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Pedagog Iris cameras

Case Studies

October 2010
Traffic monitoring in Africa

 The system will be operated as a Public camera solution.

 The cameras are installed on sites that over look key roads
and Junctions.
 The system is launched using mass advertising to over 5
million potential customers.
 The customer contacts the admin centre and is sent an SMS
with an embedded URL, they click on the URL to register
and down load the application.
 The system uses the M-PESA system for easy payment
 The system has been designed to have a minimum of
100,000 live customers.
 The system may be upgraded to use the 3G camera where
the use of the additional bandwidth adds value to the
customer experience.
Base station protection

 Many base stations do not have fixed telecommunications links and rely on
physical guarding. It is a common experience that this approach does not
give the level of security and protection to ensue the sites are “on line”
100%. Common problems are theft of diesel, random theft of materials, and
general vandalism.
 Using the 2G/3G camera solution gives a security system that can monitor
key elements of the base station and also capture illegal action by the
security force.
 The typical system has two cameras per site, use the system break out box
to enable external alarms, lights and sirens, and to be able to monitor voice.
 The system enables rapid alarm notification to a single control centre, back
up with video recordings as well as being able to connect existing cameras
to the system.
 Already the system has captured a mobile operator employee who was
caught stealing diesel fuel.
Base station protection – a simple overview

Control centre
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©Pedagog 2010 4
Distance learning broadcast

 The 3G camera can be used as a simple form of Video conferencing. The

camera can be installed where there is 3G coverage and 12 volt supply.
The camera owner can then broadcast their video (including voice) via the
Middleware to multiple viewers, either to their handsets or to their web
viewers on their PCs.
 The system can be enhanced by the addition of an inexpensive mini
projector which is connected to a handset.
 This approach enables the provider for the training content (i.e. the camera
owner) to broadcast to each handset, which can then display the video onto
screen thus reaching out to multiple people at the handset site.
 This system is being made ready for launch into Uganda with the support of
the Government.
Office and home security

 Office and home security

 Both the 2G and 3G cameras can be used to give customers their own
security system. The customer can view live images from the camera (i.e.
check and make sure the home or office is OK).
 The cameras can also be set into the alarm mode so that the customer can
be informed when their premise is entered by illegal people.
 Get Alarm notifications by SMS or email
 View on your handset or web browser
3G Camera features

 The camera has (PIR) motion sensor, microphone and speaker, and a general
purpose input and output, a ‘record’ switch, with a rechargeable battery giving circa 2
hours backup, and a removable mini-SD memory storage card.

 In ‘live’ mode the camera is capable of streaming audio and video on demand at up
to 10 frames per second, with a video image size of QCIF (176x144 pixels). The
camera supports a ‘digital ptz’ facility which allows the user to zoom into any one of 9
zones in the main image.

 The camera allows for bi-directional audio between the camera and handset.

 In ‘alarm’ mode, on activation, the camera creates a short audio-video recording

starting from ~5 seconds before and finishing ~25 seconds after the activation event.
Recording of alarms uses a frame rate of no less than 5fps at CIF image size
(352x288 pixels) – all time and date stamped.

 If the local ‘record’ button is pressed, the camera creates a recording in the same
manner as for an alarm event.

 Embedded in the camera is a GPS capability allowing the camera positional

information to be linked with the video alarm videos stored on the server.

©Pedagog 2010

 Where is you vehicle fleet and are they safe?

 The 3G camera is also installed with a GPS function. Therefore the system
can monitor transport fleets linking location data and alarm indications and
 The 3G camera has “manual” record button (a “Panic” alarm button.) As an
example with the camera installed in a bus, the driver would be able to raise
the alarm if he/she was attacked.
 Enables control centre to monitor the “off” and “on” loading of goods.
 Monitor the driver – is he the registered driver?
Some success stories H

A leading chocolate manufacturer scored a crime fighting victory when four

members of its own security company were caught attempting to steal R50 000
worth of stock from their production factory. The arrests came about after the
security manager was sent an SMS from the IRIS security camera. The security
officers were arrested shortly thereafter.

A woman in Pretoria was able to instigate an arrest in her Eastern Cape holiday.
She was sent an SMS alert and she witnessed one of the guards, again from her
own security company in Boknes, inside her holiday home. She notified the
police immediately and the perpetrator was apprehended.

Mr. Garth Calitz from Secunda was at work when his IRIS SMS came through at
around midday. He raced over to his home and managed to detain the burglar
until the police arrived. The burglar is currently in jail awaiting trial.

A mobile network operator installed the cameras to protect their base stations.
Within 24 hours a non authorized employee was caught by the system stealing
equipment. That employee has now been dismissed.

©Pedagog 2010

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