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© © Loe says at six o'clock and in the evening. PET ~€©@) PET candidates often make mistakes with candidates often make mistakes with prepositions of time. Circle the correct option in italics in sentences 1-5. The weather is cold in /(@ijnight. School starts at 8 o'clock on / in the morning. We got there at / on Friday evening, Vl see you on / at 4 o'clock. His birthday is on / in July. @© Work in pairs. PET candidates often make mistakes with verb + noun combinations. Circle the correct option in italics in sentences 1-7. 1 2 3 6 7 I made / (took) an exam two weeks ago. 1 [have to go to the university because I'm sitting / passing my exam today. 2 I'm in my classroom, writing / taking this exam. I began to run because I was afraid of losing / 3 missing the schoo] bus. 4 learn / study every weekend for my exams. Near the hotel there is a golf course, so we've 5 decided to go there to learn / study golf. I think our new teacher will learn / teach us alot. © © PET candidates often make spelling mistakes with regular_7 past tense forms. Correct one spelling mistake in sentences 1-7 § and say why it is wrong 2 3 4 5 6 7 @ © PET candidates also make mistakes with irregular past simple enjoyed 9 We enjoted ourselves a Jot.'0" is a vouel before "so the “y’ cossn't charge ‘i We plaid football all day. [ planed two things for the holiday, He aveled around the world two years ago. It was very hot se Lopenned the window. [really must tell you what happend to me. My dad studyed French at school. forms. Correct one mistake in sentences 1-6. ate ‘We eated spaghetti at lunchtime She buyed us a lot of presents. choosed a part-time course because | didn’t have a lot af free time. I was riding my bike when {felt off it He had short hair and he Weared glasses. In your email you writed you had a lot of exams. 0 carcte the correct option in italics in sentences 1-5 written by PET candidates. 1. My father went to Paris on a business journey. 2. I've won a mnp / journey to America for two people staying in a five-star hotel 3. We mpped / travelled around ‘my country and bought some 4 I’ve just got back from Greece. It was a wonderful travel / trip 5 [was really afraid of flying so Iwas very nervous about my travel / journey. ousune prepositions of place like in, at and on. Circle the correct option in italics in each of these sentences. You can stay in /(@i)my house. We're staying at / it different rooms. My bedroom is the best room of / in my house. It's @ large room at / on the second floor. Thave some photos in / on the wall. Also I have a big window in / on the left of my bed aueune @ © Correct one mistake with a verb troveled Some years ago I traveled to England with a friend called Bruno. Yesterday I woke up very early because I was planing to go to the beach. Tonly payed 25 euros for these boots. Last weekend, | founded a very good restaurant in my town. I went to the shopping centre and there I baught some new clothes. While my brother was playing football, he felt and injured his leg. My friend Sara bringed her dog to school one day. I met Holly a very long time ago. We were studing at the same school. In the first lesson our English teacher teached us some new words for sports. We puted all our things in the car and we set off for the mountains. ©. PET candidates often make mistakes with comparisons. Correct one mistake in each of these sentences. taller He was fafer than me and more handsome too, 2 This cinema is more better than the cinema in Enfield 3 Idon’t like the countryside even if itis mare safe than cities. 4 [like living in the eity much more that the countryside 5 The restaurant had bigger windows as my school sports hall 6 The food here is much more expensive then in my country. © © Correct one mistake made by PET candidates with the form or spelling of the comparative or superlative adjective in sentences 1-6. biggest In the centre is the #igest market in Europe, This town is more quiet than the town [used to live in, That is the worse joke I have ever heard in all my life. I was so hungry that I decided to go to the nearst restaurant Big cities are much more better than the countryside. ‘Tunisia is the hotest place I've ever been to. @ © These sentences contain mistakes with modals made by PET candidates. Say what the errors are (e.g. wrong word order, wrong tense, etc.) and correct them. We can te goto the cinema next weekend. Medals are foktowed by the infinitive without te I know it may seems strange. Sorry but tomorrow I'm not can go. What we could do? Here we can doing a lot of sports. You will might sce them in December. It's could be quite boring for you. We could met at 8 o'clock near the cinema ©O Tick (V) the sentences 1-8 written by PET candidates which are right. Correct the sentences which are wrong. 1 2 3 1 jumped into my car. / 1 got into the train. Could you come at time, please? She said ‘Come with me’. I followed her and we got on the car. I’m going to start lessons this Monday, but I can’t go on bus We just wanted to get off the plane. Then we headed back home by foot. She finally got into the plane. ' © PET candidates often make mistakes when describing clothes. Correct one mistake in sentences 1-6, colourful 1 Most of the time, I wear a colowrfwrH shirt, tight black jeans, and my favourite boots, My best friend always wears beautifuls clothes. ‘The bride wore a long and white wedding dress. Not long ago I bought three new fashion T-shirts, At weekends, of course, 1 wear jeans and T-shirt Yesterday I bought some brown shoes and a blue trouser. wn ane © © PET candidates often make mistakes with the present perfect and the past simple and their common adverbs. Correct the mistakes in sentences 1-12. 1 #¥e bought some clothes last week. 2) My cousin has lived with us since three years ago. 3. [haven't seen him for ages because he’s gone to Dubai a few years ago. 4 We've gone to the cinema three times this month. Let’s do something else. 5 Already I've been to a few shops to look for new shoes. © Istill can’t find my watch. I looked for it everywhere in my room. 7 Paris is the best place I’ve never been to for clothes. 8 [lost a beautiful pair of gloves which my mother has given me for my birthday. 9° With the money you sent me, I will buy the World Cup T-shirt which just came into the shops. 10 We're planning to see a film tonight, but we didn't decide which film yet. 1. We also have a wonderful cinema in my town. It has opened six months ago. 12 Write soon and tell me what happened to you recently. @O Too and enough can be difficult for students. Tick (/) the sentences 1-8 written by PET candidates which are right. Correct the sentences which are wrong. 1 That's the way I like it: not too hot and not too cold. ¥ © © PET candidates often find it difficult to put the 2 We didn’t have enough money for to buy new right verb and the right sport together, Correct ‘the mistakes in sentences 1-6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 | prdetse horse riding twice a week You can make a lot of sports and activities. Jn winter you can make snowboarding, We have done table tennis, At fits, we made aerobics. We played windsurfing instruments. 3. [like it too much because it’s a nice place. 4. [gave her enough money for get not only one, but two ice-creams, 5 [can’t buy it because it’s too much expensive. 6 It was hot enough to spend the whole day in the water. 7 In the summer | like wearing a T-shirt and a skirt, because it’s too hot for wearing trousers. 8 Spring has begun but it is not enough warm yet to walk in the hills.

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