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Rubric For Presentations/Projects 2018-2019 Pre-AP Geometry

Name/Group Members: G. Linn Class Period: 6th

Score 3 2 1

Appropriate The student used the The student used the The student did not use
Medi/Technology appropriate form of media appropriate form of media the appropriate media or
or technology to present or technology to present technology and did not
Used information in an information but did not meet grade level
effective and grade level meet grade level expectations.
appropriate format. expectations.

Mathematical The student did not have The student made less The student made more
Accuracy any errors in than 2 mathematical than 2 mathematical
mathematical errors. errors.

Visual Evidence Student used media that Student used media and Students did not use
draws attention, presents presented the information appropriate media for this
information in an easy to clearly, but is not assignment.
understand format, and is appropriate for this
appropriate for the assignment.

Grammar No errors in grammar or The presentation contains The presentation contains

mechanics. a minimum of 2 errors in more than 2 errors in
grammar and mechanics. grammar and mechanics.

Organization Presentation discussion is The presentation The presentation does not

well written and well completely addresses address criteria/discussion
organized demonstrating discussion questions.
excellence. Presentation criteria/questions but
completely addresses contributes to the
discussion audience very little.
criteria/questions and
contributes to the

Total Score: 11/15 Teacher Comments: The information and

feedback is great!
However, the
screencastify with no
working screen is
disappointing. If the
background had been
appropriate then it would
have taken this project to
the next level!

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