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written by Shazia Hobbs29th April 2019


Writer and Author Shazia Hobbs delves into the murky world of hypocrisy
with this thought-provoking piece…
There are those who cry at being called Islamophobe yet think nothing of calling
others anti-Semitic. These people sometimes threaten to sue for libel if called
‘racist’, while accusing others of being anti-Semitic, often merely because they
choose not to stand with Israel on every issue or indeed any issues.

Most of the people on the right applaud, cheer and tell me I am brave when I speak
the truth about Islam and the many harmful practices that occur in the Muslim
communities. Yet many of these very same people are shocked and disgusted if I
mention the Jews or Judaism in anything other than positive terms.

Why is it okay to criticise one and not the other? When did this protection occur
and when did we become so scared to say anything for fear of being labelled a
Nazi or an anti-Semite?
The first known use of the word ‘anti-Semitism’ was in 1860 and originated primarily
because one group of people thought that they were superior to another.

This very thing is happening right now with any criticism of Islam, as high-profile
Muslims are trying to change the law in order to make criticising Islam a criminal
offence. Some political parties and groups are accepting definitions of
Islamophobia that don’t even make sense. What is ‘expressing Muslimness’?

Islamophobia is a made up word created, some say, by the Muslim Brotherhood to

protect Islam from scrutiny.

Where is the protection for Christians from both Muslims and Jews? Are they not
afforded the same protection from ‘Christianphobia’ by ‘anti-Christianites’?

When we discuss the paedophilia, which is all too common in the Catholic Church,
no one accuses us of being a racist or a “Catholicphobic”. Nobody tries to silence
us or smear us, and all discussions and criticisms are allowed.

Try to get into a discussion about the rabbis who suck the circumcised penis of an
eight-day-old baby boy and just you wait for the accusations of anti-Semite. The
more ‘open-minded’ people will tell you it is their culture and who are we to

Where are the feminists protesting about the femicide of Muslim women? When is
the Women’s March going to take place in solidarity for all the women murdered for
being women and not behaving quite as the men wanted them to? Smash the
patriarchy but not the Islamic one? And again the ‘hush now its part of their culture’
excuse is given. We are supposed to be in a post-enlightenment world!

Draw a cartoon of Mohammed and then watch as the Muslims in Islamic countries,
Pakistan especially, riot and burn effigies of whoever organised it while calling for
the death of all those who insult Islam and Mohammed. This behaviour is rightly
criticised by those ‘on the right’.

But draw a cartoon of Trump walking Benjamin Netanyahu on a leash and watch
how they call it ‘deeply anti-Semitic’ and are disgusted by it.

Draw a cartoon of Jesus smoking a spliff or cross-dressing and there is a deafening

silence and lack of concern and manufactured outrage. I remember singing ‘Jesus
Christ Superstar, wears frilly knickers and a Wonderbra, the bra’s too big so he
wears a wig and that’s why we call him a sexy pig,’ in the school playground.

So why can we mock and ridicule Christianity yet Islam and Judaism are protected,
or at least treated very differently?

We live in a world where you can be jailed for denouncing Islam and for saying the
Holocaust was fake or that you doubt the numbers of deaths, yet we can have total
freedom of speech for mocking Jesus and Christianity. Who is setting the ‘freedom
of speech’ rules?
Muslims and Jews are always portrayed as victims, even when we see that it is
Christians who are being persecuted and massacred all over the world. If
Muslims kill in a terror attack, mosques are guarded for fear of a ‘far right’
backlash (that never happens). On the rare occasion that Muslims are the victims
of terror, then an attempt to crack down on the whole of the right wing happens,
as we saw after Christchurch.

If you don’t stand with Israel then you are an anti –Semite because according to the
accusers, Israel is responsible for the stability in the Middle East. Stability for
whom? The Middle East is always fighting; holy wars for oil and the accusers want
us to believe there is stability.

The same accusers don’t call me Islamophobic for not standing with Saudi Arabia
or Pakistan.

The same people who are outraged over sharia patrols in the UK are silent about
Shomrim, an Orthodox Jewish neighbourhood watch group that patrols the streets
of northeast London protecting the Jewish population.

Those same people have probably never even heard of Hatzola, a voluntary
ambulance service funded by the Jewish community for the Jewish community.

Outraged over halal meat yet silent on kosher. We have even incorporated kosher
into every day language ‘if it’s kosher it’s good.’

People allow them to get away with it because they are a small group and by doing
so they allow others, who are a much larger group, to have free reign.

Both groups believe they are God’s chosen people and both groups call us kuffar or

Being raised to believe you are God’s chosen people must instil in you some sort of
superiority complex.

Christianity is the world’s largest religion yet Christians are not given free reign and
are constantly held accountable for the crimes of their ancestors.

Christians in the Middle East or Pakistan trying to escape the brutality and
oppression they are suffering are not given asylum in the UK. Take Asia Bibi, for
example, refused asylum in the UK for fear of upsetting Muslims and causing
‘community tensions’.

Jews have a home to go to if they are being persecuted and Muslims too can go
back to their ancestral homes. Where can Christians go? Where is their home?

And why am I an anti-Semite or Islamophobe to ask these questions?

Anti-Semitism means to be hostile or prejudiced against Jews and I am neither

hostile nor prejudiced.
Islamophobe means a person with a dislike or prejudice against Islam or Muslims,
especially as a political force, and I loathe Islam with a passion because I have
seen what it does first hand.

I believe that all religions, ideologies and people should be held to the same
standard of scrutiny and that no one race or religion should be given a free pass.

Freedom of speech and freedom of thought is under threat when religions are
protected by laws solely created to quell criticism.

We should all resist this before it is too late.





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