deformation velocity at the beginning of the time step. Therefore we have

To reach equilibrium, Πi is minimized with respect to [D i ] T . We have

For the next time step, the start displacement velocity [V1] will be the velocity at end of this
time step. From (26),

The solution of the matrix integration is obtained:

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The analytical solutions of these integrations can be found in 6.7 of Reference 1.


As a boundary condition, some of the blocks are fixed at specific points in specified directions.
The displacement constraints can be applied to the block system by using a very stiff spring.
Denote(lx,ly),l2x+l2y= 1 as the constraint direction. The spring displacement is d = (lxu + lyv).
The spring force is f = — pd = —p(lxu + lyv), where p denotes the stiffness of the spring. Here
p is a very large positive number, normally from 10£ to 1000E, in order to guarantee the
displacement of the spring to be less than 10~4 times the total displacement. If p is large enough,
the computation result will be independent of the choices of p.
The strain energy of this spring is:


We minimize the spring strain energy Πc, the constraint submatrix is obtained.
p[Ci][Ci]τ→[Kii] (33)
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Thus far, only individual blocks were considered. It is necessary to connect the individual blocks
into a block system. For block system movements, no tension and no penetration can be allowed
between blocks.
The block system kinematics can be imposed on the global equations by adding very stiff
springs or penalties to lock the movement in one or two directions. If two blocks have a tensile
contact force between them, the two blocks will separate after the removal of the locks. Within
each time step, the global equations have to be solved repeatedly while selecting the lock positions.
Define p as the displacement limit for all points at each time steps. An edge and an angle are
defined to be in contact if the distance from the angle vertex to the edge is less than 2p and if
there is no overlapping when the angle vertex translates to the edge without rotation. Two
angles are defined to be in contact if the distance between the two angle vertices is less than 2p
and if there is no overlapping when the two angles are translated without rotation until the
vertices coincide. The concept of contact is very important because if there are no penetrations
at all contacts then there are no penetrations for the whole block system.
Contact between two convex angles (see Figure 1): the example of Figure 1 shows two thick
lines, which are two reference lines. Inter-penetration will occur if the two reference lines are
passed respectively by the vertices of the other angles simultaneously. The reference lines are
chosen according to the following table:
two reference lines
α 180° β 180° OE3 OE2
α 180° β > 180° OE3 OE4
α> 180° β 180° OE1 OE2
α> 180° β > 180° OE1 0E4
Assume P1 is a point before deformation which moves to point P'1 after deformation; P 2 P 3
is the reference line and (xi, yi) and (ui, vi) are the coordinates and displacement increment of
Pi, i = 1, 2, 3 respectively. If points Pi, P2 and P3 rotate in the same sense as the rotation of
ox to oy (see Figure 2), then P'1 has passed line P2P3 and is stated by the inequality:
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The distance d from P'1 to P2P3 is:

When a convex angle passed an edge, a stiff spring is applied along the normal to the edge.
There are two reference lines in case of two angles. If these two reference lines are passed by
the corresponding points simultaneously, penetration takes place. The normal distance from the
reference lines to the corresponding points is d1 and d2. Assume d1 < d2, then the stiff spring
is attached between the point and its reference line with distance d1. For this type of contact,
only one stiff spring is applied. The physical meaning of applying stiff springs is 'to push the
invaded angle back along the shortest path'.


Assume there is a spring between point P1 and reference line P2P3. The distance d from point
P1 to line P2P3 should be zero after the displacement increment is applied. From (35) we have:

where the second order infinitesimal has been neglected.

Assume that point P1 belongs to the ith block and edge P2P3 belongs to the jth block. From
(35) d can be represented as:


Denote the stiffness of the spring as p (see constraint submatrix) the strain energy of the contact
spring is:

Minimizing Πk by taking the derivatives, four 6 x 6 submatrices and two 6 x 1 submatrices are
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obtained and added to [K ii ], [K i j ], [K ji ], [K j j ], [F i ] and [F j ] respectively

p[E i ][E i ] τ → [Kii], p[Ei][Gj] → [Kij], [Gj][Ei]τ → [Kji], p[Gj][Gj]τ → [Kjj] - (39)


Denote Rn and Rs as the normal and the shear force along the reference line of a contact. From
Couloumb's law, if Rs Rn tan Φ + C the contact point is fixed or there is no sliding allowed.
A stiff spring is applied along the direction of the reference line. Assuming is the
contact point on the edge and

the sliding distance along the reference line P 2 P 3 is the projection of P1 P0 to P2P3 after the
loads applied

where is the displacement of P0.

Using similar calculations, four 6 x 6 submatrices and two 6 x 1 submatrices are obtained
and added to [K ii ], [K i j ], [K j i ], [Kjj], [F i ] and [F j ] respectively. Equations (39) and (40)
also can be used here, that the matrices [E i ], [G i ] and coefficient S0 are different:

When there is sliding in an angle-edge contact, the friction force is computed from Coloumb's
law and considered as point loads. The normal force and sliding direction are taken from previous
iteration. The submatrices of friction forces are:

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Example 1: Concrete gravity dam on jointed, bedded rock

A gravity dam is modelled as a single block; the bedrock is composed of many blocks by
horizontal bedding planes and nearly vertical joints. The loads are the weight of the dam and
of the rock blocks and the resultant water pressure acting horizontally on the face of the dam.
The base and side borders of the bed rock are fixed (12 fixed points).
Figure 3a shows the unmoved blocks before loads are applied. Figures 3b and 3c show the
results of time step 10 and 20 with friction angle ф = 0°. Figure 3d is the result of time step 20
with friction angle ф = 20°.
The input data were the following: number of steps = 20, stiffness of contact springs = 1000,
step time interval = 0.20, unit mass = 0.05, ratio of maximum displacement = 0.020, water
pressure (Fx, Fy) = (10,0), block unit weight (fx,fy) = (0, —0.5), material constants E = 20,
v = 0.30.

Example 2: In situ jointed block sample test

The square-shaped block test sample is under uniaxial loading by 4 flat jacks. The outside
boundary of the surrounding rock is fixed because the rock, far from the sample and the flat
jacks, have negligible displacement.
Figure 4a shows the undeformed blocks before loads are applied. Figure 4b shows the deformed
blocks after step 20 with friction angle(ф= 0°. Figure 4c shows the deformed blocks after step
20 with friction angle ф = 40°.
The input data were the following: number of steps 20, stiffness of contact springs 1000, step
time interval 1.5, unit mass 0.3, ratio of maximum displacement 0.010, fixed points at outside
boundary 8, initial stresses of the two blocks as flat jacks σx = —0.05, σy = —0.05, τxy = 0, for
rock E1 = 1, vl = 0.24, for the flat jacks E2 = 0.01, v2 = 0.4.

Example 3: Deformation of a square-shape tunnel

The example of Figure 5a is a square shape tunnel where the joints are horizontal and vertical
and all blocks also have square sections. The loads are initial stresses of all blocks. The outside
boundary isfixed.The unique feature of this example is the mesh; the loads and the fixed points
are symmetric with two symmetric axes: ox and oy. All of the results of this example should
have the same symmetries.
Figures 5b, 5c show the deformed blocks after step 3 and step 25 respectively. The shaded
areas are the remaining tunnel space after the expansion of the rock masses.
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Input data were the following: number of steps 25, stiffness of contact springs 1000, step time
interval 0.7, unit mass 0.3, ratio of maximum displacement 0.010, initial stresses of all blocks
σx = — 3, σy = — 3, τxy = 0, for all blocks E = 5, v = 0.2, Φ = 0.

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