Final Presentation Outline

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McKenzie Filipek

College Writing 1120

Kristine Koyama
2 May 2019
Final Presentation
My topic was human trafficking.

What is Human Trafficking: Human Trafficking is the illegal taking of a person, or multiple
people without consent, and using them for sex, labor, and other things.
My thesis is that human trafficking is a huge controversial issue, and something needs to me
done to stop and prevent it, along with here in the community of Duluth.

What is the problem: The problem is the taking of these people are what they are used for. It
is sad to see how this is happening and nothing is really being done to stop it. These people are
used against their own will and forced to perform duties and be the best they can be, and even
then, they still get beaten.

Who: This is affecting everyone? Lots of men think that it will not happen to them, and yes, it is
more likely to happen to women for sex, but if it is not just for sex, no one is safe. These two
quotes states how it is happening to everyone (stating boys, girls, men, and women). Also
showing how there are more Native Americans taken.

Where: Some people think that this is only happening in different countries or in big cities, truth
is, this is happening all over the world. This is happening in a community you live in and many
do not know this. This can happen at any time of the day.

How: Here in Duluth it is said that many of the victims that are trafficked, are taken by ship.
These people are taken, placed in crates or in hidden places of the ship, and brought to different
areas along the great lakes. Many victims are taken to Thunder Bay, Ontario.

What can be done to help: For this issue to be less occurring in the world but mainly here in
Duluth, a couple things need to be put in place. More awareness, more cameras all over the city
and on the ships, and more police. With these things done, it will ensure for a safer community
because there are more witnesses and help available.

In conclusion, this is a major issue that is happening all over the world, but especially here in
Duluth. With certain measures taken for more safety, this problem is less likely to occur and this
will be a more safe city for all people.

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