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Fourth grade

Narrative writing unit

Day 7: Author’s craft/characterization
Lesson Overview: In this lesson, students will learn about the importance of utilizing
author’s craft and characterization in their writing. Students watch a video called “What is

Author’s Craft”. Teacher reads from a mentor text while students look for author’s craft

and character development (characterization). Students are given time to continue

working on their drafts, focusing today on adding in author’s craft/characterization.

Time: 60 minutes

Resources or Materials Needed

• Sticky notes

• Student Writing Notebooks

• Pencils


• SMART Board

• Access to video: What is Author’s Craft?

Performance Objective: Students will revise writing pieces to add author’s

craft/characterization to their original drafts. Student revisions will be evaluated using a

criterion-based rubric, in which a minimum of 3 out of 4 is achieved.

Step 1: Pre-Instructional Activities

• Students will engage in a “Quiet 10”, during which time, students are to silently write for

ten minutes without stopping.

• Students are given the prompt, “Introducing: My Bestie” and are encouraged to introduce
their reader to their very best friend – using as many details as they can. They can include

the way they look, the types of activities they like to do, and any funny stories they’d like!

Step 2: Content Presentation

• Students will join teacher at carpet area, and are asked to bring a pencil with them

• Teacher will pass each student a sticky note

• Teacher will tell students, “today we are going to learn about author’s craft and how to

use author’s craft to help make our personal narratives even better!”

• Teacher will show students the video “What is Author’s Craft?” telling them to pay special attention to

the different ways author’s add special features into their writing to engage their


• Students are asked to jot down 2-3 ideas that they would like to add into their own


• After the video, students turn to shoulder partners to discuss the ideas of how they are

going to edit their work to add in “author’s craft”

Step 3: Learner Participation

• Students will return to their seats

• Students are instructed to open their notebooks to their original draft continue drafting
their work, now referring to the sticky note to add in “author’s craft” to make their stories

even better

Step 4: Assessment

• During learner participation, teacher will be walking around, formatively assessing

students on their “author’s craft” using a criterion-based rubric.

Step 5: Follow-Through Activities

• Students participate in a stand-up-hand-up-pair-up activity in which they mix around

the room, find a new partner (must be a different partner from yesterday), and switch


• Partners are looking for author’s craft!

• Partners will provide feedback to one another on their work thus far.

• Author’s Point of View Quiz (Page 4)

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