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Portfolio 2018-19

High School Academic Reflection


You are now about twenty months away from high school graduation. Over the course of those
months, you will be starting to make decisions about who you are as a young adult, where you
want to be, and what you want to do with your life beyond high school. Take a moment to reflect
on where you have been and where you are going.

So far my High School career is going great a the moment and really excited to be a Senior next
year i honestly feel like i'll give my all so i can make my parents proud. I know where i am as a
an young adult i have a goal and i know what i want to do with my life.

Think of a class that you have had success with over the course or your high school career. Why
do you think you were successful in this particular class? What did you do to help yourself?
What did your teacher do? What have you discovered about what works for you as a learner?

A class that has helped me improve through the course of the year was the AP Spanish class. It
has helped me improve more my speaking skills and i know for sure that learning a different
language will give me the opportunity to communicate with others and obtain a well paid job in
the future.

Now think of a class that you have struggled with in some way. Why do you think you had a
harder time with this particular class? What did you do/not do that might have impacted the
experience? What might have helped?

So far Algebra was my hardest class because math isn't really my favorite subject i'm not really
engaged to it i can learn math but it will take me awhile to understand.

At this point, where do you see yourself when you graduate from high school? College, J.C.,
trade school, work world, travel,....?
Portfolio 2018-19

At this very point i see myself graduating with a lot of emotions, going in to a two year college at
the SRJC and then transfer into a four year University and have a career that i love and enjoy.

What goals will you have to accomplish, academically speaking, in order to get yourself to
where you want to be?

Well this year i will be attending the SRJC health program for the summer and i will learn a lot
about the medical field and see where i could go after that. Doing this program will benefit me
and forsure caught my eye.

What SPECIFIC strategies could you adopt over the course of this year to help yourself?
I will just be independent and get my work done and by doing that its been helping me and
improving my grades it's a really useful strategie.

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